Latent Syndrome

Chapter 481 480 Selene

Chapter 481 480. Selene

There is no such thing as a code for each top-level investigator, they all have their own unique code names.


It is the codename of the woman in front of me.

He seems to have a special liking for shiny things. His purple leather jacket and fingernails are decorated with sequins.

"It can be said……"

"That's right."

"How far has it gone?"

"Are you sure that person is the anonymous person?"

Selene wore indigo sunglasses and had silver hair. She was chewing gum and popping beads into men's cigarettes.

"Not entirely sure yet."

"But it's very possible."

"According to some witnesses, he used the soul-valuing Chaos Knife as a weapon."

"And a necromorph."

"There are actually quite a few lunatics who satisfy these two characteristics, but he also satisfies this one characteristic."

"The combat power is also exaggerated."

"Able to instantly kill people with an index of more than two."

"Synthesize these characteristics."

"There is a high probability that it is Anonymous."

R22 reported truthfully. After all, Selene, as a senior investigator, was his superior and the one who had conducted the transfer experiment.

The so-called transfer test.

By using the wisdom left behind by the mad master after his death, this kind of thing beyond three, combined with some characteristics of the Chaos Knife, can reach the material world to a certain extent.

Selene is a person who has succeeded, but this does not seem to have any impact on her personally. It may just create a projection in the material world that is completely separated from herself, just like the deep world frame projects all things in the sky.

"Is it."

"Thank you so much for your hard work."

Selene chewed gum and asked R22 for all the information about the suspect.

Although it is not allowed in terms of procedures, R22 has no choice. There is such a rule in the Tribunal of Truth that senior investigators have unconditional coercive power over general investigators.

R22 had no choice but to report truthfully.

He told Selene all the information he had observed.

ten minutes later.

"That's about it."

"He has made a deal with the head of the Wynn Casino branch, a woman named Pi."

"I will hide and cover his whereabouts in Fran City."

"It is possible that the two have had a relationship."

"When I was in that small border town, I met the woman named Pei, although she acted very calmly."

"But obviously just went through it, you know."

R22 does not say this clearly.

Hearing this, Selene's face turned pale.

"There may have been a relationship."


"I want a definite answer."

"Yes or no."

Selene stopped chewing gum, and R22 felt a cold aura even though she was wearing sunglasses.

"I said, I don't know, it's just a guess."

R22 didn't understand why Selene asked so carefully in such an insignificant place.

"never mind……"

"In order not to waste resources, I want you to reply to the peak immediately."

"The suspicion that that person is an unknown person has been ruled out."

Selene ordered.

R22 is a little confused. He is an experienced investigator and knows that even the ruling house has complex internal forces.

For a very large organization, the purposes of different departments are different. Some have to do whatever it takes to achieve their KPIs, and some do not care about gains and losses for other purposes. In many cases, conflicts may even arise.

In fact, R22 has done some research on Anonymous. Anonymous can definitely be called the oldest existence in the deep world, and it is also the most special existence, and has a lot of research value.

There is even a special department dedicated to hunting this man down.

He also discovered that many investigations related to Anonymous were concluded not long after they were initiated, and a small number of them ended at an unreasonable time. They were even eliminated as suspects in less than a day, which was obviously unreasonable.

There may be someone inside the Judgment Office who is helping Anonymous.

"This time is different."

"That person is highly suspicious."

"I think it would be best for you to go and take a look for yourself."

R22 doesn’t want all the hard work during this period to be wasted, and the matter has obviously advanced to the point where the identity is about to be confirmed, and there is only one final step, how can it end here?

"This is the senior investigating officer."

"My order."

"Do you have any dissatisfaction?"

"If you protest now, choose to disobey the order."

"I can't wait to go to the adjudication court. I can deal with you directly."


Selene continued to chew gum and issued a mandatory order to R22. Considering that directly eliminating the suspicion would have a certain impact, she asked R22 to change his words.

R22 frowned.

In the end, he followed Selene's instructions and reported to the summit that his judgment was wrong. The suspicion of the person he was pursuing was reduced and support was no longer needed.

After R22’s report.

Before I could react.

Selene snapped her fingers crisply. R22 looked a little horrified, and then his whole body seemed to be melting away. His body began to tilt and twist, and was condensed by a huge suction, and finally merged into Selene's body. In the palm of your hand, it was imprisoned and put into a stylish urban beauty satchel with a beautiful appearance.

After seeing the investigation project related to Anonymous Doe, Selene didn't care at all. Basically, people are listed as suspects every day. This is not unusual. Regarding the special pursuit team of Anonymous Doe, many of them are anti-Anonymous Doe. The devil is startling.

But this R22 investigation was different. The suspicion rate was particularly high. Selene thought it was necessary to come and take a look.

Because I came from an extremely far away place and passed through too many portals.

Even Selene felt a little uncomfortable. She pinched her eyebrows and felt a little dizzy. She got better after taking a few tablets.

Then based on the information she got from R22, she began to track down the unknown suspect. He is now in Fran City, treated as a VIP by Wynn Casino, and participated in folk sports that have only been held here for a long time.

Based on the address and room number, Selene made a call. It wasn't that she didn't want to go directly, but that this man was often a nervous and crazy person when he just woke up. He didn't say anything when he saw her several times. You have to take action if you say so. You must let him calm down and reason before he can speak properly.

Inside the Wynn Casino Hotel.

Anonymous looked down at the bright neon lights and busy traffic of Falan City and hung up the phone.

Although I don’t know who this woman is.

But it was still necessary to go there. Indeed, she had seen herself before.

Anonymous still suspected that it might be a trap by the enemy, and was ready to massacre the city at any time.

He randomly chose a nearby tavern and didn't care much about the location.

Then he held up two human heads and put on a real "mask".

Left the room.

As for the meals carefully prepared by nutritionists on the table.

He had already dumped them all in the trash can.

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