Latent Syndrome

Chapter 482 481 Goodbye

Chapter 482 481. Goodbye

When Anonymous went out, in order to protect his personal safety, the internal staff of Wynn Casino offered to arrange bodyguards for him.

But was rejected by Anonymous.

The bodyguard is just a cover, and besides, he has no need for such a thing with his level of strength. What Wynn Casino is worried about is that he will be poached by other casinos, missing a seed player who is expected to win the championship.

In fact, there are not many strong people with an index of 2.5 or above in Falan City. According to rough statistics, although there are not more than a hundred people, it is still a considerable number.

The reason why some people don't participate in wrestling competitions is because they cherish their lives. After finally climbing to their current position, there is no need to risk their lives like fools.

Those who still participate in the competition at this level are either too greedy, or they are really tired of life.

Anonymous has a little bit of both, money is very important, the hard currency here is the soul, the base material of all things, it can be processed into various props, and can also be used as individual combat rations, the more the better.

"I don't want anyone watching me."


Anonymous gave an ultimatum to several hotel employees, once again rejecting their kindness, and explicitly forbidding anyone to follow him. Once they discovered that he might unilaterally tear up the contract with Wynn Casino, these people could not afford such consequences. .

Although it is said that unilaterally tearing up the contract will result in a sky-high liquidated damages, Anonymous does not care about this, and the comprador class in Falan City cannot stop the abuse of power and corruption. Whichever camp he chooses to join, he will be able to bear it for himself.

So when Jane Doe left the hotel, no one followed him.

Instead, I received a phone call immediately.

It was the CEO of Wynn Casino calling.

Anonymous was speechless. The speed with which these thieves reported was staggering.

After the call was answered, the executive was greeted with greetings.

Anonymous doesn't talk nonsense either.

The lion opened his mouth directly.

"Find five hundred thousand and use it."

"Money is tight lately."

So he said.

"No problem, just tell me if you don't have enough money."

The CEO agreed without hesitation and told someone to send him to Jane Doe's room immediately.

Anonymous was shocked and awesome.

After some blending, Anonymous said that he liked the attitude and sincerity of Wynn Casino very much and was very willing to continue cooperation, but he just wanted to hang out for a while.

After getting rid of the casino boss's doubts, Anonymous called a taxi and headed to the agreed-upon location with the woman on the other end of the phone.

The driver looked at the art on Jane Doe's face, and the leather face that was a little cracked because of no embalming work.

"I know there is a Masked Silver Party Club."

"You're going there, right?"

The driver said righteously.


He was silent for ten seconds.


"I want to go there."

after an hour.

When Selene arrived at the agreed place chosen by the Anonymous, she had to lament how stingy she was. Only this was the same in every life. She was probably a loan shark or something like that during her lifetime.

Moreover, Nameless Doe was far past the agreed time. It was not that he was wary of herself and was observing in secret. With her perceptual ability, she could detect it. It was just that he was late for the appointment.

Selene is ready to leave. After all, this is a shady matter. Although it is not completely confirmed, it is possible that she is the notorious most wanted criminal in the deep world.

Finally, Anonymous just happened to get stuck and entered this extremely cheap cafe. Among the scattered tables of people, he saw Selene sitting alone in a very fancy dress.

He was no nonsense and straight to the point.

Zhibangbang walked over and sat down.

"Who the hell are you?"

Anonymous asked calmly, and then started smoking indoors without any quality.

He went to that club to observe it for a while, but did not participate. He just thought it was quite cool, but there was a fee for just watching, which cost him three thousand yuan.

Before Selene could speak.

"Three thousand."

Anonymous exhaled a long puff of smoke, plain and simple.

"Three thousand...what three thousand."

Selene observed his body shape, and it was indeed the same as that person, but he was wearing a sick mask and could not see his true appearance.

"To show your sincerity."

"You need three thousand dollars and give it to me now."

Anonymous said shamelessly, asking for money no matter who he saw.

Selene didn't care about the small money, she just couldn't bear to see someone being more arrogant than herself. If she found out later that this person was not a nameless person, she would be tripped up by him, and he would be caught and imprisoned in the prison of the Judgment Office. Let’s talk about it in 20,000 years.

Like handing out money to a feverish dancer in a striptease club, Selene took out a stack of banknotes, to be precise, a universal basic soul with an index of 0.5. She dragged the stack of banknotes with one hand, and seemed to be sharpening it with the other hand. One by one, the potatoes flew towards the unknown person.

"Wild enough, I like it."

Anonymous also cared about it, and steadily caught it with his hands.

While the Nameless One was concentrating on picking up money and his defensive awareness was weak, Selene pulled off his human skin mask, revealing the face of a gentle scum with a terrifying scar.

Although what wanders in the deep world is just someone's eternal obsession and has no essence, it will still retain some of the appearance characteristics of his life, which are related to self-awareness. It is often the impression of himself that he has seen in the mirror.

"Good guy."

"It's really you."

"As a notorious and most wanted criminal."

"You actually have the nerve to show off and participate in the French Federation's wrestling competition."

Selene breathed a sigh of relief, because the strange chaos in the deep world has expanded to an extent that is gradually irresistible. Although all the dead souls are still in a state of being deceived, in fact, it will not be long before the original origin of all things is annihilated. Chaos will swallow everything up.

The ruling house was also divided into two factions with different opinions. One group believed that the ancient rules of the ruling house should be adhered to and everything should be solved according to the wisdom of the predecessors. The other group believed that all forces should be united to eradicate this disaster, even at the risk of the world. Unexpectedly, he used evil methods to transfer people into the main material world to find the source of the disaster, but except for a very long time ago, there was no news.

Some people, including Selene, as well as some senior officials of the Judgment Office, believe that everyone should know the truth, and then integrate all forces to jointly resist the source of the chaos.

Even guys like Anonymous can let go of the past for a while.

"I don't understand, it's none of my business."

"Jane Doe did everything."

"It has nothing to do with me."

"I'm just a hard-working person who hopes to earn a living in the death game."

Anonymous put three thousand yuan into his pocket and motioned to the cafe owner to make two cups of the cheapest and rubbish coffee.

"Did you sleep with a woman named Pi from the Wynn Casino?"

Selene suddenly asked in a nonsensical way.

"Damn it."

"You are really my mistress at a certain stage. Yes."

"It's okay."

Anonymous told the truth, on the sofa, bathroom, floor, balcony, dining table, bay window, and even the washing machine, but not on the bed.

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