Latent Syndrome

Chapter 498 497 The Death of Reality

Chapter 498 497. The Death of Reality

The chains burning with the blood-red Howling Karma Fire burned away the fragments of memory, and then the Nameless Doe violently pulled them out of Randy's Heavenly Spirit Cap.

These crazy and violent memories surged through Randy's body from that wound.

A series of hideous and cruel paintings, all the bloody and dark paints are sprayed with the most ecstasy, dripping into his eternal obsession.

Anonymous has found the best way to torture him, and no method can compare to the unbearable past that tightly controlled him every inch.

Since then.

He was confused all day long, living in the cocoon of sin he had woven by himself, in the absurd and cruel lies.

He became even more cruel and surly.

Even after the war is over.

He still had objects to torture.

As long as terror and evil are regarded as creeds, more heinous and ridiculous crimes will be committed to dilute the last or previous sins.

Not only torture others, but also torture yourself.

Many years have passed, and although it has been a peaceful era, he is the only one living in that past event.


After executing a certain person, he discovered a horrifying fact.

There is no longer any kind of torture that can dilute the memories.

When he came back to his senses, he was already at the end of death and sin.


He is also in a new era.

Huffman Randy.


The burning fire of karma reflected the blue round sunglasses into the bright red of purgatory.

While Randy was silent and indifferent.

The Nameless One took out the Chaos Blade, and with a force more majestic than the rivers, rivers, lakes and seas, he formed a pure spiritual blade and slashed it towards Randy's neck.

An attempt was made to make the head into an accessory and hang it on the waist.

"You should be grateful to me."

"I helped you find the supreme secret that every dead soul in the deep world dreams of and cannot obtain in eternity."

"A boring one..."

"mad Men."

"This is who you are."

Just when the mental blade was about to cut off Randy's neck.

But he showed more power than before.

No regrets whatsoever.

Nor any ecstasy.

The cold wire knife curled up and bounced back the spiritual sharp blade.

At this point, the stories about SCT and the Countermeasure Bureau heard from the ghost's mouth, as well as these memories, are completed together.

"You're wrong."

"These are just memories."

"The so-called essence..."

"It's a... acquired thing."

"Pain is the only nobility."

"Neither earth nor hell can erode it."

"To weave a crown of supreme laurels."

"We must gather the power of the universe."

"This is who I am."

Randy was stunned in place, looking at the food on the table, and it suddenly felt like a lifetime ago. Compared with the long years of traveling in the deep world, that short past was just a fleeting moment.


After an eternity.

Nothing is indelible.

He thought nothing could ever dilute that memory.

But except for the return of all things.

Except this...

Primordial Chaos.


"Isn't it the same as the essence?"

Anonymous repeated. In the blink of an eye, this man lost all his will to fight. He originally planned to take action, but now it was like a plate of cold water poured down on him. His old enemy turned out to be such a sentimental person.

The news about Selene was breaking, but now Nameless is only focused on the matter in front of her.

"there is nothing……"

"It doesn't get more desperate than this."

Randy suddenly realized that it seemed as if everything had returned to its full circle.

From something to nothing.

From nothing to something.

When a person truly dies, it is after he discovers his true nature.

It's really too cruel.

This is the real thing...

The most painful and intoxicating.

Miracles performed by God.

Original chaos, everything returns to its original state.

"you are right……"

"Very correct."

So far.

Randy has always regarded the power of the abyss and the abyss syndrome as a gift.

Completely defeated by this abyss.

Finally there is a supreme evil.

Dilute everything with it.

I couldn't see his gaze through those sunglasses, but I was slightly choked up.

Because I didn't expect that it would be like this, that it would end like this.

After all, the memories you seek after spending eternity turn out to be... what you have long since failed to obtain, and you long for the end of it.

And all the moods.

It has long been in eternity and has become as hard as a stone, unable to make any ripples.

And he finally.

Completely penetrated, real death.

It also penetrated into my own...

grim Reaper.

"you know……"

"After a person dies, he does not actually achieve true death. The spirit he radiates still wanders in the deep world, and these spirits containing resentment or unwillingness cannot be erased and suffer in eternal pain."

"There is only one condition for relief from this pain."

"Then find..."

"My own essence."

"Even if that's ridiculous..."

"you are right."

"Even the most tragic death is but a continuation of the chemical elements."

"Just like Joan of Arc's burning at the stake, it is at best an... oxidation reaction."

Without warning.

Randy began to set himself on fire.

Even Anonymous has never seen such a weird scene. It was an extremely gorgeous and beautiful flame of various colors rising from Randy's feet.

Anonymous looked cold and tried to stop him, because he had retrieved memories for this person. He might be the first person to retrieve memories in the deep world, and he also knew himself.

But it was useless. The flame seemed to be transformed by the original will, making it impossible for the Nameless One to get even closer. Even if he was as powerful as him, he could not compete with it.

"You are too powerful."


"Since the beginning."

"There has never been anyone as powerful as you."

"It seems to permeate all the past and all the future."

"Only you can end this chaos."

"The host of the original chaos is hunting you."

"Time is running out."

"You must before eternity is destroyed."

“Get your essence back.”

The multi-colored flames burned half of Randy's body to ashes, not like every obsession was scattered and wandered in the deep world when it was crushed.

But it was truly burned.

"The host of the original chaos?"

Anonymous felt that the meaning was unclear.

"A disembodied wandering soul."

"If he wishes."

"You can get into any personality."

"Every seat is empty for him."

"You must reach the sea of ​​memories."

“Get your essence back in the right way.”

"That's the only way."

"In order to compete."

"Primal Chaos, the Abyss of Stars."


Randy was completely destroyed by the abyss.


The death of reality.

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