Latent Syndrome

Chapter 499 498 The Desert of Thoughts

Chapter 499 498. Desert of Thoughts

After one hour.

Inside the Tribunal of Truth.

The teleportation array leading to Wanling City.

Anonymous strongly requested to arrive at the City of All Souls first, because this message was engraved on his tattoo. According to Selene, the Tower of Eternity was guarded by a terrifying person. To be on the safe side, Anonymous thought it would be better to try another location first. Water, No. 169, Youhun Street, Wanling City.

"You've been a little absent-minded."

Selene has asked internal staff to activate the teleportation array and reach All Souls City. She has already plundered enough wealth. This is the prerogative of the searcher.

"Nothing, I just met a weirdo."

Anonymous was a little regretful. He thought he could find clues about himself from Randy, but in the end he just said a lot of meaningless words.

But this is really... too cruel.

Something that took an eternity to find.

It turned out to be...

Trying every possible means to give up.

An inconvenience.

"I think I saw a little bit of the circle."

"Understood one of the nesting patterns."

"When a person finds his own essence."

"It will be burned."

"The exact opposite of the universe."

"From something to nothing, from nothing to something."

"Everyone has his own..."

"The Circle of Pain."

Anonymous said, does he also have a ring?

"Wow, that sounds very profound."

"very good."

"You are slowly changing back to the nameless person I am familiar with."

"This is you."

"A wise man."

"Rather than someone who says, I don't understand, it's none of my business."

As the teleportation array was opened, Selene took the lead to walk to the teleportation array and made a gesture of invitation to the nameless person. Although she did not understand the meaning of the nameless words, she was used to it. The nameless person was always a crazy talker. .

"I don't understand, it's none of my business."

Anonymous regained his composure. On the way back, he tried to pierce the karmic fire chain into himself, but there was no reaction at all. It could only work on others.


"I really want to jerk off."

The Deep Blue Realm runs deep into multiple planes. Even if Selene has the ability to reach the sky, she cannot avoid being swallowed up by the chaos and can only let nature take its course.

This is not a matter within the jurisdiction of the ruling of truth. All people here can only place their hopes on themselves.

The big shock and electric power are glad that they can be carried away to escape this disaster. This so-called fashionable item is still worthy of it.

Wumingshi no longer hesitated and stood on the teleportation array.

at this time.

The staff of the Judgment Office who was responsible for opening and closing the teleportation array nearby used simple power, with some sparks flashing from their fingers, destroying some of the internal structures of the teleportation array, and erasing some of the burned souls, causing the teleportation array to lose its original appearance. The coordinates of the position.

Selene, who was already in the teleportation formation, was shocked.

"What are you crazy about?"

Of course Selene knew the consequences, which were devastating.


"Everything is under control."


He said it numbly and with no expression on his face.


Before Anonymous could finish speaking, a certain obsession was triggered and he wanted to kill this employee, but his vision was already black and the world was spinning.

I don’t know if it’s been a second or a century.

Anonymous suddenly opened his eyes.

Have arrived at a completely desolate place.

The endless arid wasteland stretches as far as the eye can see, with no grass growing, only the whistling yellow sand and the scorching sun.

Only three things exist here.

The blazing sun.

Windy sand.


Anonymous hurriedly looked around.

"Fortunately, there is also a beautiful woman."

"Otherwise it would be hell."

If it were a dinosaur, Anonymous would abandon it without hesitation and then run wildly in any direction.

Selene also regained consciousness, pinched her eyebrows, and scanned her surroundings.


"Schemed by SCT."

"It would be okay if he just destroyed the recorded coordinates. He might be teleported to any random place in the deep world."

"He's destroying the underlying structure."

"We have come to...a desert of ideas."

Selene let out a long sigh. Even as the highest-ranking investigator of the ruling office, she fell into an extremely passive situation.

Unexpectedly, at the most critical moment, someone inside turned against him. Can SCT control anyone at will? It was clear that all internal staff had been spelled with absolute loyalty, yet they were actually destroyed.

"A desert of thought?"

Anonymous was puzzled.

The great shock of being hung by an unknown person is like mourning an heir.

"It's over!"

"It's really over!"

"I've heard of this place."

"The degree of evil is comparable to that of Wanling City."

"You can go anywhere in Wanling City, and you can return to Wanling City anywhere."

"And here."

"You can only get stuck here if the teleportation array is down."

"It is said..."

"There's no way out!"

Big Shock screamed in extreme fear, almost crying. After struggling for so many years, he didn't expect to fall down.

Electric Power was also frightened for a moment, but when he saw that the Nameless Doe had found memories for others before, he couldn't believe that such a strange thing happened. He thought that the Nameless Doe was really the one who could end the chaos. He believed that the Nameless Doe had a way to get rid of it. Leave here.

"It doesn't matter."

"As long as I collapse together with this plane, it will be fine."

"Maybe we can just tear open a portal and come out."

Anonymous has no doubts about his own strength, and this body still has endless potential that has not yet been developed.

Selene hurriedly grabbed him.


"It's not that simple."

"It's not that I don't believe you can destroy this plane."

Selene knew that Nameless Doe was far more capable than that. Those who united to kill him in his previous life were all the most powerful beings in the deep world. Even so, they needed to work together to be able to fight against Nameless Doe.

He is the top and only existence in the entire deep world pyramid.

"Only if you destroy the portal leaving here."

"Only one deserves to cry."

"Even if you forcibly burst a portal, it might actually lead to a deeper level of ideological desert."

"That's why it's called a desert of ideas."

"It's the product of a system outage."

"All the people who have crashed in the teleportation array throughout the ages are lost here."

"It's definitely a lot."

"It's better to find someone to ask about the situation first."

Selene judged calmly, and suddenly began to regret that she had forgotten the contents of the investigator training manual. As a giant organization, the Judgment of Truth has corresponding countermeasures even for this situation, but she... forgot, But she was embarrassed to say it, it was really embarrassing, so she had to think about it slowly.

"What you said makes sense."

Nameless agreed with Selene.

Ten days later.

The blazing sun.

Windy sand.


Stop talking about people.

Not a single bug was seen.


Anonymous cursed and prepared to destroy this plane.

at this time.

He faintly heard a faint sound.

it seems that.

The sound of a locomotive engine.

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