Latent Syndrome

Chapter 503 502 Illuminati

Chapter 503 502. Illuminati

"Look, the Illuminati camp is ahead."

"My sense of direction is correct."

Gordon stopped the motorcycle, his heart was already beating. He decided to take a look at the situation first. If everything was fine, he would put the previous plan into action and sell the two of them.

The Great Shock has been cultivating in various lawless areas of the Deep Realm for a long time. Isn't it because the observation of words and emotions has broken through the shackles of the Three? They have been observing Gordon all the way. There is definitely something wrong with this person.

As the ultimate old yinbi, Da Shock began to put himself in Gordon's shoes and reason. What would he do if he were Gordon?

Immediately started the private chat mode with Anonymous.

"Gordon has something on his mind."

"It would be better to kill him."

Big Shock suggested.

Anonymous looked at the Biker Party camp in the distance. It was quite spectacular. Although it couldn't even compare to the small border town he went to in the first place, it was still a settlement.

With strong wilderness characteristics.

Because speedsters in the wasteland often do not build cities in order to avoid various disasters, such as large-scale wars that break out between major forces for resources, and the aftermath of battles with some powerful forces, souls can not only be processed into motorcycles, but also RVs. , ice cream truck and the like.

Since the wasteland is all flat land without any obstacles, the aftermath of the battle between the great powers spreads very quickly, which can be called a natural disaster.

The camp in front of me belongs to the Illuminati. Hundreds of various RVs, as well as food trucks and ice cream trucks are parked there.

The colors and styles are different, and the aesthetic styles of everyone in the wasteland are also relatively unconventional. From a distance, it looks like an amusement park.

What really sets it apart from an amusement park is that.

There are also more than twenty steel chariots with exaggerated shapes that can accommodate dozens of people. They have high-tech gun barrels with a strange shape. They are two huge fork-shaped spikes close together. There is only a slight gap in the middle, and the possibility of firing is Not a traditional artillery shell.

There is also something like a base vehicle. In the center of the entire camp, it can be called a large mobile building. It is suspended in mid-air, with stairs scattered around it and a full steel shell.

Anonymous didn't even know what kind of punk to call him. Neither wasteland nor steam vacuum tubes were appropriate. In short, it was quite ridiculous. There were such wonders in the desert, like a mirage.

Da Shock told Anonymous his guess.

Anonymous thought for a while, and it was indeed a good idea to kill Gordon now, but his wife already had enough wealth and resources. If the souls looted from the Falan Tower were only used as fuel, start It won't be a big problem until a strange disaster annexes the entire Deep World.

This trip is not for killing, nor for robbery, but purely to find a way to leave this hellish place, it is better not to fight.


The nameless person yelled suddenly just to scare him. When a person is feeling guilty, such a sudden voice will definitely scare him.

"What's wrong?"

Gordon was as still as a mountain and had a very strong psychological quality. He was not scared, but he was also moved inside. Damn it, this person is really difficult to deal with. He must have been alert in his heart, so he pretended to be like this. Want to try it yourself.


"Maybe I didn't make it clear enough before."

"But now."

"I officially declare you to be my property."

Anonymous believes that it is necessary to have a knowledgeable person, otherwise he may cause some jokes in the wilderness where the people are simple and honest when entering the camp.

Gordon didn't have time to react.

Gordon screamed.

The Nameless One just cut off Gordon's head with a single blow of pure spiritual energy. Then, with a small squeeze of his big hand, he crushed Gordon's entire body into powder and hung Gordon on his waist. , made into fashionable and trendy items.

Gordon complained endlessly, rolling his eyes, and saw the mummies and lizard men next to him in the same situation as him, and he was despairing.


"I've told you countless times."

"Do you know that your clothes are really bad?"

Selene complained that even though she had seen fashionistas who were too unconventional, dressing godfathers like Anonymous Doe were too rare. She didn’t know where she learned how to hang a human head on her waist.


"I'm really sad to hear you say that."

"I decided to make a change."

Anonymous learned the hard way and thought that it was really inappropriate to hang Gordon around his waist. The two heads of big shock and electric power were quite suitable, but with Gordon, it seemed too bulky.

Just like a person who collects wallet keys and puts them in his trouser pockets on both sides, the bulging bulge looks extremely silly and cannot reflect his personal style.

So he made it into a mobile phone chain and tied it to the communicator with a wire cutter.

"Is this the point?"

Selene was speechless.

ten minutes later.

Nameless Doe and Selene took the motorcycle back into their personal space and came to the entrance of the "RV Park".

The result was not what Anonymous expected.

He was immediately stopped by two vicious Illuminati speedsters.

Asked a very classic question.

"Who are you? Where are you from? What are you doing here?"

A speedster asked coldly.

Because now the money is exploding.

Moreover, basic souls are relatively rare things in the wasteland. Wumingshi immediately prepared some small gifts, took out four hundred yuan, and gave two hundred yuan to each of them.

"We are the ones who have just arrived in the wasteland."

"Prepare to stay here for a while."

Anonymous said.

Unexpectedly, the two speedsters didn't care about him at all. They sneered at the two hundred dollars and didn't even ask for it. After all, the Illuminati was also a famous speedster gang in the area. Who the hell were they looking down on for two hundred dollars?

Selene held her forehead and had a headache. If she revealed her identity as the Judgment of Truth, she would definitely be able to deter these people, but even if it works for people who don’t know how many decimals behind 99.99% of the wasteland , but what worries me is the small group of people who don’t care about the tribunal.

Therefore, it is not easy to reveal one's identity, as it might lead to death. After all, there are many people who are against the ruling office.

"Where do you think this is?"

"This is Illuminati territory."

"But I just came to the wasteland and I won't argue with you."

"Fortunately, our boss is a very compassionate person."


"In that case."

"Just come in."

A speedster said this on the surface, but in fact he was clicking his fingers very fast, sending a message to the combatants in the camp. It was an extremely unlikely event that a fat sheep came to his door.

Anonymous didn't pay attention and took Selene into the camp. Seeing the various food trucks and ice cream trucks felt quite novel.

The existence of such a place in the desert is really unspeakably strange.



"It's like being on a date."

Selene sighed, but it wouldn't last long, and there would be a bloody storm soon. After all, the average per capita in the deep world, let alone the wasteland.

However, with Wumingshi's strength, she didn't care about safety issues, and even if she was alone, these minions were not a threat.

Thank you to the leader of stacked fertilizer.

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