Latent Syndrome

Chapter 504 503 The Edge World

Chapter 504 503. Edge World

Before they could spend a few minutes of leisurely time in this RV amusement park, a group of menacing men surrounded the two of them.

Anonymous didn't pay attention.

Half a minute later.

He entered the interior of the base vehicle as a distinguished guest, invited by the president of the Illuminati.

The internal structure and sophistication of the base vehicle were completely inferior to the others. They were all made of rough black iron. As Anonymous walked through the monotonous corridor filled with rivet joints, he couldn't help but knock the inner wall with his hand. It was very crisp.

A speedster explained that this is a compression technique unique to the Desert of Thought, which can turn people into various raw materials.

Since there is no grass growing in the desert and the only materials are people, many wandering souls who have been idle here have become self-taught and have become expert teachers in various industries.

Although its achievements in means of transportation and fuel far exceed those of the outside world, other aspects of technology are very different. It can replace people with materials with other characteristics, as if it has changed the basic concept.

The only thing that is not lacking here is people. Except for the windy sand and burning sun wasteland, everything else is either people or things made by people.

Anonymous nodded. It seemed that those who could survive in the wasteland were all strong. Otherwise, they could only choose one of three options for motorcycle fuel and raw materials.

After arriving at a command room inside the base vehicle, the pilot gently knocked on the door, told the people inside that the guests had been brought, and left spontaneously.

As a powerful voice came from the command room, Anonymous pushed the door open and entered, followed closely by Selene.

What came into view was a middle-aged man with a haggard expression, as if he was worrying about something that had been accumulated for a long time. But after seeing the two anonymous people, he immediately beamed with joy.

He had already heard about this man's feats outside. He suppressed all his elite thugs in just one encounter, and did not kill them, so he spared some mercy.

According to the rules of the desert, they should be given some property to avoid death.

However, after hearing that the two of them didn't seem to be members of any force, it was better to hire them as guest thugs.

"We're looking for a way out of the desert."

"You are the leader of a speeding gang."

"The understanding is definitely much deeper than other people's."

The reason why Anonymous didn't kill those people was just to be reasonable. He didn't come here to become bigger and stronger, he just wanted to find a way to get rid of them quickly.

According to Selene, time is running out, and the strange disaster's destruction of the Deep Realm cannot be delayed any longer, and it is already in danger.

It's not that Anonymous has everything in mind, it's just that he can't talk about finding his own essence by then, after all, everything will be over.

Anonymous just wants to find his first memory before everything ends.

The middle-aged man was not polite at all when he saw the nameless man. He sat down on the chair opposite the middle-aged man and put his legs on the table, as if the command room belonged to him.

And the woman didn't look like she was being trifled with. She was chewing bubble gum and blowing bubbles. When she saw a pack of cigarettes on her table, she took out a pop of unknown flavor with a bead pusher without any surprise. He lit the cigarette with his finger and started puffing up the smoke, causing the room to fill with smoke for a moment.


The middle-aged man has some physical pain. Cigarettes are a precious thing in the wilderness. Cigarettes rolled by people are not acceptable. The consciousness in them has not been completely removed. It is no different from the soul-eating demon. Over time, it will definitely become insane and addicted, and become a poisonous dog.

They were all robbed from the people who just fell here.

Selene and Anonymous have the same nature of prostitution. Seeing that the middle-aged man was a little unhappy, Selene kept doing nothing and put the whole pack of cigarettes into her arms.

Her eyes cannot be seen through large purple-framed sunglasses.

The middle-aged people were a little speechless. The couple who was on the run were the thieves.

"If there's a way to leave."

"I left a long time ago."

"Instead of forming a speeding party here, stay here permanently."

"When you first came here, you must have asked a lot of people on the way here."

"My answer is the same as theirs."

"The only possible way is to reach a speed beyond the universe, faster than infinite speed."

"Only before we can leave here."

The middle-aged man answered in a neither humble nor arrogant manner. In order to prevent these two people from massacring the camp and destroying the foundation he had built over the years, he did not forget to add that even if the two found the leaders of other speeding gangs, it would be impossible to ask anything.


Anonymous is also a little angry, and there are still many secrets waiting for him to explore, including No. 169 Wandering Street, the Tower of Eternity and the Sea of ​​Memories.

I have to stay in such a remote place. To be honest, there is no place in the universe that is more remote than this place. It is like a BUG-like plane.

"So what step have you taken so far?"

"The fastest man."

"What speed can be mentioned?"

Anonymous has no idea of ​​the speed here.

The middle-aged man paused for a while.

"Some speedsters."

"Quick enough to..."

"Traveling through countless planes in the deep realm."

The middle-aged man said so.

Anonymous had a question mark on his face and spoke in elegant terms.

"Damn it, didn't you say you can't leave?"

Anonymous was afraid that he would kill this guy if he couldn't help it.

"That's true."

"This place has the same purpose as Wanling City, but they are almost completely opposite places."

"The City of All Souls is connected to almost all the planes in the Deep Realm."

"This place is separated from all the planes in the Deep Realm, and there is an invisible barrier that cannot be broken through."

"When the speed reaches a certain level, you can pass through one plane after another, but you can only appreciate the scenery and cannot break through."

The middle-aged man said so.

Anonymous was confused when he heard this. Whether it was the return of all things, or Randy's life and death, they were mutually refuting but mutually consistent things.

But Anonymous has no time to listen to this nonsense and is ready to let the middle-aged man tell some truth.

"I understand."

"You're PUAing me."

Anonymous couldn't help it any longer and had no time to listen to these nonsense, so he picked up the Chaos Knife and wanted to kill people.


Selene stopped the nameless man and asked the middle-aged man to continue speaking.

"I know it's ridiculous."

"But it is."

"Maybe someone told you that this wasteland is a pure infinite space, but it is actually wrong."

"The next thing I'm going to say."

"It might shake up your world view."

"You will also understand that it is impossible to escape from this place."

"In addition to going as fast as possible."

"You may have heard of a grand event that exists here, and that is the competition for the strongest speedsters, Fury Road."

"All speedsters are racing through infinite planes."

"All believe in the same creed."

"As long as you can pass through all the planes, exhaust the depths, and complete the closed loop, you can leave."

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