Latent Syndrome

Chapter 505 504 Speed ​​and Truth

Chapter 505 504. Speed ​​and Truth

Hear this.

Anonymous still doesn't understand what Fury Road is and what it takes to win.

The middle-aged man continued to add.

"I want to know this place thoroughly."

“You have to figure out some basic things first.”

"I said, this is ridiculous, even in the deep realm, it is ridiculous."

"First of all, there must be something that cannot be denied."

"This is the product of lost coordinates and downtime."

“A place unlike every other place.”

"It's an absolute desert."

“There is no existence that exists.”


"The unlucky ones who got stuck in the bug are people like you and me."

"The next thing, it's crazy."

"Everyone can realize the difference between fast and slow, and the difference between early and late. We can question the nature of time and the specific causes of time, but no one will deny that things happen in a sequential order, nor can they escape from linearity. time thinking.”

"Although you feel that time exists here, it is not the case. It is just something that is reflected in the hearts of all the dead souls here. The depth, breadth and speed of everyone's thoughts are different, but this common reflection will automatically correct everyone's time. .”

"There is no time here, only people's linear thinking. It is a desert of time. What you feel is just the correction of everyone's time perception here."

"Everyone has the ability to judge the position of up and down. Maybe some people can't distinguish between left and right, but this does not mean that they do not have the ability to cognitive space, but the language information system represents the two words left and right. The specific meaning is unclear. No one will deny the existence of space, which is the reality of the world itself."

"There is no space here, only people's spatial cognition. It is a desert of space. What you have crossed is just the correction of everyone's spatial cognition here."

"As for the basic rules and logic here."

"I have to mention a very mysterious thing, let's call it the shackles of three."

“When we say something makes sense, it’s because we understand the reason behind it.”

"Another example is the basic mathematical rule. One and one add up to two. Even if a baby has never learned mathematics, his understanding of the real concepts behind 1 and 2 will never be better than that of an adult who has learned mathematics. People are worse.”

"It is something beyond three, given innately."

"There was once a speedster who was the subordinate of a great man. He came into contact with something called the absolute spirit. This innate endowment comes from the absolute spirit of Transcendence Three."

"There are no rules here. It is an absolute lack of absolute lack, an absolute chaos of absolute chaos, and a lawless zone. What you feel is just a correction from everyone, in addition to the shackles of three, given by nature."


"There is no time, space, and logic here. It is a desert of ideas."

"So the speed is so fast that even if it can break through the dimensional barriers and pass through other planes, it will still be completely separated."

"That's why the only thing here is speed."

"Only by exhausting all planes, breaking through the absolute speed of the absolute spirit, and breaking through this shackles can we leave here."

"This is……"

"Speed ​​cyclists."

The middle-aged man said so.

"Fuck it."

"You're a fucking gangster, and you insist on acting like a philosophical teacher."

Anonymous didn't know what to say. He finally had a deep understanding of this place, but the hanging man was so boastful at first, and finally said "Speed ​​Racer", which was really unbearable.

Anonymous turned his attention to Selene. As a member of the Judgment of Truth, the most powerful giant organization in the deep world, he hoped that she could offer some opinions in this desperate situation of being completely trapped.

Anonymous also understood that this place cannot be destroyed, because there is nothing here, only people can be destroyed. If all corrections are lost, this place will only become a lonely purgatory.

The first person who gets stuck here can't imagine what kind of torture it will be.

Selene shook her head. She still hadn't remembered the training content in the investigator's manual. She remembered that there was a method. As the highest-level investigator, she had the maximum understanding of the deep world, but she couldn't think of it for a while. When I got up, I had no choice but to take things as they came for the time being.

Selene had a private chat with Anonymous.

"There is no other way at the moment. Maybe after a while, we might be able to find an investigator from the adjudication office here."

Selene put her hope in her unlucky colleague. As long as she caught a guy who remembered the contents of the manual, she could solve the problem.

"Now that I have nothing to do anyway, I think we can try this so-called... um... traditional method."

"It's not bad to be a speedster."

Selene said.

Anonymous sighed and looked at the middle-aged man with cold eyes.

"Do you have any good cars here?"

"Bring out the best."

"I want to give it a try."

"The so-called extreme speed."

Anonymous basically said in a commanding tone, since the speed can be fast enough to fly across other planes, there is only a barrier between them. Others can't break that barrier, so he himself can't break it.

Hearing this request, the middle-aged man not only did not feel like he was being robbed, but also felt a sense of joy.

This made Anonymous a little horrified. There was actually such a person? He has heard of some ways to play it. It is said that some people will give their money to others and call them masters. This feeling makes those people very happy. I don’t know what kind of psychology they have, whether they are called ATM slaves or not. What's the matter? Could it be that this dear friend also likes to play like this?


"But I hope you can grant me a small request."

The middle-aged man saw that these two people were extraordinary in strength. Not to mention the level of dominance, their index was above 2.7. Otherwise, they would not be able to defeat so many of his horses in an instant.

It must be done well.

"Is it your turn to make conditions?"

"I can massacre the whole camp."

"Just loot everything and take it away."

"Seeing that you haven't told me why for a long time, you have no value anymore. I can kill you if you want."


The nameless man was reasoning with the middle-aged man.


"Since you two just came here."

"I'm of great value to you two."

"The skills of driving a motorcycle are not acquired overnight, but require training."

"Besides, even the best car here is a very fine car, but it is far inferior to the cars made by some masters."

"You two are not going to Fury Road."

"How do you get the highest quality car and get out of here?"

"It just so happens that my little Illuminati is qualified to participate in the Road to Fury."

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