Latent Syndrome

Chapter 506 505 Faith

Chapter 506 505. Faith

Fury Road is an event for the entire wasteland.

According to the boss of the Illuminati, Anonymous is not a race that can be completed quickly as imagined, but a long-distance rally, which can take as little as ten days and a half, as long as half a year or even longer, depending on the length of the competition. A fierce person is as fierce as he is, and he has to face various environments and terrains.

In a garage in the camp, there are dozens of motorcycles with terrifying shapes. The only difference is that they are all very painful. They belong to speedsters with different personalities. They are decorated with various spray-painted patterns, like It looks like a tattoo on a person, so it is called Itache.

After Anonymous viewed many motorcycles with different styles, there were two that impressed him the most.

A car is called an armature. Tubular objects such as motorcycle handles and exhaust pipes are all arms. The dashboard is also a human organ. The eyeball is placed on a dial. The position of the scale to which the eye pupil moves replaces the role of the pointer. I heard it's quite accurate, and the fuel tank is also made from a stomach.

Its owner is the Illuminati's Shuanghuahongguan, also known as the No. 1 thug. According to the description of the Illuminati boss, he is a soul-eating demon with some mental disorder, but he is currently under good control and is in the process of withdrawal.

Anonymous clicked his tongue, no wonder the soul-eating demon was also the main target of the adjudication office. This guy's mood may not be stable.

There is also a car that has a profound impact on Anonymous. It is similar to the succubus pants. It has tattoos of various orc women with unknown meanings or even no revealing clothes. It is pleasing to the eye and shocking.

"Elaborate on Fury Road."

"What are the rules?"

Anonymous found a motorcycle and got on it. The Illuminati was a large force, and these motorcycles were all high-quality, but Wuming Doe, who was too arrogant, looked down on them.

"Strictly speaking."

"There are no rules."

"There is only one thing related to interests that must be adhered to, but it has nothing to do with competition. All speedsters each put up a large sum of money as a lottery, and the winner takes all."

"In competition, you can kill people at will."

"The venue is the corpse of the first person entering the wasteland, which is also the starting point of the competition."

The Illuminati boss also inspects these motorcycles like the mechanics. After all, he is the one who organizes the meals.

"Feel sorry."


Although Anonymous witnessed Randy's real death, it was because he completed his own closed loop, from something to nothing, from nothing to something. After spending eternity to find his memories, he turned out to be an inconvenience and died with all his thoughts in despair. .

And it is his own unique way to penetrate the memories of others through the chain of karmic fire. Even if he asked Selene, who is like an encyclopedia, she said she had never heard of it.

He can... truly destroy others.

"I understand your concerns."

"As I said before, the first person to enter here, without the correction of time and space logic, will feel infinite loneliness."

"He did not die, but turned into a stone sculpture and stopped thinking."

"Although we could kill him to free him, no one did so because he is the only coordinate in the wasteland, and a city was built around him to protect him."

“That’s where the inspiration for Fury Road came from.”

"Using that place as a starting point, accelerating within a hundred kilometers to a speed that is enough to pass other planes, and thus escape into the super world. The person who finally comes out of the super world is the winner and the speed king of the entire wasteland."

The middle-aged man explained this.

"Accelerate from 100 kilometers away..."

"It's equivalent to eliminating all contestants who have no ability. Only those who can fly into other planes within this distance will be considered qualified?"

Anonymous understood this.

"That's right."


"Those who fail to pass the test do not need to participate. It means they are not suitable for the competition. It is better to go home and rest."

"My little Illuminati actually has many people who can achieve it, more than ten of them."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged people are a little arrogant. Although they are not as good as some super large speeding gangs in the wasteland, they are still at the first level, so their lives are considered moist. They don't have to worry about food, drink and fuel. They can rob houses and wipe out some small forces. Self-sufficient.


"Super realm?"

Anonymous continued to ask.

"That state of traveling through planes but not being able to break through obstacles is called transcendence."

"You have to maintain faster and faster speeds in the super realm to avoid being thrown out."

"It means that even if the speed is a little slower than before, you will be eliminated immediately."

"He who is thrown out will fall where he enters the super realm."

"So the result of the game is also easy to know."

The middle-aged man continued to explain.

Anonymous suddenly became extremely interested in this competition. It was a wonderful journey to be able to read all over the world just here.

"What if Lao Yinbi, once entering the super world, uses the most sloppy way and the slowest speed, but is the last one to come out?"

"That's not a speed king."

"Just a big shock, Gordon and his like."

Anonymous was puzzled.

His mobile phone chain and trendy items on his waist were so speechless that he was shot even while lying down, right?

Although the middle-aged man didn't know who the two of them were, he could guess that they were extremely obscene people.

"You misunderstood."

"Locomotives have speed inertia. In the super-boundary state, people's thoughts are also accelerating, but they cannot do such precise things."

"Plus, almost everyone tries to do that in the first place."

“Only after we have dealt with some insignificant miscellaneous fish and dragged them to death will we come to the real finals.”

"I participated in two editions and my rankings were relatively low. I must avenge my disgrace this time."

The middle-aged man said so.

"So that's it."

"That's fair."

"But doesn't the winner take all?"

"Maybe it's just the manipulation of the big forces in the wasteland."

"The winnings from various small forces are all wasted."

Anonymous couldn't help but guess this.


"In this wasteland."

"Everything may have a conspiracy and manipulation, and the bloody killings, resentment and anger will be entangled for eternity."

"But except for this."

"it's here."

"Speed ​​is the only belief."

"Break the bonds of this desolate hell."

“Go outside and drink real wine and warm nephrite.”

"Instead of..."

"Inferior and defective products processed by conscious souls here."

"Be free."

"It is the strongest desire of everyone in this cage."

"You've only been here not long ago."

"I don't understand this obsession."

"Everyone here is possessed."

"If you can make a speedster speed up by one centimeter per second..."

"He is willing to sacrifice what is most important to him, whether it is his best friend or lover, his soul or his sanity."

"Only faster."

"Quickly enough to leave hatred, pain, happiness or despair behind."

"Quick enough to surpass everything."

"They're all obsessed..."

Suddenly, the middle-aged man's eyes were deep, as if he had thought of something.

"You're a fucking person with a story."


"I don't understand, it's none of my business."

"Quickly bring out the best car and let me try it out."

Anonymous ignored all this shit and started robbing.

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