Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 136 Have you heard of the spiritual PUA of parents? (Two chapters in one)

What shocked the two of them was that Jiang Haiyigao and his parents were both sued in court.

The surprising thing is that the prosecuting lawyer turned out to be his idol, lawyer Lin Mo.

Jiang Shuying knew that both of them were very curious, but they were too weak to ask questions, so she explained directly:

"Brother Anmin, sister, I know you are curious, but the whole story is actually this..."

Jiang Shuying told the whole story, and then the two of them suddenly understood.

Jiang Shuxuan showed a helpless smile and said softly: "You, why bother lawyer Lin Mo for us?"

Chen Anmin also nodded. In his mind, he was ashamed of everyone for committing suicide. Now he is troubled by lawyer Lin Mo to help them redress their grievances. Now he is a little at a loss.

Jiang Shuying's next words comforted them both:

"Lawyer Lin has told me before that he is not just fighting this lawsuit for you.

It is to defeat Jiang Hai Yigao's model and make all parents who oppress their children realize their mistakes.

He is simply using the incident between you two to speak out for all students. "

After saying this, the two of them finally understood. They looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

This is the lawyer Lin Mo they know.

"Shu Ying, how is the current situation?"

Chen Anmin asked diligently, and Jiang Shuxuan also showed curious eyes.

When it came to this, Jiang Shuying frowned. Even she, a junior high school student, could tell that something was wrong with the current court hearing.

So she explained the current situation, and after listening, both of them frowned.

Neither of them expected that the charges charged by Lin Mo would be so exaggerated!

However, the two of them could understand, especially Chen Anmin, who paid attention to every case of Lin Mo and even studied law in private.

Chen Anmin was not very worried. Since Lawyer Lin dared to sue like this, he must have a reason.

But Jiang Shuxuan fell into deep thought: "I think it is untenable for Lawyer Lin to sue our parents for intentional homicide..."

Halfway through, Jiang Shuxuan hesitated to speak. She wanted to say something but couldn't.

"Sister, do you have any ideas?" Jiang Shuying asked immediately.

"I... don't know much about it, but I thought about it carefully. Our parents' behavior is indeed a crime, but... I can't tell." Jiang Shuxuan looked embarrassed.

Chen Anmin also nodded. He had also studied the law in this area. The behavior of parents did cause great mental pressure on the children, and this pressure led to the children's suicide.

But he couldn't tell what crime he committed. He was just a legal enthusiast.

"Look... let's look at Lawyer Lin's performance."

The three of them stared closely at the live broadcast on the tablet, feeling anxious.

They were not the only ones who were equally nervous. There were also many young people who held their breath and looked at Lin Mo.

Everyone knows that if even Lin Mo loses, no lawyer will come forward again.

The behavior of Jiang Hai Yigao and these parents will only become more and more bold!

Among the nervous crowd, the most nervous one is undoubtedly the chairman of Yongsheng Sports - Wang Sheng!

He knew that the fate of his group was almost tied to Lin Mo.

Now that Lin Mo was at a disadvantage, his heart was about to twist!

This is related to his 2 billion business!

In his life, he had never been so moved by a person or a man!

My heart beat to the point of almost stopping.

"We must fight back, we must win!"

The court at this moment was also very quiet.

Even Huang Youhe, the presiding judge, looked at Lin Mo with some worry.

As a parent who adheres to quality education and loves his children, he is absolutely opposed to Jianghai Yigao's form.

But whether Jiang Haiyigao will be sanctioned now really depends on Lin Mo's next performance.

With his level, he can only draw on Lin Mo's arguments and make reasonable penalties.

He didn't say anything, just kept the court silent, trying to buy Lin Mo as much time as possible.

At this time, Lin Mo, who was expressionless, suddenly smiled.

Huang Youhe noticed it immediately and asked directly: "Plaintiff's lawyer, do you have anything to say?"

Lin Mo nodded: "Yes, presiding judge."

With that said, Lin Mo stood up.

Looking at Lin Mo's expression, everyone looked expectantly.


Lin Mo said confidently: "Presiding judge, I would like to ask the other party's lawyer and the four parents a question."


In the dock, Huang Jiancheng sneered.

At this time, Lin Mo said: "Let me ask you, four parents, do you know what spiritual PUA is?"

Upon hearing this, the four parents all looked at each other with confused eyes, wondering what this meant.

Huang Jiancheng was stunned for a moment. He seemed to have heard of this word before. It was a very popular word among young people.

Lin Mo: "PUA means that others use unreasonable words or actions to suppress you for the purpose of mental control, and at the same time use verbal pressure to restrict or control your behavior, and this kind of behavior will make you The controlled person will suffer great pain and even depression.”

"Previously, lawyer Huang Jiancheng said that there is no crime in abetting suicide. Everyone knows what he means. People have the ability to judge themselves. Why do you commit suicide when others ask you to commit suicide?

So incitement to suicide does not constitute a crime, and the four parents themselves did not intend to let their children commit suicide. Their behavior was still out of love for their children, so incitement to suicide does not constitute a crime.

But what I want to say is that this is established!

The behavior of the four parents has constituted mental abuse of Jiang Shuxuan and Chen Anmin, which is the main situation that directly led to their suicide! "

At this point, everyone looked confused.

Mental PUA?

Mental abuse?

This is a term that no one has ever heard of.

And Lin Mo did not stop, and continued: "I know that the four parents did not have the intention to kill the two children, but your behavior involves the crime of abuse, and the painful abuse caused the two children to commit suicide. Don't you constitute the crime of murder?

Presiding judge, I think this constitutes an indirect principal offender of intentional homicide. "

Lin Mo said to Huang Youhe.

At this moment, Huang Youhe was also stunned. He hadn't figured out what it meant.

Of course, Lin Mo also knew it, and he continued: "I know that everyone is also confused. What is mental abuse? ”

“It’s very simple. Parents use verbal suppression, threats, and intimidation to force their children to do things they don’t like, causing them to suffer a lot. This is mental abuse.

And the children, under long-term pain, develop symptoms such as depression and bipolar disorder, and eventually commit suicide.

The vivid examples of Jiang Shuxuan and the two tell us that this is definitely going to happen!

Their suicide, as well as the suicide of other oppressed students, are 100% related to their parents’ mental control!

In a sense, although the parents don’t know the outcome of the situation, they are also indirect principal offenders who caused them to commit suicide.

It can be said that it was the behavior of their parents that forced them onto this path.

Shouldn’t their parents bear the blame?

Of course, I know someone will ask again, can’t the children resist and report to their parents? They have to endure everything by themselves, and then blame their parents when something goes wrong? ”

At this point, Lin Mo smiled:

“Family members, what I want to say is that today’s children are too good and too sensible.

They will digest difficulties by themselves and release grievances by themselves.

Even if they are treated unfairly by their parents, they know that if they resist, they will make their parents unhappy. In order to make their parents happy, they will endure such painful treatment.

And you parents are just like the uneducated giant babies, who can't see that the children sacrifice themselves for your happiness and meet your anti-human demands!

Even worse!

The children have become like this because they actively accept your spiritual PUA, and they don't want to make you sad!

And the spiritual PUA of parents is varied, there is a self-sacrificing form, which makes you feel extremely guilty.

There is a form of intimidation, which makes you feel anxious at home.

There is a form of doing good for you and paying for you, so that you can understand your parents and force yourself to follow their pain.

There are many forms, and if it lasts for a long time, it will make children suffer from depression, and then commit suicide, or become mentally ill.

What you say about the poor tolerance of children nowadays is actually caused by you parents! "

Lin Mo said here.

All the people watching the live broadcast suddenly realized and were moved.

Especially the students watching the live broadcast, some even shed tears.

Now they finally understand what that inexplicable and extremely painful feeling is!

"Lawyer Lin...what should I say? Really, every time I want to resist, my parents will use their hard work to pressure me, and then...I will sympathize with them and continue to accept such painful learning..."

"Yes, I want to do what I like, but they use all kinds of reasons to emphasize how hard they work, which makes me feel very guilty. I can only force myself to study, otherwise they will be unhappy. ”

“So... I was PUA. Every time I go home, I am afraid of making them unhappy, so I can only put up with myself...”

At this moment, the deeply touched students suddenly realized that they had been pressured by their parents through mental PUA!

At this moment, Jiang Shuxuan and Chen Anmin, who were lying on the hospital bed, both showed shocked expressions.

Yes, this is what they wanted to express before, and now it was accurately expressed by Lin Mo.

It even expanded and described the new term mental PUA in detail.

Now they understand why it is so painful when facing their parents.

It turns out that they have been suffering from the pain of mental PUA.

Jiang Shuxuan looked at Chen Anmin. She knew that compared with herself, the mental PUA Chen Anmin suffered was simply hell-level.

His parents not only made him feel guilty, but also threatened him with words and even used physical harm to control his mind.

Now Jiang Shuxuan understands , how much pain did this sunny boy in front of me endure!

He was eventually forced to give up his life.

And I was also controlled by the PUA in a binding way. My parents used the term "for your own good" to make me feel ashamed of their efforts if I didn't follow them.

In order to take care of my parents' emotions, I tortured myself to study.

At this time, Jiang Shuying, who was holding the tablet, also shed tears: "It turns out that my resistance was correct. It turns out that I have been resisting their mental control. I was right! Woohoo!"

Why isn't the rebellious Jiang Shuying under tremendous pressure?

Jiang Shuxuan's nose felt sore, and he stroked Jiang Shuying's head hard: "Shuying, you are right, you are a warrior, you have to believe in yourself."

Compared to herself, Jiang Shuying's mental pressure was even greater while she was resisting!

She is a rebellious girl who is still unyielding despite being pressured by all her relatives!

At this moment, not only students but countless young people who are suffering from mental PUA from their parents are speaking out on the Internet, writing their own stories and beginning to accuse.

And in court.

After hearing what Lin Mo said, the four parents were stunned. However, when they heard Lin Mo say that they were mental PUAs and that they themselves caused their children to commit suicide, they all became angry.

"Lin Mo, you are slanderous again. We are parents, how can we harm our own children?"

"Yes, they are too rebellious and must be disciplined. This is just one of our methods of discipline!"

Jiang Ze and Chen Guodong were the first to shout angrily.

But this time, Lin Mo didn't tolerate them anymore, and shouted sternly: "Shut up, you two!"

For a moment, the court was silent.

Even the live broadcast room fell silent.

Everyone was surprised.

Because in everyone's eyes, Lin Mo always had a smile, looked like a master of the world, and was calm in the world.

But today, it was so harsh!

"Do I have to ask my assistant to slap you two in the mouth before you shut up?"

Lin Mo said coldly.

Xia Ling was on the side and punched the air in anger.


He volleyed directly into the air and made an air explosion sound. It is conceivable that if this punch hits a person, he will either die or be maimed!

Jiang Ze and Chen Guodong were stunned, showing fear.

At this time, Huang Jiancheng saw that the four parents were frightened, thinking that he had seized some great opportunity, and raised his hand directly: "Presiding Judge, Lawyer Lin Mo threatened his client personally in court, and I demand that he be punished. "

Unexpectedly, Lin Mo sneered: "Huang Jiancheng, you don't want to live anymore, do you?"

"What the hell?"

Huang Jiancheng was stunned. He had never seen such an arrogant person in Te Niang's court. What... what is happening?

Moreover, he looked at Xia Ling with some fear. This girl had been... before.

He trembled and did not dare to speak.

At this time, Huang Youhe waved his hand directly. The defendant violated the rules first and offset it. Lawyer of the plaintiff, you continue.


I just heard a brand new argument. It may become a classic case. You asked me to send someone off!

If Huang Youhe hadn't been a judge, he would have wanted to slap Huang Jiancheng twice.

Lin Mo nodded and regained his calm expression.

Don't get angry, just think of me as a good gentleman.

"President, based on what I said before, I think Jiang Shuxuan and Chen Anmin's parents were involved in mental PUA and actually abused their two children, thereby causing the two children to commit suicide. They caused the children to commit suicide. The indirect culprits, so I think their behavior constitutes intentional homicide!”

Huang Youhe is writing records quickly.

No matter what kind of mental PUA or abuse he committed, he knew that what Lin Mo said was indeed logical, but as an ordinary judge of the Intermediate Court, he couldn't analyze it in a short time. He had to record it and analyze it during the adjournment. .

At this time, Lin Mo continued:

"Presiding Judge, I will stop here on the crime of intentional homicide of the four parents. Next, I will discuss the crime of illegal detention by Jiang Hai Yigao."

At this time, Lin Mo looked at Huang Jiancheng and smiled faintly:

"Previously, Lawyer Huang said that the school was entrusted with custody, so it was not illegal detention, and he believed that my theory had nothing to do with illegal detention.

But what I want to say is, what if my previous arguments prove that Jiang Hai Yigao's custody is not up to standard at all, and they have not provided effective custody at all?

Since the custody rights are not up to standard, then they are not essentially exercising custody rights, but illegal detention! "

Yes, Lin Mo's previous argument was essentially to overturn Jiang Hai Yigao's entrusted custody.

Why didn't you say it in advance? They were just setting a trap for Huang Jiancheng!

Sorry, Lawyer Huang, I just predicted your prediction.

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