How could Lin Mo forget the important point of entrusting guardianship?

He didn't say it before just to waste Huang Jiancheng's brainpower and let him think about it himself. This is just a trap created by Lin Mo deliberately.

And Lin Mo's comparison between prison and school before was for this moment!

As for Huang Jiancheng's obvious trap of "verifying that the faculty and staff did not take leave maliciously" to overturn the dereliction of duty of guardianship, Lin Mo certainly saw through it at a glance.

"Haha, you want me to spend a lot of energy to verify an empty and difficult to establish fact, really think I'm a novice."

Lin Mo smiled lightly, Lin Mo is not stupid.

And when Lin Mo said that Jianghai No. 1 High School's guardianship did not meet the standards, everyone's eyebrows jumped and looked at Lin Mo expectantly.

Want to hear Lin Mo elaborate on "guardianship does not meet the standards"

And Huang Jiancheng also frowned, he didn't know what routine Lin Mo was going to do.

Then, Lin Mo took out the stack of pictures comparing the prison and Jianghai No. 1 High School and said:

"Everyone, I believe that my previous comparison has left a deep impression on everyone, and then Lawyer Huang proposed a guardianship to refute my claim that Jianghai No. 1 High School did not illegally detain people."


Lin Mo paused, raised the information in his hand, and said with a serious expression: "What I want to say is that these comparisons prove that Jianghai No. 1 High School's guardianship is negligent and has not played the role of guardianship?

Please recall carefully, what is the responsibility of guardianship?

It is to protect the healthy growth of children and their comprehensive development in culture, sports, etc.!

Then everyone, take a look, the living conditions of Jianghai No. 1 High School are not even comparable to those of Jianghai Prison. Can children still grow up healthily and comprehensively?!"

For the last sentence, Lin Mo almost slammed the table and said angrily.

At this time, Huang Jiancheng on the opposite side widened his eyes. He did not expect that Lin Mo was waiting for him here!

"Did he argue from the beginning that Jianghai No. 1 High School's guardianship was not up to standard?"

"That's impossible! If so, why didn't I think of it?"

Huang Jiancheng's mind was buzzing, and his mind was a little confused because he had used his talent too much before.

Lin Mo sneered and looked at Huang Youhe: "Judge, due to the dereliction of duty of Jianghai No. 1 High School's guardianship, I apply to the court to deprive Jianghai No. 1 High School of its guardianship!"

"The law stipulates that if the guardianship is dereliction of duty, the court can deprive the guardian of the guardianship."

"If Jianghai No. 1 High School is deprived of its guardianship, then all the actions of Jianghai No. 1 High School are undoubtedly illegal detention!"

Lin Mo pointed at Huang Ming, the principal of Jianghai No. 1 High School, and said seriously: "And you are the culprits of illegal detention!"


Everyone took a breath.

No one thought that Lin Mo was waiting for Huang Jiancheng here!

All of a sudden, the young people on the Internet were ecstatic!

"Yes, Huang Jiancheng had been saying that Jianghai No. 1 High School was exercising guardianship rights, but according to the comparative method of lawyer Lin Mo, Jianghai No. 1 High School's guardianship rights were completely unqualified, and the students could not grow up normally and healthily. Jianghai No. 1 High School did not perform guardianship rights properly, so the court could deprive them! If the guardianship rights were deprived, then Jianghai No. 1 High School would be truly illegally detained!"

"This... I can only say it's awesome."

"So lawyer Lin was setting a trap for Huang Jiancheng before?"

Netizens were discussing it, and this decisive move shocked everyone.

In court, Huang Jiancheng showed difficulty, but he still managed to calm down, although his mind was very confused.

But as a veteran on the battlefield, he had experience to support him, and he now understood that this lawsuit was different from all the previous ones!

Lin Mo on the opposite side was wearing the skin of a young man, and his argument logic and ability to dig holes were several times stronger than his own!

Huang Jiancheng took a deep breath and raised his hand and said, "Judge, I have something to say!"

Huang Youhe seemed to be immersed in Lin Mo's argument logic, with an intoxicated look on his face.

He was savoring Lin Mo's argument layout in his mind, and he kept saying it was wonderful!

Especially using the prison comparison method to emphasize the negligence of Jianghai No. 1 High School's guardianship. Huang Youhe felt that he couldn't think of such an argument method even if he was given a few months.

At this moment, Huang Youhe admired Lin Mo, the young man.

And Huang Jiancheng's several calls pulled him back from his unsatisfied mood.

Admiration is appreciation, but justice must be emphasized in court.

"You say."

Huang Jiancheng straightened his collar and said calmly: "Lawyer Lin Mo, I want to ask you, why do you think that the students of Jianghai No. 1 High School are worse than the prisoners in the prison? They are not growing up healthily?"

Now, everyone exploded.

Isn't this a clear thing!

The students of Jianghai No. 1 High School are like that. They can't eat well, sleep well, and are mentally tortured.

Is there any need to compare?

Huang Jiancheng continued: "There is a saying from the ancients that when God gives a great task to a man, he must first make his mind suffer and his body hungry...

Although all the measures of Jianghai No. 1 High School seem very strict, they are all to train students to be talents!

First of all, reciting and running exercises in the morning is to train children to think at any time while exercising!

As for the time of cultural courses, it goes without saying that if cultural courses are not learned well, then the basic cognition cannot be learned well, and it is impossible to understand the world.

As for the food hygiene issue, this is indeed the fault of the school cafeteria, but this is not the direct reason for depriving us of Jianghai No. 1 High School's guardianship.

Because this is not what the faculty and staff of Jianghai No. 1 High School want to see, it is the cafeteria's personal behavior!

After returning, I believe that Jianghai No. 1 High School will seriously rectify it.

And what lawyer Lin Mo said, Jiang Shuxuan was trampled on the Rubik's Cube, and other students are not allowed to have any hobbies, which is actually a kind of guardianship.

You must know that Jiang Shuxuan was sleeping in the dormitory, secretly playing with the Rubik's Cube, wasting her sleeping time.

As we all know, sleeping is the key to healthy growth for teenagers.

School supervision is for the healthy growth of children.

As the saying goes, playing with things will ruin your ambition. We should play at a reasonable time, not secretly playing during rest time.

If everyone can spend their sleep time playing games and other hobbies, that is the destruction of their health!

Moreover, the school has left a reasonable time for students to relax, and you can play Rubik's Cube and other hobbies during that time.

Therefore, in addition to the hygiene of the cafeteria, Jianghai No. 1 High School has not failed to fulfill its guardianship, and has not reached the limit of being deprived of guardianship. "

Huang Jiancheng finished everything calmly.

At this moment, everyone was stunned by Huang Jiancheng's words!

"This is a lie with open eyes!"

"Damn it, he said that reciting while running exercises can improve students' thinking ability during exercise. Is he still a human being?"

"Is the old yellow dog crazy?"

Everyone was shocked by Huang Jiancheng's words, which were simply a distortion of the facts!

Huang Jiancheng sneered arrogantly. Of course, he knew that he was talking nonsense.

However, a very important point is that the court looks at evidence.

He knew that Lin Mo did not have any experimental evidence to show that the behavior of Jianghai No. 1 High School would harm the healthy growth of children.

The most important thing is experimental data and medical data!

For example, verifying that reciting while running will harm children, such as verifying that the food of Jianghai No. 1 High School will have a negative impact on the growth of children, and verifying that the supervision of the subject will force children to suffer from depression.

He firmly believed that Lin Mo did not!

If not, it would be impossible to conclude that the behavior of Jianghai No. 1 High School is harmful to children. If Lin Mo is tortured, the custody cannot be taken away.

And it is extremely difficult to verify these.

At least several weeks, when the court is reopened, Huang Jiancheng firmly believes that he has found the arguments to completely defeat Lin Mo.

No, in other words, Lin Mo can't even get past the medical data.

This is an absolute advantage for him!

Thinking of this, Huang Jiancheng laughed dizzyly. He felt that he was still the genius who could come up with such a wonderful argument to destroy Lin Mo on the spot!

Thinking of this, he looked at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo had a blank expression on his face, but in Huang Jiancheng's eyes, Lin Mo was nervous!

So he smiled at Lin Mo, so what if I just said it nonsense?

If you have the guts, go and use real data to speak!

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