Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 138 Key evidence—If you don’t die from studying, then study until you die!

Lin Mo also noticed Huang Jiancheng's smirk and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

This guy, has he become a fool because of his excessive brain power consumption?

Lin Mo has not forgotten how much the flow state consumes.

As for Huang Jiancheng's argument just now, it seems rogue, but it does make sense.

If we really follow what Huang Jiancheng said, we really have to investigate medical data to convince the judge that Jianghai No. 1 High School has failed to fulfill its guardianship duties.

Only by using data to prove that the children's healthy growth and development have indeed been damaged can we deprive Jianghai No. 1 High School of its guardianship.

At this time, there were also relevant legal bloggers who talked about this situation online.

Let everyone know that Huang Jiancheng's seemingly rogue argument is indeed reasonable...

To prove that the guardianship is dereliction of duty, detailed data must be used to win the trust of the judge.

Suddenly, everyone's heart was lifted again.

The situation changed too quickly, and some viewers' hearts couldn't stand it.

They all looked at Lin Mo.

At this time, Lin Mo's mouth slightly raised. He didn't expect this situation. Huang Jiancheng is really capable.

But the next moment, Lin Mo asked Huang Jiancheng meaningfully:

"So, Lawyer Huang, do you think Jianghai No. 1 High School is essentially for the healthy growth of children? Everything is to hone the children?"

Huang Jiancheng was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what Lin Mo meant by asking this question.

But after thinking about it, it seemed that there was nothing wrong, so he nodded: "That's right! Jianghai No. 1 High School has always been working hard for the healthy growth of students!"


Lin Mo slapped the table. I'm waiting for you to say this!

The next moment, Lin Mo pulled out another stack of photo albums from the documents on the table: "Judge, I apply for additional evidence!"

"Approved!" Huang Youhe immediately agreed and sent someone to bring up the evidence submitted by Lin Mo.

After receiving them, he found that they were all slogans hung in Jianghai No. 1 High School. He thought there was no problem, so he said:

"The evidence submitted by the plaintiff's lawyer is legal, and the trial continues."

Lin Mo nodded, then raised one of the photos, and it was also displayed on the big screen in the court.

It was the slogan hung on a classroom: "If you don't die from studying, study until you die!"

Everyone didn't understand what the slogan meant.

Isn't this a very common slogan for the college entrance examination in schools?

Many young people were also puzzled and didn't know what Lin Mo was doing with this slogan.

At this time, Lin Mo said: "Do you remember what lawyer Huang Jiancheng said just now?"

"He said that Jianghai No. 1 High School is essentially to escort the healthy growth of children."

Then, Lin Mo changed the subject and pointed to the slogan on the big screen: "Then I would like to ask lawyer Huang, why does your school hang this slogan in the classroom where students are studying healthily?"

Huang Jiancheng was stunned, and suddenly a cold sweat broke out.

Oh no!

Lin Mo didn't listen and snorted coldly: "Haha, this slogan was approved by the leaders of your school and then hung up by the teachers. It can be said that it has been certified by the leadership.

Combined with your school's pursuit of enrollment rate, can I assume that your school actually doesn't care about the health of students at all, and forces students to die in the classroom for the sake of enrollment rate?"


Everyone took another breath.

Everyone knows that this is actually a slogan, which only serves as an incentive.

But after Lin Mo said this, the nature of it has completely changed!

Especially, it mentioned that it was approved by the leadership and by the teacher...

At this time, Lin Mo continued: "From this horrifying slogan, I think that in essence, your school does not care about the healthy growth of children at all, but only treats them as examination machines and sacrifices them for your enrollment rate!

So everything that Lawyer Huang just said is bullshit.

The school leadership does not want the children to grow up healthily from the bottom of their hearts, so what is the use of testing?

They have never thought about any guardianship!

From beginning to end, they are oppressing children!"

Lin Mo paused: "I know that everyone will say that this is just a slogan and does not mean anything, but please take a look at this."

Then, Lin Mo took out a black and white photo.

"Everyone, please look, this is a slogan hung at the door of a certain inhumane concentration camp in the West during a certain world war-labor brings freedom"

Seeing this black and white photo, everyone was stunned!

This is history that everyone knows, it was a massacre and concentration camp.

"This may be a hellish joke, because in such an inhumane place, there are positive slogans such as "Labor brings freedom" hanging on the wall."

"But! Jianghai No. 1 High School actually hung slogans of extremely bad nature such as "If you don't die from studying, study to death". It can be seen that the school's leadership does not treat people as human beings at all!"

Then, Lin Mo took out various slogans posted in Jianghai No. 1 High School.

Under Lin Mo's explanation, each slogan was given an evil meaning!

For example, [Improve one point, kill a thousand people. ]

This is cultivating vicious competition among children and corrupting their ideological and moral qualities.

And [Learning for fun, never give up] and [The sea of ​​learning is endless, fight to the end] are outright mental PUA, controlling the spirit of students and making them burn themselves for the sake of admission rate.

All of a sudden, everyone was dumbfounded!

This is fucking, can it be played like this?

And the students of Jianghai No. 1 High School who were watching the live broadcast in class at this moment all looked at the slogans in the classroom and shuddered.

This ordinary inspirational slogan is so scary?

In fact, Lin Mo emphasized this to prove that the leadership of Jianghai No. 1 High School essentially has no idea of ​​raising children in a healthy way, and the guardianship is completely negligent!

Let me ask for medical data to prove that Jianghai No. 1 High School has negligent guardianship?


I will directly prove that your leadership has no intention of properly supervising the healthy growth of children, isn't it over!

After arguing once, Lin Mo also stopped.

Huang Youhe looked at Huang Jiancheng: "Defendant's lawyer, do you have anything else to say?"

Huang Jiancheng was stunned. His mind was originally muddled, and Lin Mo directly stunned him.

Damn, this kind of slogan can also be used to make an article?

"No more, right? Then the court is adjourned now. Two hours later, after both parties have made their final statements, I will pronounce the verdict in court!"


Huang Youhe struck the gavel.

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