Huang Youhe announced the adjournment and prepared to leave.

Lin Mo glanced at the dock.

The eyes of Mr. and Mrs. Jiang Ze and Mr. and Mrs. Chen Guodong were blurred, as if they had lost their minds, but their expressions were very complicated.

Even Chen Guodong, who had the most explosive temper, shut his mouth.

Lin Mo knew that the four parents showed such expressions because of his argument just now. They knew that Jiang Hai Yigao's method was wrong.

But they are extremely reluctant to admit their mistakes and are unwilling to bow their heads, because admitting their mistakes will damage their authority as parents.

But Lin Mo understood that Jianghai Yigao's oppressive management was not the main contradiction.

The main contradiction is that as parents, they do not know how to educate their children correctly!

This is what they should reflect on most!

Thinking about it, Lin Mo raised his hand: "Presiding judge, before adjourning the court, can I ask the four parents of the defendant one last question?"

Huang Youhe stopped and said, "Please tell me."

Lin Mo nodded and looked at the four parents.

The four of them were also a little confused, and even looked at Lin Mo with fear in their eyes.

"Four parents, I want to ask you, do you regret that Jiang Shuxuan and Chen Anmin have reached this point?"

When Lin Mo asked this sentence, the whole place was silent without a trace of noise. Even the live camera gave a close-up of the four parents.


The four of them wanted to say something, but they couldn't say anything.

Chen Guodong shook his head: "I...I...shouldn't force Anmin to go to Jianghai Yigao."

Lin Mo heard this and smiled, but did not answer Chen Guodong's words. Instead, he looked at the live camera:

"Now, I also want to ask the parents across the country who are paying attention to this lawsuit. If your children choose to do the same thing as Jiang Shuxuan and Chen Anmin, do you think it has much to do with you? Or will you say that you Your children are too weak to bear, so you throw all the responsibilities onto your children?”

Lin Mo stared at the camera intently and asked this sentence extremely seriously.

The parents who were already very angry were stunned for a moment and began to involuntarily imagine the moment when their children jumped.

Sadness, anger, regret, all kinds of emotions flooded the hearts of parents.

At this time, Lin Mo said calmly: "Parents, you need to know that before your children reach adulthood, you will always be one. The behavior they do has 100% to do with you as parents. If your children do something that hurts themselves, His emotions, even jumping off the building, are essentially influenced by you.”

"So, do you understand?"

After Lin Mo finished speaking, Huang Youhe nodded and announced the adjournment of the court again.

At this time, all the parents watching the live broadcast were caught up in Lin Mo's questions, thinking deeply.

Lin Mo sat down. His last question already touched on human nature. How many parents can understand and listen?

After all, there are more parents like Chen Guodong. He did realize his mistake, but he only realized that it was wrong to send his children to Jianghai No. 1 High School.

But Lin Mo’s last question was not without reason. It was the final preparation for the final statement.

Now, just wait quietly.

Thinking about it, Lin Mo closed his eyes.

The court fell silent. Huang Jiancheng glanced at Lin Mo. He didn't know what Lin Mo's last question meant. He just wanted to eat something.

His brain had turned into a mush and he couldn't think at all.

And he knew that he was already in an absolute disadvantage!

On the Internet, there are no barrage battles in major live broadcast rooms.

Not only parents are thinking about Lin Mo's last words, young people and students are also thinking about Lin Mo's last words.

Got it?

What do you need to understand?

The live broadcast room fell silent.

Legal bloggers also pondered and began to analyze the outcome of this verdict.

Even Luo Daxiang lowered his head and started writing and drawing in his notebook.

Judging from the current situation, Lin Mo's argument is perfect, but the charges charged are biased.

Some comments floated in the live broadcast room asking how the judgment would be. Luo Daxiang was not sure, so he had to say:

"As for the crime of intentional homicide of parents, lawyer Lin Mo essentially used the crime of abuse to prove it, but whether mental PUA is legally considered abuse needs to be considered, because there has never been such a precedent, so I don't know what the court will do. How to judge.

As for Jiang Hai Yigao's crime of illegal detention and abuse, lawyer Lin Mo has indeed proved that Jiang Hai Yigao's custody negligence is entirely possible and may constitute the crime of illegal detention and abuse.

In particular, Chen Anmin's jumping on campus can be said to have been caused by illegal detention and abuse, and will be severely punished.

The specific decision depends on the court, and I can only speculate. "

Regarding Mr. and Mrs. Jiang Ze and Mr. and Mrs. Chen Guodong, everyone really doesn’t know how to judge!

When the majority of students and young people heard that Jiang Haiyi Gao would be judged, every one of them smiled, at least one of them calmed down!

I was immediately full of expectations for the final verdict.

same moment.

In the conference room of the court, Huang Youhe and three other members of the collegial panel were frowning. The three of them were looking through legal regulations and various documents and files.

Half an hour later, Huang Youhe slumped on the chair and murmured: "I, Huang Youhe, how can He De judge such a case?"

Then he looked at the other two judges: "What do you think?"

The two judges are even younger, less than 40 years old, and have just been admitted. They have not judged many cases.

The corners of their mouths twitched: "Brother Huang, I think... let's find external help."

"Yeah, that's right, I think our intermediate courts are not good enough, but it's not that we can't do it. It's just that this case is a bit difficult and not within our scope. We should have sent it to the high court at the beginning."

"Okay!" Huang Youhe's eyes lit up immediately when he heard about external help, and he picked up the phone and called Wang Zhenghua.

Huang Youhe didn't forget that Lin Mo's first heaven-defying judgment was made by the vice president of the high court.

He is bold, let him do it!

No, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Thinking of this, Huang Youhe immediately dialed the phone without any psychological burden.

Because he believes that the less ability, the less responsibility, and he is the one with the least ability.

In the high court, the vice president's office, Wang Zhenghua is working on a table full of files.

There was a tablet computer on the corner of the table, which was playing Lin Mo's trial.

He was also watching the live broadcast.

At this time, the phone rang in a pile of files. He frowned and took out the phone from the pile of files.

"Hello, Youhe? What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Vice Dean Wang, this is the case..." Huang Youhe told the situation again.

Wang Zhenghua's eyes twitched. Huang Youhe's meaning was almost to say to him: "Dean Wang, you should be more awesome. You make the decision on this case. I dare not judge it."

"Forget it, I just happen to have some ideas. I will come to give you some advice." Wang Zhenghua finally said.

Huang Youhe was happy: "Okay, then I'll trouble you."

After hanging up the phone, Huang Youhe breathed a sigh of relief.

Because this case is really difficult to judge. He has never heard of the crime of mental PUA abuse by two parents, but the behavior of the four parents does constitute abuse.

Jianghai No. 1 High School is also a headache. Illegal detention is inevitable, but who should be sentenced and how to sentence them.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, there has been no precedent for this. Could it be that the entire leadership of Jianghai No. 1 High School was arrested?

So if Wang Zhenghua didn't come, Huang Youhe was going to adjourn the court again.

Find out before making a judgment.

Then I don't know when it will be.

Half an hour later, Wang Zhenghua rushed to the Intermediate Court, bringing with him several young judges from the High Court.

Dusty and exhausted, he got straight to the point as soon as he entered the conference room.

Wang Zhenghua began to talk about his thoughts.

He fully agreed with Lin Mo's prosecution this time.

He hated Jianghai No. 1 High School, a compulsory learning college. Wang Zhenghua believed in passion, and only passion can do a good job.

He worked in the legal industry because of passion.

This form of Jianghai No. 1 High School completely violated human nature. Now that Lin Mo proposed it, he was very happy.

And what made him most happy was that the arguments Lin Mo put forward were completely enough to judge Jianghai No. 1 High School!

This also gave him room to play.

So as soon as he came, he began to express his thoughts.

Huang Youhe began to record frantically, sometimes shocked, sometimes confused, and finally nodded.

At the same time, in the hospital.

Jiang Shuxuan was also thinking about Lin Mo's last question. Suddenly she thought of something and immediately called Jiang Shuying over:

"Shuying, go to my room, take out my diary from under the mattress, and send it to Lin Mo, the lawyer in the court. He should be able to use it."


Although he didn't understand what was going on, Jiang Shuying did it.

An hour later, Jiang Shuying appeared in the court with the diary full of historical atmosphere.

"Shuying? Why are you here?" Xia Ling asked in surprise when she saw Shuying.

"Sister Xia Ling, Lawyer Lin, my sister and Brother Anmin have woken up."

At this time, Lin Mo opened his eyes.

Jiang Shuying directly handed the notebook to Lin Mo.

"Lawyer Lin, my sister said this diary should be useful to you."

Lin Mo nodded, took the Japanese version, and flipped through it.

After flipping through the pages, Lin Mo closed the diary. From the diary, Lin Mo felt the suffocation coming towards him.

Although this diary is full of happy days.

But the happiness was only when Jiang Shuxuan suffered from the PUA of her family and felt very uncomfortable and met Chen Anmin, and Chen Anmin comforted her.

Rather than recording happy days, it is better to say that it records all the PUA suffered by Jiang Shuxuan.

Lin Mo firmly believes that if it were not for Chen Anmin, Jiang Shuxuan would have been unable to bear it.

"Well, thank you Shuying, this is very important to me." Lin Mo said sincerely.

Jiang Shuying nodded, sat aside obediently, waiting for the final judgment of the court.

She glanced at her parents sitting opposite, then snorted coldly and stopped looking.

This time, Jiang Ze and Jiang's mother did not have a stern expression, but more of a sense of self-ashamed. They both sighed when they saw this scene.

Time passed quickly.

The discussion in the conference room was also over, and two hours had passed.

Adding the previous three hours,

Huang Youhe returned to the court with confidence.

If it was the same as before, the plaintiff, the defendant, the lawyers and the parties would definitely be drowsy.

But this time, except for Lin Mo who closed his eyes to rest, everyone else was exceptionally quiet.

The four parents still had tangled faces and complicated expressions.

The bald principal Huang Ming fell into self-doubt. He didn't understand why a slogan could make so many articles and even give Jiang Hai a life-or-death decision.

It must be of no use to the verdict, right?

What depressed him the most was that the lawyer next to him said nothing and seemed to be thinking deeply.

Let him not understand the specific situation.

Huang Jiancheng on the side was indeed in good spirits after eating, but his expression was extremely gloomy, as if he had encountered great difficulties.

Without saying a word, his mind was running wildly.


The sound of the gavel resounded throughout the courtroom, awakening everyone.

"The court is now open, and the plaintiff will make its final statement first."

Everyone looked at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo opened his eyes, adjusted his clothes, and stood up in an extremely formal manner.

Lin Mo never forgot his ultimate purpose of coming here.

If the four parents were simply made to pay the price and Jiang Hai Yigao was sentenced, there would actually be no need for a final statement.

However, Lin Mo's purpose is more than that!

He said: "The four parents present, and parents across the country, have you understood my previous question?"


The four parents didn't know what to say.

Parents watching the live broadcast were also hesitant. They could not understand why their children's behavior was 100% related to them.

Don’t children have their own ideas?

"Haha." Lin Mo smiled lightly.

The next moment, Lin Mo took out the diary: "Everyone, this is the diary recorded by Jiang Shuxuan since she was a child. It records her happiness from childhood to adulthood."

"Now, let me read it."

At this time, Jiang Ze and his wife looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

Because they never knew about this diary.

At this time, Lin Mo had already started reading:

"Today is the first day of fifth grade. My mother stopped my Rubik's Cube interest class, saying that playing Rubik's Cube would affect my study and delay my entrance to college. I actually don't know what college is. I only know that if I don't listen, Mom, she will be in a bad mood and angry. I am afraid that my mother will be angry, because being angry is not good for the body, but I feel so uncomfortable. Obviously I like the Rubik's Cube. I don't know why playing the Rubik's Cube will delay my college entrance examination... But still Okay, classmate Anmin comforted me today, I’m really happy.”

"Today is the first day of junior high school. My mother said that this year is very important, so she signed me up for cram school for seven subjects, which took up my weekend time. I was so tired, but my mother said it was for my own good. I gave her a lot of money, but I couldn't live up to her expectations. Fortunately, I was able to meet classmate Anmin in the math cram school. Although he only tutored math, he would wait for me outside the classroom for other subjects, and then go home together. It’s really fun on the road…”

"Second grade..."

"Third grade..."

This diary is like a girl's romantic love notes.

Jiang Shuxuan's parents were always the one who destroyed her emotions, but Jiang Shuxuan, who silently suffered the grievances, was always healed by Chen Anmin.

It feels like an innocent love story from student days, making people smile involuntarily.

Just when everyone is immersed in this seemingly suffocating but sweet love diary.

Lin Mo had turned to the last page and spoke slowly:

"Today is the first day I was expelled. I don't know why, but I'm a little lucky.

Because I stayed with Anmin for a long time today, talked a lot, and even agreed to go to college together. At that time, we should be able to go shopping, go to school, and eat well together every day... At that time, we should not There are only 15 minutes in a day, hehe..."

Until now, everyone watching the live broadcast is still smiling.

But the next moment, Lin Mo said coldly: "Everyone, this is the last page of the diary. After Jiang Shuxuan wrote the last entry in the diary, she chose to jump from her bedroom."

Suddenly, the smiles on everyone's faces froze.


Lin Mo smiled: "This seems to be a beautiful love story, right? Haven't you noticed that all Jiang Shuxuan's negative emotions were instilled in her by her parents?"

"And she will always be the girl who is not rebellious. She chooses to understand her parents silently and bear their PUA in pain."

"And when she learned that Chen Anmin jumped at school, she chose to jump without hesitation."

"What does this mean?"

"It shows you as parents!"

Lin Mo pointed at Jiang Ze and his wife: "You have completely failed to fulfill your responsibilities as parents! Jiang Shuxuan never thought of relying on you until her death! Because from her childhood, she has been accommodating you!

This time, she no longer has to accommodate your emotions, she is tired.

But you, as parents, have always been on the opposite side of your child and have never stood with her!

It can be said that it was your mental suppression and control that finally caused her to jump off the building!

So I say that children's behavior is actually 100% related to their parents.

It is you who subtly influence children's behavior.

You can be the executioner, the strong backing of the children, or the villain in the eyes of the children. In fact, it is up to you to decide what role you want to be in your children's lives.

It is not that you are parents because you gave birth to a child.

You grow up with your child, pay attention to his emotions, discipline him reasonably, and grow up healthily together. You are called parents!

So you must understand that as a parent, you must be the best partner of your children and support each other, instead of pushing your children to the opposite side under the banner of doing good for him, which will eventually lead to tragedy! "

Speaking of this, Lin Mo paused and his tone softened:

"In fact, the children also want to be friends with you who can talk about everything, but you..."

(The case will be closed in the next chapter!)

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