Lin Mo's tone slowed down and he wanted to continue talking.

But the next moment, Lin Mo found that the four parents in the defendant's seat had different expressions, and each of them showed sad expressions.

So Lin Mo stopped.

The meaning of Lin Mo's words was very clear, which was to make these confused parents understand what they had done to push their children into this dead end.

The only thing I worry about is that parents in the world simply don’t understand.

But for now, the four parents who have strong personalities and refuse to plead guilty seem to have remained silent.

Especially Jiang Shuxuan's mother, she stared at the diary written by her daughter on the big screen.

Her eyes suddenly turned red, and her eyes gradually became moist. As a university professor, how could she not understand what Lin Mo said?

It’s almost a snap!

She choked and said, "Jiang Ze, now I finally know why Shu Xuan has nothing to say to us as he grows older..."

She has always thought that Jiang Shuxuan was indifferent and did not want to communicate with his family.

Unexpectedly, it was his own behavior that forced Jiang Shuxuan to take this path.

"It was me, I personally pushed her to the opposite side and became her enemy..."

She looked at Jiang Ze with red eyes.

Jiang Ze was also choked with sobs at this moment: "It's us... So the murderer is the two of us?"

Jiang's mother nodded. If she didn't have this knowledge, her job as a university professor would have been in vain!

"Let's...let's plead guilty." Jiang Ze shed tears of regret.

Chen Guodong and his wife on the side also fell into deep self-doubt.

There is Jiang Shuxuan's diary in front, plus Lin Mo's explanation.

They understand that it is not the hardships and pressure from the outside world that lead their children to such a path, but the mental pressure from their families!

When the facts were in front of him, he stopped talking nonsense.

Chen Guodong held his head: "So...did we parents really push our children to this point?"

"Then I...then what did I do wrong? I worked hard, sent him to school, and ensured that he had enough food and clothing. Am I wrong? Or did my talkativeness affect him?"

Chen Guodong didn't understand. He was not a university professor. He was just a worker with low academic qualifications and low cognitive level. He couldn't understand such a profound problem.

Lin Mo looked at the self-doubt of Chen Guodong and his wife, and thought of the parents of most families in China.

They are the parents of most families.

Indeed, the majority of parents sitting in front of the computer at this moment are also falling into self-doubt, "Is it true that we as parents have pushed our children into this dead end?"

They don’t even know that behaviors that cause mental oppression to children are bad!

So they still don't quite understand.

Immediately, Lin Mo slowly continued:

"I know that as a parent, as long as you send your children to school and pay attention to their children's grades, you actually love your children. You work hard, save money, and try your best to provide for your children to go to school and eat better. Just so that your children can have a better future, you have given everything you have for your children.”

After saying this, the four parents all looked at Lin Mo, a little surprised.

Because the lawyer Lin Mo in front of him had been attacking them before. Why did he suddenly speak for them now?

Even the parents in front of the TV were surprised.

Hasn’t Lawyer Lin Mo been criticizing them before, calling them criminals?

Lin Mo didn't pause and continued:

"But you are still wrong. There is no one solution to the future of children. No one has ever said that attending a good university will lead to a comfortable future. As parents, you unilaterally believe this, which is actually a kind of laziness.

Because exploring a child’s future, giving full play to their own strengths, and letting them shine in their favorite track is the most difficult, long and painful research.

And you, as parents, have given up on this kind of exploration and thinking, and rudely left your children's future to attend a key university, thinking that this is the safest way.

In fact, your thinking is lazy, and then you use your hard work to numb yourself and your children, thinking that you have given everything.

If you really do it for your child, you want him to spend his life in his own way.

So what you have to do is to let go of your parents' arrogance and power, play with your children since childhood, become his good friends or even good brothers who talk about everything, understand all the children's behaviors, and patiently help them solve their difficulties.

Explore your child's interests and hobbies together, respect your child's interests, hobbies and chosen career, and even make future career plans together, use your own experience to help him avoid difficulties, and protect the career he loves.

Try your best to help your children spend their time in the way they love. This is what you should do.

But this is also the most difficult. You need to constantly reflect on your interaction with your children, and use your wisdom and experience to guide your children.

This will consume all your parents' energy and even financial resources, and may even end in failure.

So you are lazy and leave your children to oppressive schools like Jianghai No. 1 High School, thinking that going to a good university will solve all your problems. "

Lin Mo sighed after saying this, and then looked at Chen Guodong.

At this moment, Chen Guodong and his wife had begun to tremble. He had already understood his dereliction of duty. Since he was a child, he had never properly accompanied Chen Anmin, let alone explored together.

They just threw Chen Anmin to school and cram school.

" this also wrong?" Chen Guodong said with trembling lips.

At the same time, the parents watching the live broadcast were also ashamed. Not many of them had made it this far.

The next moment, Lin Mo slowed down his tone again:

"Actually... I also understand everyone's difficulties. The burden of life is on your parents. You can't express and vent your own sufferings. You are not an iron man. You have to accommodate your children after work and learn how to get along with them. It’s really embarrassing for you to ask you to raise your children like this.”

Hearing these words, Chen Guodong was stunned for a moment, and tears immediately flowed down his face.

His eyes softened when he looked at Lin Mo.

As a middle-aged man, how many grievances have you suffered while struggling in society?

Now that someone understood him, Chen Guodong's dusty heart softened. He was already ashamed of Chen Anmin, and with the mixture of two emotions, tears flowed wildly.

Many parents watching the live broadcast also had tears in their eyes.

It is indeed not easy. After suffering a lot of grievances outside, you also have to go home to deal with a lot of things. Who can bear it?

The atmosphere in the court became subtle.

It seems that this round is not a court trial, but a large-scale educational scene.

Lin Mo smiled mysteriously and said lightly:

“But no matter what, parents are incapable of education.

In view of this, I propose to establish a parent training school. The school's curriculum is dedicated to teaching parents how to educate their children. Examinations are conducted from time to time. Parents who fail the examination will be deprived of their custody rights. As for the school's rules and regulations, we are now discussing There are ready-made ones. "

With that said, Lin Mo directly took out the rules and regulations of Jianghai No.1 High School and promoted them: "I think everyone knows that Jianghai No.1 High School has a relatively high enrollment rate. If we use Jianghai No.1 High School's model to teach parents how to Get along with children and impart parenting knowledge.

I believe it!

Under this educational model that you admire, all parents will surely become great parents!

After all, they learn how to educate their children and how to coexist peacefully with them under high pressure every day. Even a stupid parent knows how to get along with their children. "

The parents who were still crying silently were stunned for a moment when they heard this, and then showed extremely surprised expressions.

Being a parent and taking classes?

Or is it the Jianghai Yigao model?

"What? Are you going to send me to Jianghai No.1 High School?" Chen Guodong was still moved one second, but felt like his waist was broken the next!

Suddenly, the originally silent Internet became lively again.

Especially the young people burst out laughing.

"Damn it, I thought Lawyer Lin really cared about these parents who engage in mental PUA. It turned out that he wanted to send them to Jianghai No. 1 High School to experience it! Hahaha!"

"Lawyer Lin is right! These parents don't know how to educate at all. They must study and take exams before they can be parents!"

"What social difficulties are there is that we are lazy and lack education!"

"That's right! They must get up at half past six and recite parenting lessons while running and doing exercises!"

"Then they must answer the questions, let's answer "Five Years of Parents and Three Years of Grandchildren"!"

"Ah hahaha, the best way to let him know his mistake is to send his parents to study at Jianghai No.1 High School."

"That's right. After staying in for half a month, I was beaten twice by the security guard. I couldn't write a plan for educating my children. I was insulted by the superintendent a few times and I became honest!"

The barrages in all the major live broadcast rooms exploded.

In the court, even Huang Youhe, the presiding judge, widened his eyes.

He thought that Lin Mo was planning to make a final emotional statement to impress the four parents and make them realize their mistake.

At this time, Lin Mo looked at the bald principal Huang Ming and said with a smile:

"Principal Huang Ming, I heard that you are setting up an education group. You are going to join it anyway, so why not do a good deed and use your model to set up a 'Qualified Parent Training School' so that parents can accept it?" How is your education?”

When Huang Ming heard this, he went crazy: "Lin Mo, don't smear me! There is nothing wrong with our school's education system, it's all for the students!"

Lin Mo said meaningfully: "Since there is no problem, since we are engaged in education anyway, you go and recruit parents for training and teach them how to be a good parent."

"And you can ask the four parents next to you if they would like to go to your school?"

"This... you!" Of course Huang Ming knew what his school was like, how could an adult suffer?

He was speechless and didn't know how to answer Lin Mo. He just retorted feebly: "I...we only teach students..."

Lin Mo ignored him and looked at the four parents present: "So, if it were you, the parents of Jiang Shuxuan and Chen Anmin, would you be willing to go to Jianghai No. 1 High School to study?"

At this time, all four people were silent...

Then, Lin Mo looked at the live camera and asked all the parents: "What about you? Are you willing to accept such a hellish model of learning for the healthy growth of your children?"

At this moment, all the parents were silent.

Even going to jail is worse than going to jail. You won't become a beast after you go there.

At this time, Lin Mo sneered: "But you children, because of your laziness, have been suffering in it for more than two years in order to meet your requirements, and you don't even have the idea of ​​becoming qualified parents!"

Then, Lin Mo looked at the presiding judge: "President, my statement is over."

Huang Youhe nodded.

Wang Zhenghua was also paying attention to everything in the background, and he took a deep breath.

He knew that although Lin Mo's final statement seemed like a large-scale education, in fact, the words were very clear.

As parents, they were lazy, acted as blame-shifters, did not get along well with their children, and were obsessed with their children, which led to catastrophe.

And the best thing is to use Jianghai Yigao's harsh rules and regulations to establish a parent training school.

As a result, the four parents were silent and unwilling to go, which showed that from their hearts, Jianghai Yigao's rules and regulations were also anti-human.

After losing custody, that is a worse place than prison!

Lin Mo used an educational speech to directly state these two most critical points.

Wang Zhenghua nodded with great appreciation.

In the court, Huang Youhe looked at the defendant's lawyer Huang Jiancheng.

"Defendant's lawyer, do you need to make a statement?"

At this time, Huang Jiancheng lowered his head and said nothing.

"Defendant's lawyer?" Huang Youhe asked again.

The principal Huang Ming on the side was anxious and pushed Huang Jiancheng.

"Hey, it's your turn to speak!" Huang Ming was in a panic now. It depends on whether his lawyer can win the battle!

However, when Huang Jiancheng raised his head, everyone was shocked!

Huang Jiancheng was seen biting his lip, with tears streaming down his face.

"What the hell? Lawyer Huang, what's wrong with you?" Huang Ming was shocked, wondering if he was crying like this because he couldn't think of a way to refute?


The next moment, Huang Jiancheng burst into tears.

Everyone was confused.

What's going on?

Even Lin Mo couldn't understand what Huang Jiancheng was up to and what he had planned?

However, the development of things was beyond Lin Mo's expectation.

I saw Huang Jiancheng crying and yelling: "I... I am not a qualified father! I did not educate my son well! I did not accompany his growth and left him alone abroad... So this resulted in Because of his character flaws, he suffered from mental illness after the first disastrous defeat!

All because of my irresponsibility!

I am the "lazy" father! "

Huang Xuan became mentally ill, which has always been a knot in Huang Jiancheng's heart. He has been analyzing why his son can't bear the loss of a lawsuit?

But after what Lin Mo said today, he understood!

It turns out that there was a problem with my own education. I was busy with my career and neglected to pay attention to, educate and guide Huang Xuan!

I thought my son would be able to sit back and relax after he entered a prestigious foreign university to study law.

But in fact, I did not give him the best education, accompany him to grow, and accompany him through difficulties.

So in the end, Huang Xuan just lost one lawsuit and couldn't bear the blow and became insane.

"It was my dereliction of duty. I...I am guilty!" Huang Jiancheng looked up to the sky and cried bitterly.

"Catch me, catch me!"

Huang Jiancheng yelled, and the next moment, he directly grabbed Huang Ming's collar: "Quick! Open your parent training school for me! I want to go in for training! I want to become a qualified parent!"

"You... why are you crazy? Help me refute it!" Huang Ming was about to cry.

Why did his lawyer slip up at the most critical moment and start going crazy?

What kind of fucking parent training class are you taking? There is no chance of getting into higher education. I'll give you a shit!

At this moment, Lin Mo was a little surprised.

Did co-authoring my education speech inspire the old thief Huang Jiancheng to awaken?

Immediately, Lin Mo smiled and shook his head. Every family has a hard time to recite. I hope Huang Jiancheng can become a qualified father in the future.

Huang Jiancheng's performance also shocked netizens.

"Damn it, did Lawyer Lin's words influence the other lawyer?"

"What kind of influence? This is called subduing the enemy without fighting!"

"Zi Dun, this is Zui Dun!"

"Come on, Huang Jiancheng was educated into a lunatic..."

"No, don't you know that Huang Xuan, Lin Mo's opponent in the school bully case, was Huang Jiancheng's son. Later, Huang Xuan became the official evil pen. What Lin Mo said today may have touched Huang Jiancheng's heart. , so Huang Jiancheng was emotionally defeated."


At this time, the lawyers watching the live broadcast were even more shocked.

"Lin Mo made Huang Jiancheng cry?"

"Damn it, was this designed by Lin Mo, or was it just a blind cat that met a dead mouse?"

"I don't know! Everyone in the industry should know that Huang Jiancheng's son is mentally disturbed."

"So, Lin Mo attacked this point fiercely, making Huang Jiancheng mistakenly believe that his education caused his son's mental disorder?"

"Fuck! Has Lin Mo even calculated this level?"

"No, I thought Lin Mo's final statement was attacking two sides, but I didn't expect that even lawyer Huang Jiancheng was attacking him. He was attacking three parties!"


If Lin Mo heard what they said, he would helplessly say: "I didn't, I really just wanted parents all over the country to realize their mistakes... I didn't expect to accidentally hurt Huang Jiancheng. I didn't target him at all. He doesn't have such a big face."

Huang Jiancheng's crying had seriously affected the order of the court. The bailiff quickly controlled him and locked him on the chair.

Huang Youhe knew that Huang Jiancheng would not be able to make a statement again, so he said: "Since the defendant's lawyer has nothing to say, I will now pronounce the verdict."

"Everyone stand up!"

Everyone stood up, and the four parents looked guilty. They no longer cared about the punishment and fell into deep self-blame.

Principal Huang Ming was so angry, but unfortunately there was nothing he could do.

Huang Youhe picked up the document and began to pronounce the verdict:

"The cause of this case: The plaintiff accused Jiang Ze and his wife, Chen Guodong and his wife of intentional homicide, and Jianghai's senior leaders of illegal detention and abuse."

"The final result of the trial will be announced below."

"After the collegial panel's ruling, the lawsuit filed by the plaintiff."

"According to the judicial interpretation of our country's Criminal Law on intentional homicide, illegal detention, and abuse."

"The defendants, Jiang Ze, Liu Ying (Jiang's mother), Chen Guodong, and Wei Yu (Chen's mother), caused Jiang Shuxuan and Chen Anmin to be under too much pressure by mental abuse, and then committed suicide, causing serious injuries.

Because the child could not bear the long-term mental abuse and committed suicide, it did not constitute the elements of intentional homicide, but it constituted the elements of abuse, and the nature was serious, and was sentenced to 13 years in prison!

But because it was not intentional abuse based on subjective will, the sentence was reduced as appropriate, and Jiang Ze, Liu Ying, Chen Guodong, and Wei Yu were sentenced to 10 years in prison!"

When the verdict came out, everyone was stunned.

It was really sentenced!

Lin Mo also looked at the presiding judge. He was within his expectation to sentence them to abuse.

After all, it was a bit far-fetched to consider this kind of mental PUA as intentional homicide.

Although it was infuriating, this was the law, and the most fair sentence would be considered.

After all, the parents didn't really want to kill their children.

The ten-year sentence was a punishment for their neglect of education.

Lin Mo was quite in favor of this.

Especially the fact that they could not bear the long-term mental abuse, this point was taken into consideration, which was really thoughtful.

This showed that the court adopted his opinion and believed that the behavior of the four parents was enough to constitute mental abuse.

At this point, young people on the Internet cheered and even many lawyers smiled.

In addition to being happy about winning the lawsuit.

It was also because this kind of mental PUA was officially considered by the court!

Then in the future, other mental PUAs by parents to their children, or between lovers, can be criminalized, and many cases will be easier to fight.

So the lawyers were very happy. They encountered many such cases, but because they didn't know how to fight, they could only give up.

However, the final explanation depends on whether the Supreme Court recognizes it. If it does not, even this judgment may become invalid.

At this time, Huang Youhe continued to read:

"The complaint against Jianghai No. 1 High School."

"After the ruling of the collegial panel, according to the judicial interpretation of the crime of illegal detention and abuse in my country's Criminal Law, the rules and regulations and educational model created by the leadership of Jianghai No. 1 High School, Huang Ming, and Wang Suo, violated the guardianship rights and constituted the crime of illegal detention and abuse!

It is now transferred to the Jianghai Procuratorate to initiate public prosecution against the leadership of Jianghai No. 1 High School, Huang Ming, Wang Suo and others in accordance with the law!

Now deprive Jianghai No. 1 High School of its guardianship and teaching rights, and order rectification. After the rectification is completed, it will be submitted to the court for review and approval before it is allowed to open."

No charges were pronounced in court.

Lin Mo had no objection, because Lin Mo knew that the court believed that these guys were indeed guilty, but the charges submitted by Lin Mo were not complete and had omissions.

If the case is transferred to the procuratorate for prosecution, the official level can go into the school to collect evidence, which means that the future sentence will be heavier!

The punishment will only be more, not less!

Huang Ming heard the verdict and rolled his eyes and collapsed in his seat.

(Ah? Brothers, why is the title of my book gone!??)

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