Layman System

Chapter 1097: exception

He must be comfortable in his heart, but he can't let him think about these things too much, after all, this guy will be particularly upset if he has a little thing.

Sometimes once a person gets upset, there will be many things that can’t be done well, so in order to avoid preventing him from doing these things badly, so I really need to comfort him and tell him What is he going to do?

I also believe that if Xiaodong knows this idea, he will agree with how he did it. This guy is not any fool.

I believe he will also have a special understanding of what he does, and will not complain too much about himself. After all, sometimes suffering a loss is something that must be experienced for growth.

For this kind of thing, it is necessary to be well prepared for everything. After all, mentality is also a particularly important place.

If you can't encounter a small amount of things, the whole mentality will explode, but that is absolutely impossible, you must make him know these things clearly.

If he knows his own things, then he will definitely do a lot, and then he won't encounter such a pit again.

It was a pit. Then he will polish his eyes, and soon he will see clearly what is going on. When the time comes to see what is going on, there will be nothing wrong.

There must be many things that he needs to experience personally, so there is nothing wrong with it. I am quite happy about these things he experienced, at least let him experience it at such a young age.

If he goes through these things at this age, it is absolutely impossible for him to be like this again. The pressure in his heart will appear all of a sudden, and he will really be particularly upset at that time.

So sometimes one thing is done wrong and it needs to be done early. After all, there are some things that are not waiting for others. If it is really done, it is absolutely great.

But it doesn't matter if you don't make it. After all, you get some very friendly experience, and then you will become very sophisticated!

No matter what problems are encountered, there will definitely be a particularly good solution. And this method will also be particularly easy to implement, this is another advantage that some experience brings you.

When you have these experiences, it means that you have a lot of things, and you will become particularly powerful if you continue to do so.

Experience is really a very magical thing. The more you accumulate, the more powerful you become. There will be a special performance if you continue to do so.

Anyway, no matter what it looks like, it is better for something like this to happen. At the very least, let him happen early, so that he can understand these principles early, and there is no need to waste too much.

Don't panic when you encounter something. Because there are some things, the more you panic, the more chaotic and chaotic it will become, then you absolutely don't have any performance ability.

So in order for you to have these performance capabilities, you have to know exactly why these things happen.

Understand why it happened, then you will definitely have a different discovery. This is the ability that some truth will bring you. When the accumulation of these abilities is about the same, you will become particularly powerful.

Xiaodong really hoped that he could understand what he said. If you really can't understand these things, then you might have really taken him so much for nothing.

He also took him out to talk about so much business for nothing. If he doesn't understand anymore, then he is absolutely unwilling to learn. I'm afraid he is really this kind of thing.

When the time comes, I have to find another way out for him. I am afraid that I will really have some difficulties at that time.

Seeing how my usual cronies look like this, my heart must be particularly uncomfortable. So in order not to let yourself be like that, you must bring Xiaodong out.

Then Xiaodong is like another self in front of him, no matter what he encounters, he will think about it calmly.

Only then will some better decisions be made. At that time, once these decisions are made, they will definitely be different, so we must let him know these truths.

If he doesn't know, then he can only waste some words, tell him a little opinion, let him understand his own difficulties, and let him understand some of his intentions.

If he goes on like this, if he doesn't work hard, then really don't blame yourself for being rude, after all, sometimes you have to be strict with him to let him understand.

When a person becomes strict, it definitely changes, and the person who learns in his hands will also become like that. Only in this way can he become particularly outstanding. If not like this, he might still be like The situation before.

He has always been like a person of no use, so it is impossible to make him like that, and he must be made to understand these principles.

Zhou Dong thought about these things as he walked, and soon the foreigner had taken him to the place he was going to show Zhou Dong.

Slowly, the foreigner began to stop his steps. Zhou Dong saw that the foreigner had already stopped, and he stopped here quickly, looking at the foreigner and said.

"Why this is you. Are you planning to take me to this place? By the way, the management of your place is really bad. When I came just now, I met the two security guards. What I said was really me. I'm embarrassed to tell you something."

When the foreigner heard this, he felt that this matter was a bit serious, so he immediately asked Zhou Dong as a particularly important matter.

"Why did something happen? Why did it suddenly look like this? Who are the two security guards? You will take me to have a look later. I want to see how they treat my guests. Some are outrageous. I said, friends, don’t get me wrong. I usually manage my staff very strictly. Maybe these two people are exceptions."

Zhou Dong didn't have too much time to ask him to say if there were any exceptions. He wanted to know how this matter was solved. If he could solve it for himself, he would really have a lot easier here.

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