Layman System

Chapter 1098: Solve the problem

The only thing I want to know now is what the result of punishment for their behavior looks like. If there is a particularly good result, then I will become particularly comfortable in my heart this time.

Once your mood becomes particularly comfortable, it means that everything in the future will be particularly smooth and smooth, without any problems.

So now the only thing that needs to be waited is to see how the foreigner solves the two security guards. After solving this problem, I really saved a lot of things here.

You don't have to go to the two security guards alone, and then talk about other things. Other people in the province think that they are particularly stingy, because the two small security guards have to talk to both of them separately.

If it were to be spread like that, it would be too magnanimous here, so in order to avoid such a thing from happening, it is necessary to find a leader of them to solve it.

To put it bluntly, it is the foreigner. Anyway, this is something his people did, so if he doesn’t take any action,

Then there is indeed something unreasonable here, which made me feel so uncomfortable when I first arrived, and then I was here to talk about these things with him, and of course it would be uncomfortable in my heart.

Although it is said that he will give himself a lot of things, but these things are lacking, the big deal is to change another one, mainly because he wants to have a particularly strong backing.

Therefore, his request for himself is a situation that he has to do, and he has particularly grasped this psychology here.

If he can't even figure out his careful thoughts, then there is indeed something too bad here, so I feel that he still has to let him know these things.

The foreigner saw that Zhou Dong had been waiting quietly for his own words, so he began to think about it in his head, and quickly opened his mouth and said.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, my friend, I will call the two security guards in a while and ask them to apologize to you in front of you? If you are really upset, just do it. You can hit them two boxes and let them know how good you are."

Zhou Dong laughed immediately after hearing it. If such a solution was passed out, then his reputation would not be discredited here.

So I started shaking my head there, then opened my mouth to feel the situation at him, and said!

"No, no, I think there is something wrong with you doing it this way? Why did your people ask me to teach? The reason why I told you is to let you see how to solve it. Instead of throwing the problem directly on me."

The foreigner also began to understand, and quickly nodded his head, then gave birth to his hand, patted his chest, and said this to Zhou Dong assurely!

"Okay, there is no problem. It turned out to be like this. Then I understand that after a while I will teach them well, and I will definitely not let them continue to carnival with you here. I must tell them about your This person is something they can't afford."

How did Zhou Dong feel that these words sounded so strange that he seemed to be a villain, where he kept instructing them to do anything, which was too bad.

Sure enough, it is really strenuous to communicate with such foreigners now, which has thrown all the problems on myself, and it really makes myself have some headaches.

The foreigner originally thought that Zhou Dong would be particularly satisfied with the thought he had said, but who knew that the expression on this expression was completely not what he had imagined.

So thinking that he had said something wrong, he quickly continued to open his mouth and explained to Zhou Dong.

"No, right? What I said is really wrong. Anyway, you will watch my performance for a while. Let's go and see how the products I said in my mouth now. If you are satisfied, I Someone will be sent to the bar."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong started his own mind, thinking that anyway, this matter could get a particularly good solution for a while, so he should go and take a look at what he wants.

I have already come here, and these things are also a particularly obvious purpose for me to come to this winery. If I don't take all these things back, then I am really in vain.

So you must take these things and take a good look in front of you. If you can, then transport them back to your bar in large quantities, so that your bar will add a little more business atmosphere.

Then I will tell this foreigner that these wines can only be sold to myself, if others want to order it, it is absolutely impossible.

After finishing this way, these wines can only be drunk in my own bar, so I don’t have to worry about making money. This kind of thinking is really wonderful.

Seeing that there was no problem here, the foreigner quickly arranged for someone to open the door of a small wine cellar. Then he turned his head, and said to Zhou Dong.

"Come on, come on, my friend's door is already open, let's go in and see if the things inside are what you need, and if it doesn't work, let's change another one."

Zhou Dong looked at the wine cellar in front of him, and he felt that it was indeed quite large. Could there be a lot of wine cellars here? If you are not satisfied, you can change to another one!

This way of speaking really shocked me. I didn't expect that the foreigner's words were so bold, so I had to take a closer look.

Anyway, she has already given a result of her own, mainly because she is not satisfied, then she can change to a wine storehouse, and then continue to watch, anyway, she has a lot of time here.

Doing these things must not be sloppy. I'd rather waste my time taking a good look at those things instead of just getting them back hastily.

In case the things that were taken back hastily in this way are too bad, then I have to send it back to him again. What will this foreigner think, I will completely change my position in her mind.

Therefore, in order to prevent such things from happening, I must do a particularly good thing, polish my eyes well, and take a good look.

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