Layman System

Chapter 1306: thrilling

"Oh, what can I do? This villa is so tightly guarded that I have no chance to get in at all. How can I rescue my wife?"

Zhou Dong fell into a panic of anxiety again, hiding in the bushes behind and thinking about ways quickly.

When he felt extremely anxious, it happened that one time quietly came to him and lay down beside him.

"Hey, do you think you can't get in?"

Zhou Dong just glanced at him coldly and didn't reply. Isn't the current situation obvious? Need to ask so much nonsense.

Zhou Dong didn't want to say too much to this man with a bad impression. He just stared helplessly at the group of guards in front of him, trying to find a way to drive them away.

Zhou Haode also knew that Zhou Dong didn't treat himself very much, but he didn't take it to heart, just said a little.

"I can help you into this villa and save your wife."

Zhou Dong became a little interested in this topic, and then turned around, waiting for the man with a surprised look, half-believing in his heart.

"Just this man? He can really help me into this villa. What are you kidding me? The guards here are so strict. I haven't thought of a little way yet. Could he have such a great skill?"

If you really are a very capable person, then you don't need to spend so much effort to seek your own cooperation.

"But seeing what he said so swearingly, he is not lying. If he really has a way to get in, my wife will have a chance to survive. Why not try?"

Zhou Dong's heart also fell into hesitation for a while, wondering if he should believe the man in front of him.

If it is true as he said, then this matter has greater hope, but if this man is just talking about it, then the two of them will probably also be in danger, and it will make their wife’s situation more difficult. .

Just as Zhou Dong frowned and hesitated, Zhou Haode had slowly retreated from him, crawled forward, slipped to a more hidden place, and watched every move in the villa.

Zhu Houde didn't care about Zhou Dong's contempt for him, but climbed to a hidden place with a serious face, looked up at all parts of the villa, and then quietly avoided the social personnel and slipped in like a thief. Next to the side entrance of the villa.

At this time, Zhou Dong was lying on the spot and saw a fat figure. After suddenly passing through the open space in front, his surprised eyes widened.

"Isn't that Zhu Houde? How did he do it? So many guards are watching him and he still has the ability to pass it on. It really surprised me!"

A pair of patrol officers walked past the villa. Zhou Haode hurriedly took out a very delicate small tool from his pocket at this time, reached out and stirred it twice in a keyhole on the door, and the door was suddenly opened.

A dodge, the pig was so good that the fat body had disappeared outside the villa, and he immediately hid in a hall on the side.

When he saw this scene, Zhou Dong's almost surprised eyeballs were about to fall out, his eyes kept on the door.

"Oh my god, I really didn't expect Zhou Haode to have actually entered. It seems that what he said is not a lie, so should he follow it now?"

When Zhou Dong was hiding in the grass and hesitating, he saw that the side door was opened again, so that the fat head could already be seen, and he was quietly waving in this direction.

"Come here, there is no one and there is no monitoring, it is a good opportunity." Opening the door well, seeing Zhou Dong still not leaving, he hurriedly called out to him in a low voice.

Fortunately, the patrol personnel had passed by and did not notice his behavior. Zhou Dong also hurriedly climbed to the place where Zhou Haode had passed by, and then ran over quickly.

Suddenly, Zhou Dong also squeezed in through the crack of the door, and finally entered the hall of the villa. Both of them often breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Dong was shocked by Zhou Haode's ability, staring at him with a surprised look.

"How did you do it? There are so many surveillances in this villa, you actually have the ability to keep them from discovering it." Zhou Dong's voice was also full of surprise.

Zhou Haode only smiled slightly, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, glanced at Zhou Dong from the corner of his eye, and explained his previous work to him.

"That’s because you don’t know what I did before. I used to do surveillance. I know a lot about this and I’m much more proficient than the average person. So you don’t have to be surprised. Avoid surveillance. It’s just me. Part of the job."

Zhou Dong suddenly realized: "That's it, but I didn't expect you to have done this work before."

"Hehe, 360 lines, you are the best in every line. As long as you work hard in each line, you will be able to make achievements. I only have a specialization in surgery. If you have been doing this job for a long time, Will be as good as me."

Zhou Haode just smiled faintly, and then he was about to walk out of the corridor to the west, ready to start looking for Zhou Dong's wife.

At this time, I heard a slight sound of footsteps, and it seemed that someone in the hall was coming here.

Just when Zhou Haode took a step, Zhou Dong had already grabbed him back, and then suddenly reached out his hand to cover his mouth with a panic expression on his face.

Zhou Haode didn't expect Zhou Dong to make such a move suddenly. He was shocked. He was about to yell, only to find that his mouth had been blocked.

In the next second, two men in black passed by, and Zhou Dong and Zhou Haode stood in the small corridor inside.

Seeing that these two people were about to come here, they hurriedly winked at Zhou Haode.

Zhou Haode hurriedly hid behind the door. Zhou Dong had already stepped forward at this time. Just when the two men in black had just opened the door, he suddenly saw a shadow flashing, and both of them were caught in their heads. A punch.

"Bang! Bang!"

After the two dull noises, the bodies of the two men in black had fallen softly to the ground. Zhou Dong dragged their bodies along the way and quickly dragged them into the corridors inside.

When Zhou Haode saw that both of them had been knocked out by Zhou Dong, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and slowly let go of a holding heart. At the same time, he was very satisfied with Zhou Dong's skill, and his face already showed appreciation. Emoji.

"What about the two of them now?" Zhou Haode had also rushed over at this time, and walked to Zhou Dong's side and asked.

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