Layman System

Chapter 1307: Failed to sneak

Zhou Dong looked back, "Let the two of them stay here for now. They shouldn’t wake up for a while. Let’s go and find my wife inside and make a quick decision. We should be able to leave before they wake up. ."

Zhou Haode nodded, and saw Zhou Dong stand up, and the two of them were going to open a small door and walk towards the hall inside.

The hall is very empty, the floor is inlaid with precious marble, and the surrounding walls are also carved with many decorations, which looks noble and gorgeous.

When the two people walked in, they only felt that the surroundings were quiet. It seemed that they could only hear their footsteps, and even the sound of their heartbeats could be heard clearly.

But this quiet atmosphere made the hearts of the two people more tense, their steps lighter and slower, and they looked around quickly.

The two of them dared not yell loudly in it, so they could only look for it with their eyes.

"The space in this hall is really too big. If we go down so early, I am afraid that a lot of time will be wasted. It is better to find the two separately. This is more efficient. We will still gather in the old place for a while, do you think it is OK? "

Zhou Dong quietly ran to Zhou Haode and gave him his own suggestions.

Zhou Haode also felt that this idea could be implemented, so he nodded and turned and walked in one direction, while Zhou Dong walked forward from the other side.

After searching for a few minutes, the two of them had found this end from the other end of the hall, and turned over the corners, but they didn't see the shadow of their wife, and the two met again in the same place.

"No one was found." The two looked at each other at the same time, shaking their heads helplessly.

"Obviously there are no Tibetans on the first floor. Then she might be locked in that small room. We should go to the second floor to take a look." Zhou Dong looked up and suggested again.

Zhou Dong and Zhou Haode quietly walked in from the stairs, preparing to check in the small rooms on the second floor.

But just as they walked to the second floor, they suddenly heard an alarm sound, which was deafening and shocked both of them.

At the same time, a noisy sound suddenly sounded in the hall, and it was obvious that many people started to move.

"What to do? What's the situation? Did we trigger some alarm device?"

Zhou Dong was also a little dizzy by all this suddenness, so he hurriedly turned his head and looked at Zhou Haode.

Zhou Haode obviously didn't expect such a thing to happen, and he was stunned for several seconds, and then immediately reacted. Looking down, he saw many people in black suddenly appear.

The man in black bursts as soon as he hears it, as if he has heard the horn of the charge, and all of a sudden rushes towards this side, looking aggressive, it is clear that the two are not opponents of the other at all.

Zhou Haode looked at the situation outside, and hurriedly pulled Zhou Dong down from the second floor, rushing out like lifeless.

Zhou Dong couldn't see this situation, until he had no chance, and there was no way to avoid seeing so many people for a while, so he could only follow Zhou Haode and rushed out from the side door in a hurry.

The two had been running for a long time before stopping in a bush next to him. Zhou Dong's face was full of disappointment and unwillingness.

"Hey, I have finally touched the inside of the villa, but I haven't even found a personal image. It's a bit unwilling."

Zhou Dong stood outside silently looking at the villa, and couldn't let go of his wife in his heart.

However, Zhou Haode suddenly stepped up at this time and comforted Zhou Dongjiao.

"Don't worry too much. After all, the place is not accessible to everyone. It's not bad for the two of us to be able to touch it, but the two of us in black can't deal with it, so we can only escape. I'll wait until the next opportunity."

Zhou Dong sighed again. Although he didn't rescue his wife, he couldn't stay here too much. He followed Zhou Haode and fled the villa, lest the people in black catch up again.

The two quickly ran back to their own bar. Zhou Dong was still worried about his woman and hurriedly ordered Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang to take a look.

Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang saw Zhou Dong's anxious and worried look, and knew that things were not going well, so they hurriedly prepared for a while and were ready to set off.

Zhou Dong was still very worried about the defense of the Tiangong organization, so before the two of them left, he hurriedly ordered a few more words.

"You two must be careful. The defense over there is very tight, and there is surveillance everywhere, but there is a place on the side that cannot be monitored by surveillance. You can go in from there. Remember safety first. If you can't find it Just withdraw any useful information, and don’t get caught by their people."

"Don't worry, Brother Dong, the two of us will be careful." Xiaodong and Zhao Shuang nodded solemnly, and said goodbye to Zhou Dong.

At this time, Zhou Haode suddenly rolled his eyes and asked Zhou Dong again: "Mr. Zhou, or we will go to the villa to explore again, maybe this time we will find the shadow of your wife."

After Zhou Dong heard Zhou Haode's proposal, he was very puzzled. He frowned and looked at the man sitting next to him, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"It's weird. Isn't this man afraid of the people of the sky organization at all? Such a big thing has just happened, and it has aroused their vigilance. Why does he want to go back now? Is there anything else in his performance? Purpose?"

Zhou Dong secretly guessed in his heart that a large number of this man had been up and down for a long time, and rejected his request.

"Boss Zhou, I think this matter has attracted the attention of the other party, and the actions of the two of us are indeed a bit risky. If we rush in this time, I am afraid it will be detrimental to all of us. I don't think This is a good decision, so let's wait until later."

"Just taking advantage of this opportunity, we can formulate a detailed plan. Maybe we can figure out a way to deal with their alarms, or use an anti-reconnaissance system. Since the other party uses high technology, then we have to keep up. The pace is right, it will be much better."

Hearing Zhou Dong's reluctance to return to the villa, Zhou Haode's face suddenly showed a particularly disappointed expression, but it was only a flash, and Zhou Dong didn't notice it either.

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