Layman System

Chapter 1313: New skills on the field

But in order to find the whereabouts of the good brother, although Zhou Dong had guessed the other party's behavior, he still pretended to be shocked and prepared to try his best to explore the situation there.

"Is what you said is true? Xiaodong has been missing for several days. You really have his whereabouts. If you can tell me, we can still reconsider our cooperation."

"No problem, it is my honor to cooperate with Mr. Zhou. Now you come to me and I will take you to find him." Zhou Dehao's mouth also showed a smug smile.

Just when Zhou Dong was ready to follow him, he received a call from the Tiangong organization.

The Tiangong organization now seems to be particularly interested in Zhou Dong's cooperation, and has been contacting him frequently.

"Mr. Zhou, how did you think about the cooperation we discussed last time? Do you have any new ideas?" The voices of the people over there were very polite.

But Zhou Dong has encountered too many things now. First, his own wife was unconscious and said that he had been severely hit. Now it is his brother who is still missing, and that Zhou Dehao seems to still have a big problem. The mystery is not solved.

Zhou Dong was naturally under great pressure in his heart, and he didn't care about anything other than these things, so he could only refuse the other party's request.

"I'm really sorry, I appreciate your kindness, but I have had a lot of things recently, and I'm not in the mood to think about cooperation. Why don't you wait until the things on my side slow down?"

Zhou Dong didn't bluntly refuse the other party's request, in order not to tear his face apart, then the Heavenly Palace organization would not be able to trouble him, and there was still room for reconciliation.

After hurriedly hung up the phone there, Zhou Dong drove directly to the place indicated by Zhou Dehao.

Waiting for Zhou Dong next to a big factory, when you saw his car stopped by the side, you hurried to catch up.

Zhou Dong looked at the pile of boxes in front of him, jumped out of the car, and then stared at the fat man.

"Where is Xiaodong?"

"He is in these containers, but I don't know which one it is, I only know that he was got here."

Zhou Dong looked at the containers in front, and suddenly felt that his head was big. There were countless large containers in front of this one, and it was roughly estimated that there were at least a thousand.

"Don't tell me that all these containers have to be inspected. When will the inspection go, Xiao Dong shall not be suffocated by that time?" Zhou Dong's face flashed an extremely shocked expression, staring at the fat man.

But Zhou Dehao also shrugged helplessly, spreading his hands, as if helpless.

"Then there is no way. I only know that he is in this place. As for the specific one, it is really unclear. If this is not the case, I am afraid there is no other way."

Seeing the indifferent look on Zhou Dehao's face, Zhou Dong couldn't wait to punch his fat face swollen!

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Zhou Dong finally suppressed the anger in his heart.

But at this time, the system suddenly sounded a crisp sound.

"Ding! The rescue of Li Li has been completed, and the system will reward 10 points."

By the way, isn’t there still a system? This task can be completed by requesting system help.

Last time, because of resisting the huge meteorite, Zhou Dong completed an extremely difficult task. Zhou Dong's system has been upgraded, and now he can obtain new skills, and now his eyes are bright.

"Yes, now you can use the new skills of the system, and you have successfully earned points. There may be a better solution for Xiaodong."

Thinking of this, Zhou Dong searched the application store in the system in his mind, and suddenly found a new skill, and his eyes lit up.

There is a perspective function in the system, which is a great coincidence for him, and it can be of great help!

Zhou Dong had already obtained new points at this time, and then used the points that Li Li was awarded this time to redeem this perspective skill.

After everything was prepared, Zhou Dong walked straight ahead, ready to use this new skill to find Xiao Dong's whereabouts.

These movements were carried out silently, and of course Zhou Dehao hadn't noticed anything, and he was still talking endlessly in Zhou Dong's ear.

"Mr. Zhou, now I have brought you to this place. As long as you promise to cooperate with me and get rid of the Tiangong organization together, I can tell you the location of Xiaodong immediately."

Zhou Dong didn't pay any attention to the long-winded man next to him at this time. He just raised his eyes and used the perspective function to look at the containers.

Scanning one container after another, Zhou Dong found that it was all empty and there were no people, and his brows were already frowned.

"It's weird, there is no shadow that I thought of here. Could this man lie to me?" Zhou Dong pondered in his heart, and did not answer Zhou Dehao's words.

Zhou Dehao thought Zhou Dong was thinking of a way, a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he spoke again.

"Mr. Zhou, with so many containers, you can't just stand here. I don't think there is any good way to find him in a short time, but if you promise to cooperate with me, I can really tell Your position."

Zhou Dong had already scanned the inside of all the containers at this time. There was no shadow of Xiao Dong at all, and he was already very angry.

Turning his head coldly, Zhou Dong suddenly spoke to the fat man: "Boss Zhou, you are so insincere in doing this. There is no shadow of Xiao Dong in it. I think you are playing tricks on me."

Suddenly hearing Zhou Dong say such a thing, a very surprised expression appeared on his well-made face, and he stared at Zhou Dong blankly for several seconds.

"What's the matter? How could this man guess that Xiaodong is not here in such a short time? Is he just for a psychological war with me? Or is he trying to find out my details?" Zhou Dehao was in Secretly pondering.

Turning his head and glanced at Zhou Dong secretly from the corner of his eye, he found that the expression on his face was gloomy. Zhou Dehao felt that there was something wrong with this matter.

Although I don't know why Zhou Dong came to such a conclusion, Zhou Dehao tried his best to conceal the past.

"Mr. Zhou, don't worry, I have said that I will help you find Xiaodong's position, even if he is not here, I can help you find other news."

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