Layman System

Chapter 1314: Is he confused?

Unexpectedly, Zhou Dong didn't want to pay attention to this fat man who was full of lies. He knew in his heart that this person was just deceiving himself, but in fact he didn't really want to help him, so he turned his head coldly and left.

Zhou Haode was also anxious when he saw Zhou Dong's performance. He couldn't keep lying, so he could only run over behind him, still persuading him to listen to himself.

"Mr. Zhou, listen to my advice on this matter. I will definitely help you find your good buddies. As long as you promise to cooperate with me, I will definitely not lie to you. Trust me. "

Zhou Dong didn't even look at the fat man, knowing that this man must be thinking of other ghosts in his heart, and he walked forward coldly without saying a word.

Zhou Haode's eyes rolled a few times, and he felt that Zhou Dong's performance seemed a bit unusual, and he had begun to ponder in secret.

"This person's performance seems weird today. Isn't he always caring about his brother the most? Why doesn't he say a word now? Doesn't he care about Xiaodong and their safety anymore? Impossible, this change is really too great. It’s so big, it’s a bit off guard."

I remember that Zhou Dong had a very strong relationship with his good brothers, and he was particularly worried about their safety, but now this behavior seems to make no sense anyway.

Zhou Haode always wondered why Zhou Dong had such a cold performance suddenly, and he kept guessing there.

"Impossible. Although Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang are not here, Zhou Dong will definitely not know. He does not have news about those two people now. Everything can only follow my opinion, and just now Standing there for a while, can he find that there is no one in the container?"

Zhou Haode was puzzled, but saw the man's footsteps keep pace, and he followed again.

Anyway, Zhou Dong can't be allowed to go anymore this time, he must be taken down and a cooperation with him must be reached.

When he ran to Zhou Dong again, the fat man hurriedly said in his ear: "Mr. Zhou, I think there is some misunderstanding between us about this matter? Why did you leave so indifferently? Can you? Tell me the reason? If you have any opinion on me, you can bring it up and I can correct it at any time."

"You must not leave like this. Do you have something to say between the two of us? And don't you really care about the whereabouts of the two brothers?"

As soon as he heard the footsteps of Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang, Zhou Dong suddenly stopped. After all, he was really worried about the current situation of the two of them, and there was no way to achieve inner peace.

"Forget it, this fat man definitely didn't want to tell me anything useful. Even if I asked, I'm afraid he was just telling lies. In that case, why waste time on him? It's better to call me a man Send a few more people to inquire about the news everywhere, so it is more realistic."

Zhou Dong thought about it inwardly, stared at the fat man again, and then continued to walk forward.

Zhou Haode saw Zhou Dong finally stop, and a smile of joy appeared on his face, but after a while, he saw Zhou Dong once again raising his foot and walking forward. The smile on his face had completely disappeared, replaced by a while. Deep doubts and doubts.

Frowning his brows tightly, Zhou Haode secretly wondered why Zhou Dong's performance was so weird.

"Is he already confused by the Tiangong organization, and now it is certain that the people of the Tiangong organization will benefit him, and he is already planning to cooperate with the people over there?"

Thinking of this, Zhou Haode showed a very seductive expression on his face, feeling a bit chilly behind him.

"No, I've wasted so long on Zhou Dong, and spent so much effort. If he is confused by the Tiangong organization like this, wouldn't the things I did before have been abandoned and spent in vain? That much energy."

"No matter what happens this time, I must also **** him from the people of the Tiangong organization, so that it won't be wasting all the efforts I made some time ago."

Thinking of this, Zhou Haode rushed up again, standing behind Zhou Dong, hurriedly reaching out to hit him on the arm, thinking about keeping him here, and continuing to negotiate with him.

Zhou Dong was already very angry in his heart, and the whereabouts of Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang were missing. He was even more anxious and impatient. Now this fat man dared to pull him by force, which made him even more annoyed.

Just as the fat hand just grabbed his sleeve, Zhou Dong suddenly threw the man out with a flick of his arm, with an angry flame on his face.

"You pay attention to your behavior. I said that I don’t want to negotiate with you anymore. If you don’t wink so much, I’m not polite. I gave you enough face before. It’s you. If you are willing to cherish it, then no one can blame me!"

Zhou Haode was slammed vigorously by Zhou Dong, his body had already flown out, and he fell to the ground tremblingly, his waist hurt by a few stones on the ground, and a very painful look appeared on his face.

Zhou Dong just stared at the fat man on the ground fiercely, then turned and walked forward quickly, not planning to waste time with this man.

Talking to this kind of person is simply a waste of emotions and saliva. With such a confrontation with him, it is better to spend all your energy on recruiting people. Zhou Dong looks down on this person a little bit.

Not only is there a series of lies, but also the performance is very special, which really makes people more uncomfortable as they watch.

Seeing that Zhou Dong was about to leave this place, Zhou Haode couldn't care about the pain on his body. He struggled to get up from the ground, ran to Zhou Dong again with a grin, and stretched out his hand to pull him.

This time Zhou Dong didn't give Zhou Haode any face anymore. He clenched his fists and struck him in the face all at once.

Hearing only a bang, Zhou Haode's body staggered to the ground again, and a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth. It seemed that he was beaten badly, and there was almost no force to fight back.

"This man seems to have made up his mind to leave today. If I don't tell him some other information, I'm afraid this negotiation will be stale. Now I can't hesitate anymore. I must act decisively."

Zhou Haode thought silently in his heart, and then forced himself to endure the sharp pain on his face, and told Zhou Dong a shocking news.

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