Layman System

Chapter 1315: Really here

"Mr. Zhou, don't be so excited. The news I'll keep for a while will interest you. Please stop and talk."

Zhou Haode's face was full of panic, and at the same time he felt a panic of fear for Zhou Dong.

After all, Zhou Dong's combat effectiveness is really amazing. After so long, his face is still aching, and half of his face is almost swollen.

But in order to achieve the cooperation with Zhou Dong, he still endured the anger in his heart and the pain in his body and spoke again, and he spoke very politely, like a pug.

Zhou Dong didn't want to waste too much time with this man, and didn't want to waste his strength on him, so he took his hand long ago and prepared to leave this place directly.

But the fat man’s voice came from behind: “I know the real location of Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang. They are in a small house 10 kilometers away from this place, but it’s very dilapidated and very hidden, unless I Take you to find it yourself, otherwise you will not be able to find it."

Zhou Dong's footsteps stopped again. After all, it was about his brother, and it was what he missed the most.

"This man is full of lies. He first lied to me here without Xiaodong's shadow. Now he says they are in another place. Should I believe him? If I don't believe it, I'm afraid Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang It's hard to find the whereabouts of two people."

"But if you believe this man, maybe he is playing some new trap, then I will still be hooked. Wouldn't it be turned around by him?"

Zhou Dong hesitated for a while, half believing Zhou Haode's words, and didn't want to believe anything that came out of the fat man's mouth.

"Huh! Isn't it enough that you lied to me? First tell me that my wife was taken away by the people of the Tiangong organization, but she was not there at all, and now I say that my good brother was put in a container, but the box There is no one here, do you think I will believe what you say?"

Two groups of angry flames were already shot in Zhou Dong's eyes, and he really didn't want to believe anything the fat man said.

But after thinking about it, maybe Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang are really in the position he said. If he missed this opportunity, I'm afraid Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang would be in danger of life.

Zhou Haode saw that Zhou Dong didn't want to believe what he was saying now, he was also panicked, and he hurried up with his aching face, his eyes full of pleading.

"Mr. Zhou, I know you don’t want to believe me now, but I can tell you that this news is absolutely true, and I sincerely want to cooperate with you, so I told you about this, you must believe me ."

"And how dare I lie to you now, my own strength is not your opponent at all. If the person is not there, you will definitely not let me go, am I right?"

Seeing this pleading expression on Zhou Haode's face, Zhou Dong's mind quickly turned around.

"It seems that what this man said is not like a lie. Maybe he really knows the position of Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang. If I give up this opportunity, Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang will have some accidents, and I am afraid they will regret it for life. of."

Zhou Dong pondered in his heart for a while, and finally made up his mind, ready to go there again with Zhu Haode. It doesn't matter if he is cheated, he has finally tried his best so that there will be no regrets in his heart.

Staring at Zhou Haode coldly, Zhou Dong finally spoke coldly: "Okay, but you have to remember that I didn't do this because I believed you, but didn't want my buddies to be in any danger. If I find that you are lying to me, don't blame me for being rude, I will definitely not spare you then!"

Hearing that Duke Zhou was also willing to go there with him, this number showed a particularly surprised smile on his face, nodding his head in a hurry, and assured him again and again.

"Don't worry, I didn't mean to lie to you, and if you really can't find anyone in the place, it won't be too late for you to clean up. I will take you now."

In order to achieve the cooperation with Zhou Dong, Zhou Haode also endured a lot. Coupled with Zhou Dong's brutal skill, this person did not dare to resist.

"Hurry up and lead the way!" Zhou Dong cursed fiercely, pushing Zhou Haode's body and letting him walk in front, and he followed coldly behind, keeping his eyes on this man, I'm afraid he What new tricks.

Zhou Haode walked into the car in a panic, Zhou Dong immediately sat in the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator under his feet, and the car set off from this old factory again.

Along the way, Zhou Haode was staring cautiously out of the window, his eyes widened, for fear that he was wrong, and Zhou Dong would be treated harshly.

Under Zhou Haode's guidance, the two of them came to an old community.

After parking the car, Zhou Haode directly opened the door and walked down. Zhou Dong also hurriedly followed behind him and walked towards a very ordinary and dilapidated building.

The fat man walked into a small building, then went up the dilapidated stairs, and opened the door at a corner.

This is a very dilapidated house. The furniture inside is also in the style of the 70s and 80s. It looks like no one has lived in it for a long time, and the tables are covered with thick dust.

Zhou Dong followed Zhou Haode into the room and found that the living room outside was messy, and there was a small room inside, but the door was tightly closed.

At this time, Zhou Haode had gently pushed open the small door of the inner room. Zhou Dong looked directly inside and saw that Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang were tied there, and their mouths were stuffed with cotton. Can't make a sound at all.

The two of them are here!

There was a light of surprise in Zhou Dong's eyes, screaming and rushing towards the two people.

"Xiaodong, Zhang Shuang, you two are really here, I'm here to save you, don't be afraid!"

Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang saw Zhou Dong suddenly appear in this dilapidated small room, and they were obviously very excited with permission, and there was already a strong hum from their noses.

The two people were trapped here for more than a day, with no water dripping in at all, and there was no chance of escape. They already felt a little desperate in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, when they lost their hope, Zhou Dong suddenly appeared in front of the two people miraculously, which filled their hearts with joy.

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