Layman System

Chapter 1317: resist

The woman in front of her was so familiar, yet she looked so strange.

"She doesn't recognize me anymore? Could it be that so many things have happened to us before, she has no impression at all, it is really sad!" Zhou Dong's eyes also showed an extremely painful expression.

"Li Li, this is your husband Zhou Dong, don't you remember me at all? We two were married."

Zhou Dong was naturally unhappy when he saw his wife like this, and he kept reminding this woman of the relationship between the two.

But Li Li just stared at the man in front of him with a pair of horrified eyes, as if feeling particularly uncomfortable, and kept shrinking back, and didn't want to have too much contact and talk with him.

"What are you talking about, I don’t even know you. Where did you come from? How could I marry you? I don’t remember having you. Can you stay away from me? Leave the ward!"

Li Li was already a bit emotional at this time. After all, she was called her husband by a man she didn't know, and she had been staying in her ward all the time. She still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Zhou Dong was unwilling to leave like this. Although he was a little excited when he saw his wife, he still wanted to seize the last chance and remember the little things between him and this woman.

"Li Li, don't you remember? We two have had a lot of things together before, from the first time we met you, until we dated, and then we got married, but we experienced many interesting and tortuous stories. , Don’t you remember a little bit? Even if you remember a little bit."

Zhou Dong's eyes are now full of pleading, just wanting to remind his wife a little more about him, even if he pays a high price, he is very happy in his heart.

Seeing this man's eyes full of tears, Li Li also seemed to find it more and more strange, her emotions became more agitated, and she kept shouting for this man to go out.

"You go out quickly, who are you? Why do you keep mumbling in my room, I don't want to listen to you, I don't want to!" Li Li's voice at this time has become roaring, and she uses her hands fiercely He blocked his ears and had a very bad attitude towards Zhou Dong.

Zhou Dong saw that his wife had become this way, and he was so repulsive to himself, and his heart was even more painful. If he forced his heart into a glass, he would now be smashed into pieces.

"Okay, okay, I'm going, since you don't want to let me stay here, then I will disappear from your eyes, okay?"

Zhou Dong saw that his wife would not recognize him for a while, a strong grief surged in his heart, and his lips began to tremble. At the same time, he slowly got up from the chair and slowly withdrew to the door of the ward.

But at this time, his eyes were already full of tears. He seemed to be very resistant to accepting this fact, but he had to accept it. His heart was full of pain and sorrow. Even a big man could not help but want to cry. .

At this time, the doctors also heard the loud noise here, and hurried to Li Li's ward. After seeing the patient, they hurried to comfort her.

"It's okay, it's okay, that person has already gone out, please calm down before talking." A little nurse hurried to the patient's side, reached out and patted her shoulder gently, stroking her back, making her head Lean on his shoulders and give the patient a little bit of strength.

When Li Li saw the little nurse, her emotions slowly calmed down, and gradually she finally stopped being so excited.

After a long time, the ward finally calmed down, and when everyone was relieved, Li Li made another request.

"I want to go home, take me home quickly, I don't want to stay in the hospital anymore." Li Li's emotions began to agitate again at this time.

Seeing the white sheets and the medicine bottles hanging beside her, she felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart, and she had a strong urge to leave here.

At this time, the nurse hurriedly began to comfort the restless woman. Zhou Dong also heard Li Li's yelling at this time, and walked in again from outside.

"Miss Nurse, I'll send her home." Zhou Dong's voice was clear. It was obvious that the grief in his heart had not completely dissipated, but after hearing Li Li's request, he hurried up.

The nurse looked at the patient in her arms, then at Zhou Dong, and then nodded gently.

"It's okay. The patient is a bit emotional now. I am afraid it will be difficult to stay in the hospital. I will go and say hello to the attending doctor in a moment to see if I can let the patient go home. This may be more helpful to her condition. "

Zhou Dong nodded slightly and saw the nurse walking out of the ward.

Looking back, Zhou Dong's eyes were full of sorrow and pity, and he stared at Li Li's face, but Li Li's eyes were unwilling to touch her, she turned her head abruptly, as if for this strange man Very resistant.

Zhou Dong felt another burst of grief, his throat squirmed twice, but he could only suppress the emotion in his heart.

After a few minutes, the little nurse rushed into the ward again, and then said: "Well, I have already greeted the attending doctor just now. The patient is no longer life-threatening and can be picked up. Go to the house for treatment, just take care of her more and don’t let him hurt yourself."

Zhou Dong hurriedly thanked the nurse, and saw that Li Li had gotten off the hospital bed, as if he hadn't paid attention to the others at all.

Several nurses hurried up to help, Li Li took her to the entrance of the hospital and got into Zhou Dong's car.

"Thank you, doctor." After Zhou Dong thanked the little nurses, he hurriedly sat in the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator under his feet, and ran away with his wife like home.

Li Li looked at the hospital that had slowly disappeared from her sight with a dull face at this time, and then noticed that this strange man had taken her home, and she became excited again.

"Who on earth are you? Where are you taking me? Hurry up and let me go. If you don't stop, I will yell out loud." Li Li was terrified and resisted Zhou Dong, as if to strangers Men have a natural resistance.

Although Zhou Dong felt helpless in his heart, he still patiently answered her: "Don't worry, I'm sending you home, and I won't do anything to you."

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