Layman System

Chapter 1318: Let him go

Hearing Zhou Dong's words, Li Li's anxiety subsided a little bit, and seeing that the man in front of her did not do anything harmful to her, so she slowly calmed down.

Soon Zhou Dong drove the car to the door of Li Li's house, and then opened the car door for her thoughtfully, because he was afraid that she would resist herself, so he didn't help her out of the car.

Li Li also got out of the car consciously and walked towards her door, as if she hadn't forgotten the location.

Zhou Dong shook his head helplessly, and sighed in his heart: "It seems that she is selective amnesia and forgot me. Other things seem to have some impressions."

Just as he smiled bitterly, Li Li had knocked on the door of her house.

When the father-in-law and mother-in-law drove out, they saw their daughter suddenly appear in front of them, with a light of surprise on their faces.

After a long absence, reuniting the family is naturally incredibly careful, and Moon Mask shed tears with excitement, and hugged her daughter in a hug, as if she was afraid of losing her again.

"Xiao Li, you are finally back. You don't know that you have worried your father and mother to death these days, and you don't know where you are going to say a word."

The father-in-law also hurriedly pulled the two of them in, still muttering: "Oh, since the daughter has returned safely, don't say so much. Anyway, she is not injured. Come in and sit down. sit down."

Zhou Dong walked heavy at this time, and his father-in-law and mother-in-law hurriedly invited him in excitedly and greeted them both.

"Zhou Dong, is it thanks to you that you got Xiaoli back this time? If you didn't run before and after, I'm afraid she wouldn't come back to us so quickly. We really have to thank you. "The mother-in-law looked at Zhou Dong with an excited expression on her face, but Zhou Dong didn't show any pleasant expression on her face.

The father-in-law seemed to have noticed the gloomy emotion on Zhou Dong’s face. He felt very curious and asked: "Zhou Dong, aren’t you happy when your wife comes back? Why are you worried about this face? Come in and sit down. !"

Unexpectedly, before Zhou Dong could react, Li Li had already had a great emotional reaction, with an extremely resisting look on her face, and hurriedly walked into the room, as if she was particularly repulsive towards Zhou Dong.

"No, you can't let him in, I don't know this man, let him go, I don't want to see him!"

Both the father-in-law and mother-in-law didn't seem to have expected this to happen. You suddenly heard your daughter's yelling, and you came to look back at her in shock, as if you didn't know what happened.

After Zhou Dong heard Li Li's yelling, he could only shook his head with a wry smile. He stood still and did not move, but kept his eyes on his wife.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law stared at their daughter blankly, as if they didn't react for a while. It took a long time before they hurried to Li Li's side, with a very puzzled expression on their faces.

"Daughter, what kind of nonsense are you talking about? How can this man be a stranger to your husband? If it wasn't him, you don't know where it is now, how can you kick him out and stop making trouble? I have a temper, let him in quickly. He has been working hard to save you during this period."

There was also an unpleasant expression on the mother-in-law's face, and she seemed to be a little dissatisfied with what her daughter said.

The father-in-law also looked at Li Li, and he seemed to feel that something was wrong.

"Do you think that our daughter's emotional state is a bit wrong, it seems to be a little sluggish, not the same as before."

Although the mother-in-law was reluctant to admit this fact, she started to look at Li Li quickly when she heard her husband say this.

Li Li's eyes are indeed sluggish a lot. Although she still has a little impression of her parents, she seems to be very clueless, and her eyes are not as spiritual as before.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law seemed to understand that something bad had happened. They turned their heads and kept their eyes on Zhou Dong's face, filled with worry.

"Zhou Dong, what happened? Li Li's condition seems a bit wrong, please tell your father-in-law and mother-in-law as soon as possible."

Zhou Dong also knew that this matter could not be avoided. Even if they could conceal it for a while, they would not be able to conceal it for a lifetime, so they could only choose to tell the truth.

"Oh, when I found Li Li, he was already in a coma. After being rescued by the hospital, the doctor said that he had lost his memory. He probably couldn't remember the things he had done before. Now I don't even know me, but he just kept arguing. I was going home, so I sent her back."

There was also a wry smile on Zhou Dong's face, and he seemed to have nothing to do with such a thing.

"I have troubled my father-in-law and mother-in-law to take care of Li Li in the past two days. I can't help her. Then I will go to the hospital to inquire about the news and see if there is any other way for her to get sick.

There was an extremely shocked expression on their faces, and they stood for a long time, before turning their heads to stare at their daughter again, their eyes full of pity.

Zhou Dong stood at the door looking at Li Li, but Li Li seemed unwilling to let him stare at him that way, and his emotions began to get excited again.

"Look at me, he stared at me with that kind of eyes, and he was about to kick him out. I don't like being stared at by others like this, so hurry up and kick him away!"

Faced with such a fierce reaction, the father-in-law and mother-in-law could only helplessly shook their heads, then turned and patted Zhou Dong's shoulder gently.

"Since Li Li has become like this now, you should cooperate with her a little bit. Go out and stay for a while. When she is better, it is not too late for you to come and see her again."

Zhou Dong could only smile helplessly, then turned and left his father-in-law's house.

Seeing Zhou Dong's lonely departure, his father-in-law also felt infinite emotion. He shook his head unconsciously, and then turned to look at his daughter. His brows deepened, as if he was several years old.

Both of them were already very old. Suddenly seeing this kind of thing happened to their daughter, it was almost a blow to them, which made the two old people feel a little unbearable.

Zhou Dong walked out of his father-in-law's house, mechanically walked to his car, sat in it and started smoking, not knowing what to do next.

Now my wife doesn't know him, and she feels that she has suddenly become lonely, and she has nowhere to go.

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