Layman System

Chapter 1320: Beating

Zhou Dong's eyes widened in surprise, vaguely feeling that this matter was not very good, but he still asked anxiously: "What is the mutation? Did the doctor say anything in detail? I understand what it means."

Song Xiaohu also shook his head helplessly, as if he also felt a little embarrassed.

"The doctors have only said so much so far, and I don’t understand this aspect. Naturally, I don’t know what the consequences will be. Just looking at the faces of the doctors, I’m afraid this matter is still a bit serious. It will happen in the future. I didn't expect anything."

Song Xiaohu also frowned helplessly, then looked back at the two people, not knowing what to do.

After Zhou Dong heard the news, his eyes widened in shock. Although both of them didn't understand medical knowledge, they had at least heard the word mutation.

"I've heard this term. I heard that if you accept some strong external stimuli, a certain gene in the animal will mutate, and maybe it will develop into a deformity or you can do it. Anyway, planting is not normal. , I wonder if Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang will also become like that?"

Song Xiaohu couldn't help but open his mouth wide when he heard what he said, as if he couldn't believe what Zhou Dong said.

"Oh my God, you wouldn't say that the two of them will end up in a state of being neither human nor ghost? Wouldn't that be terrible? If that happens, I really don't know what to do. Okay, what can we do now!"

Seeing his two good friends become like that, it was even more uncomfortable than killing him, Song Xiaohu was also anxious now.

Zhou Dong hardly dared to think about it anymore, as long as he thought of that cruel and deformed picture, he couldn't bear it.

The two good buddies became like that in the end, which made Zhou Dong simply unacceptable.

However, Zhou Dong soon thought of the culprit of this incident. An angry flame burst out of his eyes, his teeth were clenched tightly, wishing to bite Zhou Haode's **** into pieces.

"That **** must have done it. When I picked up Xiaodong and Zhang Chuang, the expressions on his face changed. I knew there must be some skill. I didn't expect that person to be so sinister and vicious. With this kind of thing, the current medical methods may not be able to save Xiaodong and Zheng Shuang!"

Thinking of this, the anger in Zhou Dong's heart burned like a huge flame again.

"You will look after them here first, and I'll go find the surname Zhou afterwards!"

Zhou Dong angrily pushed open the door of the ward, and rushed out like a gust of wind, ignoring the pedestrians on the road and their weird eyes.

Now Zhou Dong only has revenge in his heart. He wants to beat that Zhou Haode to cry his father and his mother, and piss!

There was no mood to take care of other things at all, Zhou Dong was shaking with anger, and rushed into his car again and rushed towards the canteen.

The car drove fast along the way, almost like an off-string arrow, almost flying off the road.

But Zhou Dong didn't care about this at all, and he completely put his own safety behind his head. He wanted to find the enemy as soon as possible, and then beat him violently to avenge the two brothers.

At this time, Zhou Haode had already rushed back to the canteen from where Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang were being held, and was calmly waiting for Zhou Dong to come and talk to him.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Hey, I injected that kind of thing into your two buddies. The two of them must be incurable. There is no way in modern medicine. If you If you want to save the two of them, I'm afraid you have to come and find me."

Zhou Haode sat behind the counter with a sinister face, wishing to be confident, thinking that Zhou Dong would definitely continue to come to him this time.

Just as he was guessing, the sound of a car had already sounded outside for a while, and Zhou Dong had already reached the canteen and was rushing down from above.

"Hey, it really came, really saying that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!" A cold smile appeared on the corners of Zhou Haode's mouth. He looked up at the doorway, and he saw a familiar figure rushing in, with a look on his face. An angry look.

Zhou Dong has already developed a strong anger towards this fat man. Once he rushed into the commissary, he never gave him a chance to speak. Seeing that the man’s face still showed that annoying smile, he immediately said. The punch passed.


With a dull sound, Zhou Dong's fist reached the fat man's face, causing the saliva in his mouth to spit out, and half of his face was hot and painful, and his body fell to the ground.

Before Zhou Haode had time to let out a scream, Zhou Dong had already carried his collar along his hand and picked him up from the ground.

Although Zhou Haode's body weighed about 200 jins, the strength on Zhou Dong's arm was greater, and it didn't take any effort to pinch him, it was like grabbing a chicken.

Tightly pinching the fat man's chin with one hand, letting his eyes meet with him, Zhou Dong almost broke his lips, and the gaze in his eyes was even hotter than the flame.

Zhou Haode awoke from the pain just now, and was about to go to see Zhou Dong, but he heard a whirr in his ear, and Zhou Dong's other fist hit him on the other side of the face.

"Boom! Boom!"

There were two dull noises again, and Zhu Haode punched him in the face. Zhou Dong's fist had already knocked his body off the ground, but he seemed to feel uncomfortable in his heart, and stretched out his mouth to his stomach. Kick over.

Zhou Haode felt that his stomach was turned upside down, as if he was about to vomit all the things he ate in the morning, and he retched on the floor.

"Don't fight, don't..."

After Zhou Dong's tossing, Zhou Haode felt that the bones of his whole body were about to fall apart, and he hurriedly asked for mercy, but his whole body was weakened, and his words were only intermittent, even only he could hear him.

Zhou Dong ignored his begging for mercy, reached out his hand and grabbed his little hair, abruptly lifted him from the ground, and threw him forward.

Zhou Haode's chubby body suddenly hit the wall in front of him, making another loud noise, and then a puff of blood flowed from his nose, flowing down his nostrils into his mouth, with a salty taste.

Before he could react, Zhou Dong kicked him on his waist and kicked him out again.

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