Layman System

Chapter 1321: Must cooperate

Zhou Haode's fat body was like a sack, hit the wall again, and then fell heavily. He was almost falling apart, and he almost didn't even have the strength to shout now.

Feeling helpless, Zhou Haode knew that he was not Zhou Dong's opponent, and there was no way to stop him from doing what he did today, so he could only let him be at his mercy and slammed against the wall.

The men's football team had walked Zhou Hao for more than ten minutes at this time, and every time he played it was a dead hand, leaving him no room at all.

Although it was said that it was not right to kill and that this man probably still had the antidote in his hands, Zhou Dong could hardly control his inner impulse and wanted to kill him all at once.

Just when Zhou Haode was dying, Zhou Dong finally stopped his hands and looked at this ugly man who was beaten by himself. The anger in his eyes did not abate.

Aware that Zhou Dong had finally stopped, Zhou Haode had an ugly smile in the corners of his mouth and eyes, but the soreness in his whole body made him unable to maintain his smile. It only lasted a few seconds.

Seeing the man who was beaten up and bloodied, Zhou Dong stretched out his foot again and kicked his fat belly fiercely.

"Puff!" With a strange noise, the fat man's body suddenly became a little wet, and then there was a stench. Zhou Dong couldn't help frowning, even covering his nose, and stepped back several steps.

Zhou Haode didn’t seem to feel anxious about these things. Although his head was beaten and his bones were about to fall apart, he still struggled to sit up from the ground and leaned his back against a wall. Staring at Zhou Dong with a particularly arrogant expression.

"Hehe, hehe... You came to me this time because of Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang, right?"

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Haode's mouth, and his attitude was still very twitchy, as if he didn't put Zhou Dong in his eyes.

Zhou Dong knew clearly in his heart that Zhou Haode relied on that he had a handle in his hand, so he acted extremely arrogantly. The two fists were already tightly clenched together, and he couldn't suppress his inner impulse. The man gave another violent beating.

"It seems that this thing can really be done. This time it is finally being wronged. If something goes wrong with Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang, I will definitely not let you bastard. Yes, just show me you!"

It was finally determined that this man was the one who had murdered Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang, and Zhou Dong immediately threatened him.

"Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang injected an unknown liquid into their bodies. Please give me the antidote as soon as possible. If there is any mutation in their bodies, you will have to wait and see!"

However, Zhou Haode did not pay attention to Zhou Dong's threat, instead, a very cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Heh, do you want an antidote? How could I give it to you, unless you promise to cooperate with me, don't talk about anything." Zhou Haode's eyes showed an extremely mocking expression, which seemed to be Zhou Dong provoked.

Zhou Dong turned out to be unbearable, his two fists were already clenched tightly, and he wanted to directly punch and kick the man again.

But seeing his breathless look, if he fights again, I am afraid that he will die. In order to let him hand over the antidote, Zhou Dong still forcibly held back the anger in his heart.

"Huh! Do you think that doing something like that to Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang will force me to change? You are a blood-scarred and insidious person. I would never cooperate with someone like you, just Death of this heart!"

Zhou Dong firmly refused to cooperate with Zhou Haotou, causing the man to sneer.

"Haha...hahaha, I heard you right, you are now ignoring the life and death of your two good brothers. If you have to fight against me, there is no way. If you don't want to cooperate with me, just wait Watch the two of them mutate continuously, and then die miserably."

Facing Zhou Haode's cheeky, Zhou Dong suddenly didn't know what to do.

Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, they are talking about men like Zhou Haode.

"Think about it for yourself, save your two good brothers, or watch them die. The right to choose is in your hands. Don't do things that you regret!"

Zhou Haode still wanted to continue to be effective, but almost all of his internal organs were about to be broken by Zhou Dong, so he could only reluctantly cough twice at the end, which was regarded as a mockery of Zhou Dong.

Zhou Dong looked at Zhou Haode's look like a dead-skinned rascal, and didn't want to agree to cooperate with him at all, and knew that there was no antidote out of his hands.

"This man must have hidden the antidote in some secret place, and he won't give it to me at all now. Instead of spending it with him here, it's better to go back and think of a way. Maybe there is another way out. "

Zhou Dong looked at this man, a look of boredom suddenly appeared in his eyes, and then he turned helplessly and walked out of the canteen.

When he drove the car back on the road again, Zhou Dong's mood simply fell into a deep ditch, and the expression on his face was particularly gloomy, as if the sky was suddenly covered with thick dark clouds, and there was no trace of sunlight.

"Now Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang have been injected with unknown fluids, and Li Li has amnesia. I can't find any way to help them. It's so annoying!"

Zhou Dong had never encountered such a thing before, and now all the problems were mixed together, which made him feel a bit big, and his heart was extremely irritable, he seemed to be in a difficult position, and there was no way out.

Just when he was extremely anxious and desperate, he suddenly received a call from the Tiangong organization.

Although he felt very surprised in his heart, Zhou Dong had already spared it at this time.

"The Tiangong organization is looking for something I don't know if there is anything, is it still the last cooperation? Anyway, now I have reached this point, even if the situation is bad, I am afraid it will not be bad, I will talk to them Talk and see what they want to do."

Zhou Dong thought silently in his heart, and then he answered the call from there.

"Mr. Zhou, we have learned about your recent situation. Have you considered cooperating with us now? I hope you can come and talk to us. Maybe we can think of some solutions."

"After all, you have no way to go. If there is one more way, why not try it? And we will definitely not harm you. Since we sincerely want you to come, we will definitely give you some help. ."

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