Layman System

Chapter 1322: Irreversible?

Zhou Dong thought for a while. After all, he had no other good solutions, so he could only agree to the request of the Tiangong organization.

"Well, I hope you can really help me this time. Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang are very important buddies to me. I can't let them fall into danger like this."

Zhou Dong hurriedly hung up the phone there, drove his car, and ran to the villa in the suburbs again.

When I came to the villa this time, a few people in black in the waiting room welcomed him very politely and invited him to the living room. Zhou Dong saw the person in charge last time.

The person in charge was sitting leisurely in the middle of the sofa, and when Zhou Dong arrived, he hurriedly got up to greet him.

"Mr. Zhou, we will never make a trip in vain when we ask you to come here. Now I know the situation on your side. Look at this thing."

The person in charge looked around, and one person took out a transparent glass tube with a transparent liquid in it, went to Zhou Dong and handed it to him.

Zhou Dong was very puzzled, but he couldn't help but reached out and took the thing, frowning tightly, and looking carefully.

"What is this?"

"Mr. Zhou, this is an unidentified liquid called a stimulant. Your buddy was injected into his body. That's it."

Zhou Dong suddenly realized that he raised his head, looked at the man in front of him with a very shocked look, and then understood.

"It turns out that Zhou Haode injected them with this kind of thing, **** bastard, what the **** is this? Is it amazing?"

Zhou Dong shot another angry flame in his eyes now, staring at the bottle in his hand, hating the fat man even more in his heart.

The person in charge has good facial feelings, as if he didn't feel much touched by this matter, but he explained it to Zhou Dong patiently.

"This kind of thing has just been researched by a pair of researchers in the United States, and it is not widely used in the market. It has only been tested on some small animals. It is said that it can greatly change the potential of animals. But basically no experiments have been done on humans."

The person in charge paused, looked at the angry expression on Zhou Dong's face, and went on.

"As far as I know, Zhou Haode's experiments on them are probably the first in the world."

Although his tone was very plain, his eyes had revealed an extremely sad and sorrow, and he seemed to be worried about the tremendous effect of this drug.

At this time, Zhou Dong's anger in his heart had already begun to burn, his eyes were bloodshot and flushed with anger, his hands were tightly clenched into fists, and he couldn't tear Zhou Haode's fat man to pieces on the spot.

"What you mean is that no one knows the side effects of this kind of thing, and Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang are used for experiments. Zhou Haode can observe the drug reaction from them?"

Zhou Dong's anger was already burning at this time, his teeth clenched, and the anger in his heart was beyond words.

The person in charge just gave Zhou Dong a faint look, then sighed and nodded slightly.

"According to the current situation, I'm afraid he is just such an intention."

"This **** dares to do such a conscienceless thing. I will definitely not spare him by experimenting with living people. As long as he doesn't give me the antidote, I will not let him in this world. Stay alive! He must give Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang an explanation!"

Zhou Dong turned around bitterly, put the bottle of medicine on the table, and was about to go to the **** of Zhou Haode to settle accounts.

But the person in charge just sighed helplessly, and his voice rang behind his back: "Mr. Zhou's drug is the latest research, and it has not yet entered the safety test stage, and as long as this kind of thing is injected, Basically, there is no possibility of reversal. I am afraid that it will be useless for you to find him, and it will not save your good brother.

Zhou Dong turned his face angrily at this time, his eyes were round and round, the green veins on his forehead violently, his whole person seemed like a bomb about to be ignited, as if it was about to explode immediately. opened.

"Then what should I do now? I can't just watch Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang turn into monsters. It's really unfair to them, and I can't forgive myself in my heart. "

At this time, Zhou Dong's emotions were very complicated. In addition to his hatred of Zhou Haode, he also deeply blamed himself. After all, Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang would never be like this if it weren't for him.

When Zhou Dong was at a loss, he suddenly thought of the Tiangong organization, maybe now only they can help himself.

The person in charge also spoke at this time: "The person Zhou Haode is nicknamed a lunatic. He has always been unscrupulous in order to achieve his own goals. Therefore, if you are being targeted by him now, it is probably a particularly tricky thing. If he fails to achieve his goals , I will definitely not let it go."

The Tiangong organization had already investigated at this time, well, in order to get Zhou Dong to cooperate with him, they had already made many people around him inhuman, so they could only give him one piece of advice.

"Now it happens that his purpose is to achieve cooperation with you. If you don't agree to him, I am afraid that there will be many terrible things next. The only way you can do now is to pretend to cooperate with him, otherwise it is likely to happen more serious. Disaster."

But Zhou Dong was full of hatred for the fat man now, and didn't want to see him at all, let alone any cooperation, so he could only turn his attention to the Tiangong organization for help.

"I know that your organization is huge and you will develop new drugs. Can you help me and work out an antidote to save Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang?"

A person in charge could only sigh, and glanced at Zhou Dong with a very sad look.

"Mr. Zhou, if there is a solution to this matter, we would have figured it out a long time ago, and the development of an antidote must have a big market, but we have not reached that level of technology, so we can only maintain the current status quo."

"But you can rest assured that our team is still stepping up research, and you are now fighting against Zhou Haode. When you need help, we will do our best to provide assistance, but we are also conditional. It is impossible. Help you in vain."

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