Layman System

Chapter 1323: Solve big troubles

"Of course I know that you can't help me in vain. Just tell me what the specific conditions are. As long as it can save my brother's life, I'll go down even if it's a sword."

Zhou Dong's tone is beyond doubt, and his attitude is very firm, satisfying the other person in charge.

The man smiled and walked to Zhou Dong's side and patted his shoulder lightly, seeming to admire his behavior.

"Very well, I like your aura and pride in helping your friends. In fact, you don’t need to make too much sacrifice. Now we can help you when you need it, and you will also be with us when you need it. Help out when you need it, this is the condition for you."

Zhou Dong felt that this condition was nothing. Although the Tiangong organization was also carrying some lives, it couldn't take care of that much in this situation. It was still important to save his brother first.

"No problem, this is what we have to say. As long as I can help me deal with Zhou Haode's bastard, I will definitely not break my promise."

"Okay, then we'll make a decision. Then you can go to your own business. If you have any trouble, call us, we will definitely take action immediately." The person in charge also looked satisfied. Look at Zhou Dong.

The negotiations reached by Zhou Dong were not here either, he continued to stay, and drove his car back to the bar.

This time, he was ready to put Zhou Haode to death, and now he is making a careful plan.

"That person is sinister and cunning. I don't know if there is any action planned. I must prepare well this time, and try to get him down!"

Zhou Dong had already gotten through Song Xiaohu's call at this time: "Xiaohu, now you quickly find me a group of mercenaries, I am going to clean up that **** Zhou Haode!"

"Okay, Mr. Zhou, I will do it now!" Song Xiaohu also understands the current situation of Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang. He hates Zhou Haode, and when he hears that Zhou Dong is going to teach him, he suddenly feels in his heart. Have fun, go to work in a hurry.

Zhou Dong hung up Song Xiaohu's phone, and his eyes burst into flames night after night, and now his mind was full of Zhou Haode's ugly face, and he wanted to beat it into meat sauce.

"Now I don’t need to do other things, but I must put this confidant to an end. Otherwise, the next actions will definitely be interfered by it, and there may be even more unacceptable disasters. This person Must die today!"

Soon, Song Xiaohu called Zhou Dong: "Brother Dong, I have already contacted a team of mercenaries. Next, I need them to prepare. I can see you in about three days. Then we will gather near the bar."

Zhou Dong's eyes lit up immediately, and he secretly admired Song Xiaohu's efficiency.

"Remember to give them a good explanation. It's best to tell them about the abnormal situation in advance, so that they can be mentally prepared. This task can't be missed. We need to solve Zhou Haode's beast with a beast and a human face as soon as possible! "

After Song Xiaohu agreed one by one, he hurriedly contacted the mercenaries again.

At this time, Zhou Dong suddenly thought of a crisp voice in his mind.

"Ding! The new task assigned by the system, deal with Zhou Haode!"

"It's just right, I'm about to solve this **** now, and I can add a bit of points by the way, it's just what I want!"

Zhou Dong's fist was already tightly clenched, and the heavy hammer made a loud noise on the table, causing the surrounding customers to look back at him, their eyes filled with surprise.

He didn't care about the same eyes of these people, Zhou Dong thought in his heart, how to solve Zhou Haode this person all the time, it was almost like a demon.

Song Xiaohu's work efficiency was very fast, and three days later he called Zhou Dong again and reported the news to him.

"Brother Dong, I have invited dozens of mercenaries with top-notch skills for you, and they are now gathered near the bar. Come to the place and check it out."

Zhou Dong hung up Song Xiaohu's phone, and soon appeared in front of these mercenaries. He looked around these people and felt very satisfied in his heart.

I saw that these mercenaries were all wearing uniform clothes, each with a firm look on their faces, and a firm and fierce look in their eyes, which made Zhou Dong nod silently, and then issued an order.

"The person we are going to deal with now will appear insidious and cunning soon. Everyone should prepare accordingly. Don't fall into the trap set by him. Let's set off now!"

After making some simple instructions, Zhou Dong took a group of people into the car, and then headed towards Zhou Haode's canteen.

Since Zhou Haode was beaten to the head by Zhou Dong last time, the bones all over his body seemed to be misplaced, and he could hardly move on the road. The upper body can barely move.

While he was resting on the bed, he suddenly heard a loud noise coming from outside, as if a large group of people were coming here.

As soon as he heard this sound, Zhou Haode's whole person became alert, like a mouse, his eyes suddenly widened and his ears stood up.

Zhou Dong had already rushed in with a large number of people at this time. When Zhou Haode was puzzled, he suddenly saw a large group of well-equipped people coming in. The shock was obviously a particularly huge one.

Eyeballs stared fiercely, Zhou Haode realized that Zhou Dong's visitor was not good this time, he had reached out from under the pillow and found out a dangling dagger, dangling in front of Zhou Dong.

"You bastard, if you dare to do something to me, I will kill you with this knife, and you dare to come and try!"

Before Zhou Dong could speak, Zhou Haode felt nervous. He had already yelled at Zhou Dong, and then the knife in his hand was so powerful that he seemed to be really powerful.

"Haha, Zhou Haode, your behavior is so funny, I didn't realize that you still have such a naive side. You are almost paralyzed all over your body now, and you want to compete with me. I didn't see me taking it How many people have come? Do you think you are their opponent?"

Facing Zhou Dong's doubts, Zhou Haode had a strong negative in his heart, but he did not dare to stop his actions and continued to threaten Zhou Dong.

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