Layman System

Chapter 1325: Searcher

"No problem, we will check this for you, but you have to promise us a condition now." The person in charge said flatly, and then fixed his eyes on Zhou Dong.

Zhou Dong frowned: "What conditions?"

"This is the case. Our company is currently doing a batch of jade business. Knowing that you have a perspective function, I want to ask you to help."

What the person in charge said was very firm, and it seemed that Zhou Dong had already known the special abilities, so he didn't show any unusual appearance.

Zhou Dong was indeed very puzzled, and his heart jumped in various ways, but on the surface he pretended that there was nothing and looked up at the person in charge.

"It's weird. I just got a new skill from the system. Why did they know it so quickly? Is it just to test me? No, I can't let more people know about it. Now it's better to keep a secret for comparison. it is good."

I don't know what kind of things this skill will bring to me. To be on the safe side, Zhou Dong feels that it is better not to let too many people know about this matter, so he chose to lie to them.

"Perspective function? This statement is a bit too outrageous. I'm just an ordinary person. How can I have that extraordinary ability? You must have heard the gossip from somewhere or made a mistake." Zhou Dong was embarrassed. He replied, but there was something uncomfortable in his expression.

The person in charge immediately understood his thoughts, so he smiled faintly, and then told him something.

"Hehe, I know that Mr. Zhou still has a very conservative attitude towards this matter, and he doesn’t want too many people to know about this matter, but you don’t have to hide it from our organization, because we have our own set of inspection methods. If I'm not sure, I won't talk nonsense, and it's impossible for me to try so hard to make friends with you."

The person in charge said that he was confident, and Zhou Dong felt that he seemed to be particularly amused by his disguise, and an embarrassing expression appeared on his face.

"That's it, do they really have any special detection functions? But why are they doing these things?"

While Zhou Dong was secretly thinking about it, the person in charge spoke again.

"Our organization is using various methods to detect and collect people with supernatural powers from all over the world. As long as there is a little special function on the body, we will collect it, and then cooperate with them. You are one of them, so there is nothing good. Cover up, we already know your situation."

Zhou Dong heard such a brief explanation from the person in charge, so he could not continue to conceal it, so he had to admit the fact that he had a perspective function.

"Well, since you have detected it, then I can’t say anything, but I still have to think about cooperation. After all, I don’t know you yet and I don’t know what it will bring to me. May I consider the impact of this for a few days?"

The person in charge noticed that Zhou Dong's attitude had eased, and he was not in a hurry. He just smiled slightly and was very polite to him.

"It's okay, you can think about it for a few days, but our business is about to be banned. You'd better hurry up, and I have already said that this time we will do it for mutual benefit. , You won’t suffer."

Zhou Dong nodded seriously, and then left the villa.

Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang were injected with unknown fluids into their bodies, so their state has slowly changed. Although they can't tell from the outside, they have actually undergone earth-shaking changes inside.

The two people lying on the hospital bed suddenly widened their eyes, as if they were a robot, and immediately bounced off the bed, but their eyes were particularly dull, as if they were being manipulated.

Suddenly picking up the shelf with the hanging bottle from the side, Xiaodong directly waved his hand to the window.

Just hearing a loud noise, the window on the ward had been beaten to pieces and splashed around.

Several nurses and patients who were passing by were also suffering. They were attacked by these flying glass shards. They all screamed and fled out. The whole corridor suddenly became lively and the scene was chaotic.

"Ah! What's inside this? That person seems to be sabotaging!" A little nurse fled outside the safe area in a panic, then looked at the ward over there and turned to the colleague beside him.

Song Xiaohu was rushing to the door of the ward at this time. Seeing such an abnormal situation in Xiaodong and his ward, he also ran over here in a panic.

But when he got to the door of the ward and saw the scene inside, Song Xiaohu couldn't help but stared in surprise. He stayed in place for more than half a minute before reacting.

I saw that both Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang had jumped up from the bed and were looking for weapons in the room. They were in a very excited state. They had to express everything they saw before them. Now the room is almost messed up. It's a group, and even those instruments have been smashed to pieces.

"Oh my God, how could the two of them become like this!" Song Xiaohu let out a scream, and hurriedly prepared to step forward to stop the two men.

But Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang obviously didn't recognize him anymore, and after smashing the things in the house, they turned their attention to the crowd still watching in the corridor.

Xiaodong held an iron frame in his hand and hit the people in front of him. He only heard the whistling wind, the thing flew sideways.

The few people who were watching saw this formation and screamed and left in a hurry, staring at this strange man with a particularly shocked look.

"Xiaodong, what are you doing? Hurry up and put down the things in your hands. This is the hospital. Don't hurt others!" Song Xiaohu also hurriedly yelled.

Seeing Xiaodong's gaze turned to his side, the guy hurriedly smiled at him and motioned to him to put down his weapon.

But Xiao Dong's eyes were filled with dullness, as if he didn't know Song Xiaohu at all, and once again waved the weapon in his hand and hit Song Xiaohu's body.

"Be careful!" The few nurses who stood watching had clenched their fists, and their hearts were tightly pulled together. Seeing Xiaodong preparing to attack Xiaohuo, he hurriedly called out.

Song Xiaohu saw that Xiaodong's consciousness was already not sober, and he didn't dare to continue blocking in front, so he ducked to hide aside, and the iron frame hit the wall.

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