Layman System

Chapter 1326: Extremely excited

With a loud noise, the white rose on the wall suddenly fell, and the next big wall was smashed into a huge hole. A group of people screamed in fright again, and the scattered ones were eliminated with a very frightened look. Staring at Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang.

Seeing that the two people were very excited, Song Xiaohu also felt that things were a little out of control, and hurriedly helped evacuate the crowd, turning his head to shout to several nurses.

"Hurry up and disperse the people around you, and then isolate the two of them, otherwise something big will happen!"

After a shout, several young nurses awoke from the shock just now, rushed to another ward and called out the two doctors in charge of Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang.

The attending doctor was very surprised when he saw the chaos at the scene and the abnormal performance of Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang, his eyes widened at once, but his reaction was very quick and he was soon called. A large number of people.

"It's a bit unusual for everyone to work together now, so hurry up and get this patient into a small room, lest they harm other patients."

A group of people finally rushed up hurriedly, grabbed Xiaodong, and tied him up with the iron hand.

Zhang Shuang was also rushed up by two medical staff at this time, pressed hard against the wall, and then his hands were tied behind his back.

But the two people's current state of mind is extremely excited, and they don't obey the arrangement of a group of medical staff at all. They want to struggle hard, making various howls in their mouths, just like beasts.

"Xiaodong, Zhang Shuang, don't do this for the two of you, but follow the arrangements of the medical staff, they will save you!" Song Xiaohu was also shocked by the two at this time, and hurriedly shouted at them.

But those two people seemed to have been lost now. For a moment, they couldn't hear the boy's yelling at all, let alone know him. A pair of bright red eyes were already staring at this man, ready to attack him.

Several medical staff hurriedly rushed the two of them to another small house, and it took a lot of effort to finally control the two of them, and finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"Oh my God, this is really terrible. I haven't seen this kind of situation since I have been in the doctor for such a long time. What kind of irritation did the patient experience, like a beast? Is this a biochemical weapon?" The attending doctor's brows were also frowned tightly.

As he himself said, he has never seen such a shocking scene. The reaction of the two people is too abnormal, and they are not like normal people at all, and their bodies seem to have undergone tremendous changes.

Finally, a group of panicked patients, An Fuhao's attending doctor, has studied the conditions of these two people, and the worry on their faces seems to be more serious than before.

Zhou Dong had already rushed to the hospital at this time, and happened to ran into Song Xiaohu who was about to go down, and hurriedly inquired about Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang.

"Brother Dong, the current situation is particularly not optimistic. Xiaolong and Zhang Shuang are both in a state of excitement. There was a riot in the hospital just now. Those patients were scared away by them, even the medical staff. The personnel did not dare to go up there."

Hearing what Xiaohu was talking about, Zhou Dong didn't show an expression of shock on his face, his eyes widened, staring at him.

"What happened? Where are the two of them now?" The expression on Zhou Dong's face was very worried.

"Oh," Song Xiaohu sighed at this time, as if he didn't know how to tell the story for a while, "now the two of them have been quarantined by the doctor, because the Thai preservation almost injured other patients. Now I will take you to see them."

Zhou Dong hurriedly followed Song Xiaohu upstairs, walked in a long corridor for a long time, and finally reached a very remote corner.

"Look, the two of them are locked in here now."

The door of this isolation ward is different from other wards. The front is welded with iron sheet. There is only a small window on it. You can see everything inside through this window, but it is very difficult for people inside to get out.

Zhou Dong frowned as soon as he saw this sight. He felt that the hospital's attitude towards the two of them was too rude, and he became angry in an instant.

"What do these doctors do? Why do they keep patients in such a place? Isn't this imprisoning mental patients? How can people be treated like this?"

Thinking that Xiaodong and Zheng Shuang had already suffered tremendous physical torture, and now they are still suffering from this kind of treatment, Zhou Dong felt angry in his heart, and was about to rush down to find the doctors to settle the accounts, but was pulled by Song Xiaohu Living.

"Brother Dong, don't be so impulsive. I know that the two of them came here because you didn't see the original situation. These two people smashed everything in the ward, and they didn't even have the consciousness. I can't persuade them. The other patients were almost injured by them. If this is not the case, I am afraid I don't know what to do."

The expression on Song Xiaohu's face was very embarrassing, and he felt particularly embarrassed, as if he didn't take good care of them.

Hearing what he said, Zhou Dong clenched his fists fiercely, slammed on the iron gate, then gritted his teeth tightly, and the anger in his heart had nowhere to vent.

Finally, I had no choice but to look through the window and look inside. The two of them were now lying quietly on the bed, feeling very surprised.

Song Xiaohu also saw the puzzled expression on Zhou Dong's face, and hurriedly explained: "The two of them have been sedated just now and are now asleep. There should be no aggressiveness, but if they wake up later Come, I don’t know what will happen."

Zhou Dong also sighed long at this time, the expression on his face was particularly disappointed, and he looked very tired.

Recently, too much has happened to him. His wife doesn't know him, and two good brothers have been given an unknown injection. He doesn't know what to do.

Seeing Zhou Dong's frustrated performance, Song Xiaohu felt very uncomfortable, and sat down silently beside him, and then spoke again.

"Brother Dong, I have found a bunch of professional doctors to see Xiaodong and Zheng Shuang’s disease, but after they came to see them, there was nothing they could do. They were helpless with this new type of medicine, and in the end they had Maybe he shook his head, then sighed and left."

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