Layman System

Chapter 1327: Only cooperation

Zhou Dong also sighed a long sigh at this time. Since the professional doctors couldn't do anything about it, the two of them couldn't discuss anything, so they came.

"Then what should I do now? Could it be that the two of them are not saved? No, I can't let them go on like this, so my conscience will be disturbed." Zhou Dong muttered quietly, while secretly deciding in his heart. Determined to find a way to cure Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang’s illness.

Just as the two people were talking, there was a sudden noise in the room. The child and the bed had awakened from their coma just now, and now they began to convulse all over the bed.

Zhou Dong and Song Xiaohu hurriedly stood up, looked inside through the window, and found that they were struggling painfully in bed.

"What's the matter? Go to the doctor!"

Before Zhou Dong's words came to an end, Song Xiaohu's figure had reached the end of the corridor, rushing down, and the doctor's ward called for an attending doctor.

"Doctor, look at what the conditions of the two of them are now, and treat them as soon as possible."

The door of the ward was opened by a nurse, and the attending doctor hurried in, while Zhou Dong and Xiaohu were blocked outside.

"You two friends don't go in. The patients inside are in great danger. Just wait outside and the doctor will treat them well."

A nurse hurriedly closed the door and walked to the ward with the tray in her hand.

Xiaohu and Zhou Dong looked in anxiously through the window and found that both Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang had their hands tied to the steel bars on the bedside, in order to prevent them from hurting people.

Zhou Dong felt sad again, but there was no good way, his lips were almost bitten.

"Hurry up and get a sedative. I will give them another injection." The doctor said in a hurry. The nurse has taken out two syringes from the tray, and they are all sucked up with liquid.

Although they were stuck on the arms of two people, Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang slowly calmed down again. The doctor looked at the two men and was relieved, and then walked out with the nurse.

Zhou Dong and Xiaohu hurriedly greeted them and asked them anxiously about their situation.

"Doctor, how are the two of them? Why is the reaction so intense just now?"

The doctor looked at the two of them and explained casually: "This is the kind of side effect of unknown true meaning, and it may happen again in the future. What we can do now is to give them some placebos as much as possible. The antidote is still in the process of being developed, but I hope the patient can resist it for a while."

After speaking, he took the nurse and left in a hurry, as if there were many other things to be busy.

Song Xiaohu still had an extremely anxious expression on his face. Zhou Dong lowered his head at this time and began to think about the things raised by the Tiangong organization.

"Now Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang have become like this. If they don’t receive treatment in time, they will probably be dead. Their bodies can't bear that much. I think the cooperation of the Silver Sky organization is necessary. If you agree, otherwise it would be the end of their lives."

Zhou Dong pondered in his heart for a while, and finally made up his mind to cooperate with the people of the Tiangong organization to help them complete the jade business.

Lifting his head, Zhou Dong looked at Song Xiaohu firmly: "Boy, I need you to do something for me next. My wife is still in the process of amnesia, and her health is not good. Please help me take good care of her. I need to go to the Tiangong organization to do something for them."

Song Xiaohu still doesn't know what the Tiangong organization does, but suddenly he heard Zhou Dong say such a special name, and he felt a little surprised in his heart.

"What does the Tiangong organization do? Why do you want to help them?"

Zhou Dong quickly replied to Song Xiaohu: "Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang were injected with an unknown liquid, and now there is no cure at all. It is said that this is the latest research. If you want to save them, I am afraid you still have to To cooperate with the Tiangong organization, they were originally engaged in medical research and development, and they should have more methods than hospitals."

When Song Xiaohu heard Zhou Dong say this, he understood the reason.

"I see, it must be the cooperation between your two parties. As long as you help them do things, they will help Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang treat their illnesses, right?"

Zhou Dong nodded slightly, but the expression on his face did not relax because of this. Instead, it still looked extremely heavy and worried.

"You’re right, but now they’re both suffering from a very difficult disease. Even the Sky Organization does not have a complete solution. The next step is only to take it step by step, but no matter what, I have to try it. I will leave the business to you here. You have been working hard recently."

Song Xiaohu nodded seriously, exhorted Zhou Dong a few words, and then turned and left the ward.

"Don't worry, I will take care of the situation here, but you must be careful in the organization alone. After all, there are no acquaintances there. Once there is an emergency, I will immediately send someone to help you. of."

Zhou Dong stretched out his hand and patted Song Xiaohu on the shoulder, with a very grateful expression on his face, and then left the hospital.

Once again, I contacted the people from the sky organization, and the person in charge over there was also very happy.

"Hahaha, congratulations, Mr. Zhou, finally figured it out. Cooperating with our offensive organization will definitely not hurt you. Now you are waiting on the spot. We will immediately send someone to pick you up to Nancheng where there is a branch that needs a show. Next, you will be the general manager of the Tiangong organization, and all the people below must follow your instructions."

Zhou Dong only faintly agreed and waited patiently on the spot. After about half an hour, several people had already driven a black car and stopped in front of him.

A person got out of the car for public economic construction and asked Zhou Dong to get in, and then drove him in the direction of Nancheng.

Nancheng is where a branch of the Tiangong organization is located, mainly in charge of the jade business, and a large number of people are already waiting there.

Some people heard that a new leader was about to take the stage, and all of them showed a very contemptuous look, as if they were particularly unconvinced with this newcomer.

"Hey, what do you think the new person sent to us above looks like? Will he not understand anything, just come to give us orders, and then sit down and eat, drink and have fun?"

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