Layman System

Chapter 1328: Not convinced

"This is not very accurate. Anyway, a trustworthy person must not know much about lawyers. I guess his level is not as high as ours. At that time, it depends on the situation. As long as you think his level is not good, we will try to get him Go, don't let him press on their heads."

"That's right, those of us are not vegetarians. After so many years of loyalty in the organization, how could it be possible for a newcomer to leave under pressure? This is really a bit too irritating."

People from several organizations are discussing one after another, seeming to be very repulsive to this new leader.

Zhou Dong didn't know all of this yet, but just sat calmly in the car, and soon the car stopped in front of a very luxurious mansion, and then someone opened the door for him respectfully.

"Zhou, this is the branch of our company that manages Jade, and you will be the general manager here. If you have any future issues, just contact the person in charge over there."

Zhou Dong got out of the car and looked at the building in front, feeling shocked in his heart.

This building is very gorgeously built, and it is not on the same level as the surrounding buildings, and it seems to cost a lot of money. It is said that the entire building is a company under the Tiangong organization.

"The Tiangong organization is indeed quite rich!" Zhou Dong sighed secretly, and without staying outside, he entered the company directly.

But when he passed the company lobby, Zhou Dong was surprised to find that several people around him were casting extremely hostile eyes at him, as if they were particularly unconvinced, and a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"Oh, it seems that I have a lot of things to do when I come here. The next priority is to organize and obey the group of people under my hands, otherwise they will definitely not listen to my orders in the future."

Zhou Dong thought secretly in his heart, and led him to his office alone.

This office is also very luxurious. The furnishings in the house are very simple. There is a large desk and a comfortable chair. Next to the wall is a large bookshelf with various books on jade.

"Zhou, this will be your office from now on. If there is nothing else, I will go back and report the situation to the person in charge."

"Go down, you don't need you here anymore. I will contact the headquarters directly if you have any problems."

Zhou Dong said lightly, and saw the man turned around and went out, then gently closed the office door.

After sitting in this room for a while, Zhou Dong was already familiar with the environment here, and when he looked up at the surroundings, he felt a lot more comfortable.

A lot of sunlight poured into the big windows, and the people shining on were warm. When Zhou Dong felt a little sleepy, he suddenly heard a knock on the office door.

"Who is it? Something is looking for me in such a hurry?" Remembering frowned, but he still opened his mouth to let people in.

I saw a young man in his 20s walked in, with a special hairstyle on his head, wearing a very non-mainstream costume, and a special rebellious atmosphere on his face.

Zhou Dong looked at him up and down, and asked, "Is there anything you want to do with me?"

There seemed to be a disdainful smile on the man's face, and then he spoke in a particularly lazy tone.

"You are the new leader. We recently need to purchase a batch of jade, and we have not started talking with the manufacturer there. Next, we need to take that thing at a very low price. I don’t know what you have. My opinion?"

It seems that it has been determined that Zhou Dong is a lazy leader, so the people under him did not take him seriously. Even this young guy dared to speak in this tone in front of him.

This made Zhou Dong's heart very unhappy, and he immediately understood what kind of attitude this group of people had towards him, and he immediately cheered up.

"Hey, these people obviously have doubts about my ability. It seems that I have to show them my hand, otherwise they won't obey me, and the next job will definitely be very difficult."

Zhou Dong thought to himself in his heart, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and the look on his face became serious.

"As for the price level is secondary, we mainly look at the jade raw materials over there. If the quality is good, it doesn’t matter if the price is a little bit higher. After all, this item needs some appreciation ability, so buy some from there first. Let's take a look at the sample."

Zhou Dong said faintly, he didn't even lift his head, but this kind of reaction made the other party feel very surprised, his eyes showed an unusual light, and then he walked out desperately.

There were already several people standing outside the door who were ready to inquire about the news. As soon as they saw this young man walk out, they all surrounded him, and started to ask him questions in a rush.

"Well, does that person have no ink in his stomach and don't understand jade at all?"

"Hey, did you tell him about purchasing jade? What did he say? Did you let us do everything?"

"Based on your conversation with him just now, do you think he is a layman? Does that person understand the things in our industry?"

The young man was surrounded by a group of people and didn't know how to answer. He just quietly made a gesture to them, and then dragged a few people away from Zhou Dong's office before speaking.

"I see, this leader is not the same as the previous one. I'm afraid we have to be more careful this time. I think his attitude just now seems to know a lot about the moment, and his professional ability is not below ours. I think Let's check the situation recently."

"If this person doesn't have any abilities, then you can bully him at will, but if a capable person is really sent from above, we will do this by shooting ourselves in the foot by ourselves, so I think we should just watch it. Change it."

A group of people didn't understand Zhou Dong's personality. Hearing this young man's words, they all secretly had an idea.

"Well, since our brothers have said so, we will look at his performance in the next few days. If something goes wrong, we will chase him away from here. We will not let this kind of people eat and drink. Domination on the head."

A group of people chatted together for a long time, and finally they dispersed with their own thoughts.

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