Layman System

Chapter 1329: Ill-packed

Although those people did not have the upper hand in this contest, everyone felt that Zhou Dong definitely had no real ability, so he didn't put him in the eyes, and his attitude towards him back and forth was very familiar.

When Zhou Dong went out to eat at noon, he also noticed that these people's eyes were still contemptuous as before. He just smiled lightly and knew what these people were thinking, and then walked out.

"Huh! These people still have to clean up. They seem to be very dissatisfied with my new leader. Then I will have to compete with them. I have to let them fight me and my wife every day, so that they are like a company. Otherwise, I really can't control them in the future."

On the surface, Zhou Dong didn't put the competition of these people in his eyes, but silently made up his mind to make these people admire him.

When his figure walked out, the group of people behind also suddenly sneered, with a very contemptuous look, and glared at him.

"Oh, he looks pretty amazing, but there are not a few days since the good days. If he comes to us, I am afraid that he will have to come as we want. The new official will be appointed to three fires. If he wants to do reforms or something Things, then we have to compete with him, after all, we can't let him do so well."

A sinister light flashed in a person's eyes, and it seemed that he had already made up his mind to fight Zhou Dong.

Zhou Dong leisurely ate a sumptuous lunch in the restaurant outside, and then slowly walked back to the company, but in fact he already had a plan in his heart.

Since these people are so dissatisfied with themselves, they have to hold a meeting first to give them a good start so that they can also know how good they are.

"After all, I have opened a company before Zhou Dong, and I can be regarded as a company boss who has led hundreds of people. These little guys have not been put in my eyes, but looking at their unconvinced look, I am afraid I will have to Let them see the means to see me, otherwise it is not enough to convince people."

When Zhou Dong walked into the company, he saw several ostentatious young men who looked at him contemptuously, and when he saw him, the leader didn’t even say hello, and he felt a little unhappy. Face the group of people walked over.

But the group of people were lazy and lazy, it was as if they hadn't seen Zhou Dong, none of them stood up to greet him, didn't even look at him, and continued to sit there talking and laughing.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhou Dong's mouth, and he sat down directly beside them, looking at the pile of cards on the table, the expression on his face was very intriguing.

A few card-playing boys were still playing very happily, and they just glared at Zhou Dong contemptuously, but Zhou Dong sat beside them for ten minutes without even saying a word, which made these people feel a little hairy in their hearts. Up.

Finally, a man with long hair couldn't help it, and said to Zhou Dong violently: "Hey, why are you disturbing our big-name nature here? This is a break at noon. You have no reason. Care about us?"

Hearing what he said, several other people also grew courageous, and followed behind and agreed.

"Yeah, this is obviously a time for rest, can't we play it? What do you mean by staring at us like this? Are you ready to find fault and I will tell you, don't think you are the leader, I am afraid of you, if you dare Use people like us as slaves, don’t blame us for being impolite!"

A man wearing a red T-shirt seemed to have become angry, staring at Nan Zhu fiercely, as if he had regarded him as an enemy.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Dong's mouth, and he placed his hands on the table gently, and then he spoke slowly, as if he didn't mean to be angry at all.

"Hehe, I just want to sit next to you and watch you play cards. Why are everyone so excited? Are you too scared of me and think I am a difficult person to touch, but don’t worry, I know you Thoughts."

Hearing Zhou Dong's words, the faces of several other people also showed a surprised expression. They all looked at each other and their attitude seemed not as bad as before, but there was still a lot of resistance in their eyes.

Of course Zhou Dong could see their attitude toward themselves, but he didn't take it to heart. He felt that these people were just young and vigorous, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Haha," Zhou Dong smiled very kindly, "Don't think that I am not familiar with everything here when I just arrived at the company, I tell you, the entire company, I only need one day to fully understand. , And I know much more about jade than you."

"I know that you have already made the calculations in your heart, and that is to see if I have enough weight. If I don't affect this thing, you will blast me away. Am I right?"

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Dong's mouth, his eyes filled with deep meaning, staring at these people's faces.

Those people didn't seem to expect that Zhou Dong would feel so clearly in their minds, all of them seemed to have been guessed, and they lowered their heads in embarrassment, but their hearts were full of shock.

"How do you know we think this way?" a young man finally couldn't help asking.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Dong's mouth: "Hehe, of course I can see it with my own eyes, and do you know? The most precious part of a person is above the neck, and below the neck? That's just a foil. "

As he spoke, he scanned the bodies of several people with his eyes, seeing the extremely cool clothes worn by those people, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Those few people seem to understand what Zhou Dong is suggesting? Looking at the clothes on my body, I felt particularly ashamed. My face was red and white, and I wanted to find a place to get in.

Each of them is dressed in gorgeous clothes, but it seems that their brains can't keep up. They are not at the same level as Zhou Dong, and they can't compete with others, so they are already a little disturbed.

Zhou Dong glanced over the group of people, knowing that they were a little scared of themselves, so he stood up from the table very satisfied.

"Everyone will have a meeting this afternoon. I will make some adjustments for you next. You'd better adapt as soon as possible. If you don’t follow my instructions, what awaits you is the fate of being laid off. If you still If you care about your salary, just get up and do things, don’t get mad."

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