Layman System

Chapter 1330: Convinced

The Tiangong organization is a very large organization, and the benefits provided to employees are very good. These people usually earn several times the salary of ordinary people, so everyone cherishes this job.

Hearing what Zhou Dong said, a group of people began to secretly fight for fear that Zhou Dong would expel himself from here if he was unhappy. It would be difficult to find a job with such a high salary.

Therefore, a group of people did not dare to continue to neglect, but secretly increased their vigilance in their hearts, which can be regarded as a huge change in Zhou Dong's attitude.

After seeing the expressions on these people's faces, Zhou Dong showed an imperceptible smile at the corners of his mouth, then turned back to the office, prepared a little, and came to the meeting room again.

Everyone had sat on their seats properly, with a very panic expression on their faces, and looked at Zhou Dong too much.

Zhou Dong was also very satisfied with the performance of these people. He raised his hand and looked at his watch. There were still several minutes before the factory opened, but everyone was already there. A satisfied smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, and he felt happy. .

"Hehe, do these people still look long? It seems better to use wages to deal with them. These people probably won't be in awe of anyone except looking at money. I also happen to start from here, let They listen to me obediently."

Zhou Dong's gaze scanned the whole group, and then he spoke with a serious face.

"My fellow citizens, I was newly sent from the headquarters. Although the general manager said that I am not as familiar with the company’s situation as you are, I think I don’t know less about jade than you. Next, we will His energy is spent on doing business."

"Identify the best jade and bring benefits to the company. This is our common goal. Do you think this is the case? If everyone has to put their minds on other places, it will not only not increase the company’s benefits, but also There is no benefit to myself."

A group of people listened carefully to Zhou Dong's remarks, with a pensive expression on their faces. It seemed that they were a little surprised by his statement, but at the same time they felt very reasonable.

After this period of contact, the employees below have gradually realized that the newly sent leader seems to be different from the previous one, but from his speech and temperament, it can be seen that this person has a little ability. And it is a powerful faction.

Just as Zhou Dong was speaking, the group of people below had already begun to talk quietly, peeping at the man from the corner of their eyes.

"I think the new leaders sent from above seem to be different from the previous ones. They don't look like they are lazy. They should be able to do a little bit of practical work."

"Yeah, I think his attitude is quite serious. It is estimated that this time he paid a lot of money to invite him. Let's not mess around. If he is caught, I am afraid there will be no good end."

"Let's take a look first, let's see how many catties this person has, and why is he leading us people? After all, he has just taken office. I am afraid there will be many big moves. We will wait and see."

Zhou Dong ignored these people's arguments and went on.

"I know that everyone is very smart, and they are all for making money. If they can do business well, then everyone will benefit from it. But if you have to give me some careful thinking, Then we can just walk and see, I have never relented in firing someone."

A faint smile appeared at the corners of Zhou Dong's mouth, but his eyes exuded an inviolable majesty, which made those people more vigilant.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you one more thing. Before I came here, I also ran a large company. There were hundreds of employees under my hand. Although I am not doing this kind of business, it is for management talents. , And a lot of experience."

These people finally heard what Zhou Dong had done before, and their impression of him changed a lot. At the same time, they also secretly admired them, each one secretly stuck out their tongues, and silently rejoiced in their hearts.

"Fortunately, I didn't send any small tricks just now. If you really took the liberty to act, I am afraid that he has been fired by him now. I didn't think that the above was a bloodbath, and we actually invited such a powerful person to be our boss. This way, the future may be very different from before."

A group of people whispered again below, but Zhou Dong had already sat down slowly.

"Well, we will end today's meeting. If you don't have any questions, you can end the meeting, but in the end, when everyone leaves, I still have a word to say."

The crowd below had already started to commotion, preparing to walk out of the office, but when he heard something Zhou Dong said, he sat down in his seat obediently, his eyes fixed on Zhou Dong.

"What I just said is to raise your spirits and do our business well, but you don’t have to worry about it. I will not deliberately look for someone’s affairs. If everyone works hard, I can even give all It’s not a problem if people do some rewards."

As soon as Zhou Dong's words fell, the faces of the group of people below were already happy. They were very satisfied with his decision and had a much better impression of him.

A young man with long hair whispered in his companion’s ear: “This leader is indeed different from the previous ones. Those people are just thinking about how to scavenge a little bit from our salary. This boss will actually increase our salary. What a surprise!"

Several other people also felt very surprised, but they all had a smile on their faces, admiring Zhou Dong.

"Yes, this boss is much better than the previous ones. If he is really as good as he said, we will have to work hard in the future. This will not only leave a good impression on him, but also make ourselves more. A little increase in wages won’t kill two birds with one stone?"

Zhou Dong also ignored these people, and immediately walked out of the conference room, letting them discuss there.

In just two or three days, Zhou Dong got acquainted with the people here, and formed a sense of majesty. The people below were all sorted out and obedient by him, and he was particularly convinced.

Zhou Dong looked at this scene and felt very satisfied: "Heh, these guys are finally convinced. Then I can use all my energy on the jade business without having to deal with them in the company. It saves some effort."

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