Layman System

Chapter 1331: Is it good to bet?

Soon Zhou Dong felt that he had heard the news that a jade factory was about to open its doors, and Zhou Dong didn't waste time, so he took people there directly.

The Jade Factory is located in a very remote place on the outskirts, but the business seems to be pretty good. I came here early and the door has been opened.

A lean man was talking about something with a fat middle-aged man.

This metal man is about 1.65 meters tall. He is short and dignified and gives people the feeling of whales. A pair of night elves also exudes shrewd light, just like a natural temperament formed by long-term business.

Zhou Dong just glanced at it for a while and judged that he was the boss here, and the man standing opposite him was a very fat man.

The skin is white and transparent, but the cost of the whole suit, and almost all kinds of gold rings and jadeites are carried on the five fingers, which is the temperament of the diamond king.

In front of the two people was a piece of jadeite rough, one-person tall, and they were talking non-stop.

Zhou Dong saw that the boss had business to do now, so he didn't bother to go up and just listened to the conversation between them very curiously.

I saw the boss with a particularly hateful and mysterious smile on his face, and said to the local tyrant: "Oh, sir, your vision is really good. Look at the quality of this rough jade stone, it must be Conscious, and the quality is good, but this is just my recommendation to you."

"As for you big bosses, you have seen a lot of worlds, and you will definitely be able to pick the best one out of a bunch of rough jade stones, so you have to decide which one you want to buy in the end."

Although he said so on his lips, his eyes were constantly looking at the local tyrant's face, seeming to observe his subtle expression.

The local tyrant was also overwhelmed with joy by the seller, and felt very useful in his heart. Looking at the jade rough stone, he also felt that the texture was very good and he was more satisfied.

"It's okay, I think you look at the top edge of the stuff in this one, and the quality must be particularly good, I will choose this one." The local tyrant said very simply, and his face was bright. His smile seemed to have already confirmed that there must be something before.

Zhou Dong has seen this kind of thing a lot, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he secretly smiled, this local tyrant is really a lie, it is obvious that the seller is deliberately guiding him, wanting him to buy this piece of money. The jade rough is nothing more.

Using the perspective function provided by the system, Zhou Dong looked towards the fashion of the courier and found that it was empty and there was nothing inside, and immediately knew that the local tyrant had been fooled.

But the local tyrant's current performance is already out of excitement. It seems that he can't listen to other people's suggestions at all. He just wants people to quickly open the stone and look at the contents.

"Oh," Zhou Dong shook his head helplessly at this time. "The owner of this thing must have paid a high price. As long as he buys this thing, he will become bankrupt. It's a shame!"

Zhou Dong is not optimistic about this stone, and even the customers around him feel a bit unwilling to stand it. After all, the boss's bid is too high.

A group of people have already whispered in the following: "The boss's heart is too cruel. He actually asked for such a high price for a piece of jade rough. After all, whether there is jade in it, everyone is still unclear. If there is nothing in there. Yes, isn't this person paying a lot?"

Several other people also showed a very agreeable look, looking at the local tyrant, secretly regretting him in their hearts.

But now the local tyrants almost seem to have been brainwashed, and they don't want to listen to other people's arguments at all. A few customers can't help it, and finally stepped forward to discourage this person.

"I said, big brother, did you really decide to buy this thing? The price of this medicine is tens of millions. If there is nothing in it, then you have thrown so much money into it for nothing. Can you afford it? "

A very worried expression appeared on one's face, and he felt that this decision was really unwise.

The local tyrant also seemed to feel that what this person said was reasonable, and frowned slightly, and there was a burst of doubt in his heart, and I no longer considered this person's words.

As soon as the seller saw this situation, he became disgusted with the person who discouraged him, gave him a white look, and then turned to look at the local tyrant, with a very enthusiastic smile on his face.

"Hey, sir, don’t listen to these people talking nonsense. He also came to buy jade. That shows that he is in a competitive relationship with you. If you give up this good rough jade stone, then they have a chance to grab it. To go."

"At that time, if there are jade in it, they will definitely make money. It has nothing to do with you. You really have to think about it."

The local tyrant now has two ideas in his mind that are constantly struggling. On the one hand, the surrounding customers are discouraging him, and on the other hand, the seller’s rhetoric. After thinking about it, he feels a bit big and doesn’t know which one to choose. Which one is better.

"Oh, you and my opinions are not uniform, so how can I be good? It is too difficult to choose a jade, it is a waste of brain!" The local tyrant's face was also very ugly. 'S expression, caught in a dilemma.

The boss finally caught such a swindling customer, naturally he was reluctant to give up easily and rolled his eyes, and came up with a bunch of rhetoric, and kept lobbying in the ear of this local tyrant.

"Sir, you first look at the appearance, gloss, and brightness of this rough jadeite. If you don’t want to learn at this time, I’m afraid you won’t have this opportunity right away. Most things like making money are based on expectations. If you don’t catch it quickly, it’s very likely that you will ran into someone else’s pocket. Is that right?"

A group of people around are shaking their heads and sighing, but it is clear that the local tyrant has been attracted by the various rhetoric of the seller, and has now made up his mind to buy this jadeite rough.

Zhou Dong looked at this local tyrant, and he was already deeply curious about his psychology.

"It's weird. Why does this man want to buy this emerald rock? Did he really not see it at all? And this is clearly a trap set by the seller."

Just when the local tyrant was about to start buying, Zhou Dong walked over.

"Hey, gentleman, can we two make a bet?"

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