Layman System

Chapter 1333: I buy that piece

"Oh, I think what the boss said is right. Even though there is nothing in it, if they return the money, they might not be able to continue their business."

"That's right. Is there a rule? But the price he wants is really too high. It's a cheating."

"But maybe it's okay to refund a little money. After all, a rotten stone costs tens of millions. That's a bit weird. It depends on what the two parties think. If everyone can give in, I’m afraid it’s okay."

Listening to the discussion of the group of people around, the local tyrant felt extremely painful in his heart, as if someone was piercing his heart with a needle, bleeding drop by drop.

It's not easy to make money, let alone smashed on a rotten rock all at once. How could he not feel distressed?

Zhou Dong ignored the reactions of these people, but suddenly walked up to the boss, pointed to a big rock in the distance, and said something shocking.

"Boss, I bought that rough jadeite, how much is it?"

"What? He wants to buy that emerald rock. This customer has been fooled just now. Why does he want to buy something? It's so unexpected!"

There was already a shocked expression on the face of a person around him, his eyes widened, and he looked at the man in front of him as if he were looking at a fool.

Suddenly, there was a strong commotion in the crowd. Everyone started talking again, and they kept pointing to Zhou Dong. This time their tone was obviously much stronger.

"Do you think this person has a problem with his brain? He knows that these rough jade stones are not reliable, so he dare to spend money to buy it again. What is his plan?"

"That's not true. Although there is nothing in this rough jadeite, it doesn't mean that the others are the same. Maybe he can have his own set of methods. Let's wait and see."

Although a group of people were shocked, they didn't pay from their pockets, so they didn't feel distressed either. Instead, they looked at Zhou Dong with a mentality of watching a theater.

The seller was shocked when he heard Zhou Dong's request, but after just a few seconds, a particularly warm smile appeared on his face.

"No problem, which piece of jade rough do you want, just say it, I will let the staff break it for you!"

The boss has already followed Zhou Dong, the smile on his face has never faded, and his heart is particularly excited.

Zhou Dong stood in front of a rough jadeite stone and looked at the boss: "You can give me a price, but I know this business very well. Don't try to slaughter me. If the price is not satisfied, I will also I won't buy it."

The buyer smiled again: "Hey, sir, what are you talking about? We are all serious business people, why would we deliberately be with customers? As long as you want it sincerely, I will give you an appropriate price. "

Zhou Dong sneered once at the corner of his mouth, and pondered inwardly: "Well, you still said that it won't be a customer. Isn't the jade rough just a good example? There is nothing in it. How many blooms the local tyrant? Buying it for tens of millions of dollars, I don’t think he will be better off now."

However, although I despise the boss very much in my heart, he did not reveal anything on the surface.

At this time, the local tyrant frowned when he saw Zhou Dong's behavior, guessing Zhou Dong's plan in his heart.

"Hey, this guy is really too real. I'm afraid he wants to show me that he is not the same as the boss here, but the boss is too dark-hearted and cheating customers, so he can't Let other people be fooled again."

After all, the routine of Zhou Dong and the boss is a bit like a support, and it's no wonder the local tyrants have such suspicions in their hearts.

Thinking of this, the local tyrant hurriedly left Zhou Dong and dissuaded him: "This little brother, are you still worried about the matter just now, don't worry, I know you and the boss are not in the same group, you don’t need to I bought other stones at such a high price."

"The stone I just bought is so beautiful. There is nothing in it. Look at your stone. How could there be anything? And the price is so expensive. What requirements, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you."

The local tyrant thought that Zhou Dong was still working **** the matter he had just bet on, so he hurriedly spoke and dispelled the doubts in his heart, lest he continue to fall into the pit.

However, Zhou Dong just smiled faintly, and did not agree to this request of the local tyrant, but strongly asked the boss to open the jade rough stone.

The boss's face was naturally happy, for fear that Zhou Dong would regret it again, and he would not be able to do his business because of the delay, so he had already offered a price casually.

"Sir, since you have taken a fancy to this piece, there is no need to say more about it. I will give you a suitable price, 5 million, what do you think?"

Zhou Dong had already seen through the perspective and saw that the jade inside was a very large piece, so it was very valuable.

Turning his eyes, Zhou Dong pondered inwardly again: "I now know what the consciousness is inside, but no one else knows, and this boss doesn't know, so it's better to take this opportunity to lower the price. It’s a little bit to make more money."

Thinking of this, Zhou Dong began to bargain with the boss.

"Boss, you see that your jadeite rough looks ordinary, and has no characteristics, so the asking price is a little too high, how about giving me a drop of 2 million? If the price is willing, we will now Can be traded."

There was a very embarrassed expression on the boss's face. Although he wanted to proceed with the transaction with Zhou Dong, he suddenly pressed the price too low, which made him hesitate.

Zhou Dong seemed to be aware of the boss's mind, and hurriedly took advantage of this opportunity to say a few more words.

"Boss, you just transferred tens of millions of dollars to that customer, and there is nothing in it. Doesn’t that mean it’s a waste of money? If there is nothing in this momentum, my millions will be worthless I'm here, aren't you making a steady profit?"

"Hurry up and think about it. If you really don't want to, then I won't buy this stone. You can leave it to the next customer."

After Zhou Dong's rhetoric, the boss was finally moved.

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