Layman System

Chapter 1334: Shocked four

The boss's shrewd eyes rolled around a few times, thinking silently in his heart.

"This kid looks pretty good. Maybe the stone he chose doesn't have anything. Why don't you sell it to him at this price. At any rate, it's a few million dollars. The next person will probably not be able to get that high. The price."

Zhou Dong stood aside and looked at the ground with a careless attitude, as if he was not in a hurry to buy the stone, which made the boss feel more urgency.

After a brief period of hesitation, the boss finally made up his mind and gritted his teeth and sold the stone to Zhou Dong.

"Well, since you all have this kind of nature today, let's sell it at a price of 3 million. I will ask someone to smash the rough jadeite!"

As soon as the boss's words fell, a meaningful smile appeared on the corners of Zhou Dong's mouth, but a more alarmed expression appeared on the face of the local tyrant, and he really didn't want to watch Zhou Dong be deceived again.

With a loud noise, the rough jade stone was opened again, and everyone's eyes were fixed on it, and then they let out an exclamation.


Everyone's eyes widened in surprise at this moment, because there was indeed a good-quality jade in the rough jadeite, and it was very big.

Even the local tyrant and the boss were stunned, staring blankly at the huge jade, thinking differently in their hearts.

Zhou Dong's move shocked all four of them. There was a credible light on everyone's face, their eyes were staring straight at the jade, and their hearts were filled with envy, jealousy and hatred.

The boss had a particularly painful look on his face, and he secretly regretted that he hadn't raised the price to this kid a little bit earlier. Wouldn't it be that now he has made a lot of money?

But the local tyrant's face was full of admiration, and the look in Zhou Dong's eyes changed a little. His impression of this young man was much better than before, and he even wanted to hold his thigh.

"Oh, this young man is really amazing. I just paid such a big price to buy a piece of waste stone. Now he has only spent such a small amount of money to buy real jade, and it is at least worth more than what he bought. The price is 10 times higher. Isn't this a profit?"

A particularly excited and excited smile appeared on the face of the local tyrant, and then he walked past Zhou Dong.

The group of people around was even more surprised, and their eyes showed a very calm light, and at the same time there was a strong incredibility.

There was a strong commotion in the crowd again, and everyone was discussing the matter, as if they had discovered something extraordinary.

"This person actually bought it all at once, as well as real jade jadeite rough. This kind of vision is really too powerful, I am afraid that there is no such powerful person here."

"That's not it, this kid picked it out of so many of these rocks at a glance. At that time, it seemed to have a supernatural power. If it wasn't for him to be a normal person like us, I would doubt if he used any magic. "

"He won’t try his luck. If that’s the case, then it’s nothing great, but if he finds emerald by his own real ability, then it’s really not to be underestimated. If you worship him as a teacher, Wouldn't it be possible to make a steady profit after that?"

Zhou Dong ignored the shock and praise of those around him, but quietly moved his eyes to the local tyrant.

At this time, the local tyrant was already very excited and the trendy man walked over. He had already regarded Zhou Dong as a guest, and naturally wanted to continue to associate with him.

"Haha, little brother, I was just afraid that you would be fooled by this boss. I didn't expect you to buy such a valuable treasure now. I admire you so much. Your ability is much better than mine. !"

The man mainly saw the admiration expression on the local tyrant's face, and only a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if he was very humble, which made the local tyrant's heart a burst of admiration.

"Little brother, your attitude is quite modest. You just transferred so much money. It doesn't seem to be a bit of excitement. If I compare with you, it will be much worse. If your stone is bought by me , I was probably excited on the spot to fly."

Seeing the excitement of this local tyrant, Zhou Dong also nodded humbly at him, did not explain the function he was engaged in, but made his own request to him.

"This gentleman, I think you should remember the agreement we just made. Now that there is no emerald rock in your stone, why don't you promise me one condition?"

The local tyrant did not hesitate at all this time, and directly and readily agreed to Zhou Dong's request.

"No problem, the gentleman said, it's hard to follow the horse. Since we had an appointment just now, let's make your request now."

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Dong's mouth, and he slowly said his request.

"Sir, I want you to help me contact an experimental organization in the United States. I have something to ask about them. I wonder if you can help me with this?"

In fact, Zhou Dong has already found out that this local tyrant is doing biochemical things, and he is in contact with some of the most cutting-edge technologies, and should have some connections with that mysterious organization.

When he found out his whereabouts this time, Zhou Dong hurried to follow him. Unexpectedly, he was actually found on the spot, and he was also interested in jade, so he happened to come to a trick, and he came to a bet with his husband. Make an appointment, and then there is the next thing.

"Hehe, I didn't expect not only to contact this person, but also to get a good jade by the way. Today's party can be regarded as a great harvest."

After speaking, Zhou Dong fixed his eyes on the face of the local tyrant, waiting for his answer.

The local tyrant had already greatly admired Zhou Dong's ability just now, and now he listened to her words even more, without the slightest intention to refuse, basically agreed to Zhou Dong's request.

"No problem, I have heard of the experimental organization you mentioned, and I do research in this area. It's easy to contact them. Just wait for the news at home and I will reply to you soon."

The local tyrant didn't ask Zhou Dong why he wanted to find the experimental organization, but he quickly started to do things for him.

The local tyrant sent his assistant to find out the experimental organization in the United States, and then called them and told them that he had a friend on his side who wanted to ask some questions, and he readily agreed.

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