Layman System

Chapter 1343: Be an agent

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be a humorous person. The first time I saw you, I thought you were a big boss like that local tyrant. It doesn't seem to be the case."

Yu Xiaoxiao is also a very straightforward person. Although she has a little arrogance due to family reasons, she is still very good overall.

Gradually getting acquainted with Zhou Dong, Yu Xiaoxiao was speechless, and did not appear to be so convulsive.

When Zhou Dong arrived, he didn't care what the woman said, instead he began to seriously inquire about her purpose of seeking Zhou Jin.

"What business did you go to Zhou Jin for? As far as I know, this person is researching things that don't often appear in the market. Are you interested in those too?"

Zhou Dong felt that he had become familiar with Yu Xiaoxiao, so his words were relatively straightforward, without obliviousness.

Yu Xiaoxiao did not repel Zhou Dong any more, and answered his question very seriously: "Yes, I know that Zhou Jin has already produced an injection that is not old, so I want to become an agent. This paragraph Time has been negotiating with him."

Before Zhou Dong spoke, Yu Xiaoxiao's emotions suddenly became excited, as if he had a lot of thoughts when he talked about this old injection.

"Think about it, now so many people are thinking about immortality, and there are many rich people who are actually doing these things, everywhere wanting to become younger, after all, they have already made so much money, if you can’t spend more Isn’t it very unhappy in the year?"

"If we can get the rights of agents from Loyalty, we can open up this piece of the market. Those people must be rushing to buy from me. Wouldn't it be possible to make a lot of money?"

Yu Xiaoxiao was already immersed in her imagination, with a particularly excited look on her face, both of her cheeks became flushed, and she seemed to be full of hope for this matter.

Zhou Dong was also aware of her excitement. Although he felt something was wrong, he did not interrupt the woman's words, but patiently waited for her to continue.

After Yu Xiaoxiao finally finished talking about her inner thoughts, Zhou Dong spoke calmly.

"I've heard of the thing you said, and Zhou Jin did have this thing too, but I am more curious that you still don't understand the side effects of this medicine. Shouldn't it be promoted in the market? What about the problem? Who is responsible for the two of you?"

Facing Zhou Dong's string of doubts, Yu Xiaoxiaojing didn't seem to have been greatly affected, with that kind of excited expression on her face, and she vowed to speak.

"No one is responsible for this, because Zhou Jin has already told me that his things have no side effects at all, so I can sell them with confidence."

Only then did Zhou Dong realize that the rich second generation of the woman in front of him was so true to Zhou Jin's words.

Shaking his head helplessly, Zhou Dong could only sigh in his heart: "Oh, this woman's mind is so simple, she probably hasn't done business at all, she must have been pampering her at home before, and she doesn't understand anything. The reason why I came out to find the rent this time is definitely to prove it to the family."

"However, what people like Zhou Jin said is definitely unbelievable. I'm afraid they don't even have the slightest authenticity. I didn't expect this woman to believe it. I am really worried for her."

Zhou Dong pondered this silently in his heart, but he did not say these words because he knew that even if he expressed his opposition, I am afraid that Yu Xiaoxiao would not change his views.

"After all, this woman's temper is so stubborn, she can tell when she buys rough jade jade in the jade factory. I am afraid that she will not change her mind easily because of other people's opinions. She suffers some losses, and she will understand."

But after making it clear that Zhou Jin was a trap, and it was extremely dangerous, Zhou Dong didn't want Yu Xiaoxiao to run into it without thinking, so he could only start to talk to her about doing business. , Especially the hidden rules and shady things inside.

"Yu Xiaoxiao, I know you want to take this opportunity to prove yourself, and I also support your approach, but I tell you, I have started a company before and have been doing business with other people. Know a lot about things, and there are many things that are not what they seem on the surface."

Hearing what Zhou Dong said, Yu Xiaoxiao's face had already shown a very shocked expression, both of her eyes widened, staring at Zhou Dong's face.

"What do you mean by this? Could it be that there will be any problems if you pay the money and deliver the goods?" Yu Xiaoxiao was obviously very surprised. She seemed to be a little confused about what Zhou Dong said.

In Yu Xiaoxiao’s simple head, doing business is, you give me things and I give you the money. Even if the two of us are cleaned up, and she happens to have a lot of money in her hands, she doesn’t think there is anything wrong. Proper.

Zhou Dong naturally saw the shocked expression on Yu Xiaoxiao's face, and didn't feel so surprised, but gave a helpless laugh.

"At first glance, you are someone who has not done much business, but it happened that you met me, which is your luck. I can tell you all the strange things I encountered in business before. Maybe you can With a little more experience from it, it will not be as simple as it is now."

Yu Xiaoxiao now feels that Zhou Dong is indeed a warmhearted person, and his impression of him has gradually improved.

"Then what have you done before? Hurry up and tell me, maybe I can use it next time I negotiate with Zhou Jin."

Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes were full of expectation, always looking at Zhou Dong with interest, thinking that he was really an omniscient man, and there was already some admiration in his heart.

"I have been in business for a long time, and I have met all kinds of people, and I can almost understand them. Let me briefly tell you a few small things. Maybe you can understand something from them."

Zhou Dong then said a lot of heart-wrenching things to Yu Xiaoxiao, and explained how hard he was when he started his business, how many bad-hearted people he encountered and even betrayed by his good buddies.

This made Yu Xiaoxiao listen with gusto, as if listening to a story, his eyes were almost straight.

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