Layman System

Chapter 1344: It's them again

The stories that Zhou Dong said were Yu Xiaoxiao. This eldest daughter had never heard of it, and she found it particularly novel, and staring at Zhou Dong attentively made Zhou Dong a little uncomfortable.

"Well, I will tell you so much now, but I will have a lot of similar stories in the future. If you want to listen, I will tell you slowly later. I have no other purpose when I tell you these. I just want you to have a little more experience so that you won’t be deceived in the process of doing business."

Zhou Dong finally warned Yu Xiaoxiao with bitterness, as if she was afraid that she would be caught by someone else's trap, and that expression of concern was all seen by Yu Xiaoxiao.

Now Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes looking at Zhou Dong have become particularly admired, and now this woman realizes that the man in front of her had a different impression on her.

"This man seems to be different from me when I first saw him. He is not the same as the local tyrant. He is not a big boss and he seems to know a lot of things. He is so warm and kind to people. Nice man."

"Moreover, the two of us are quite destined. We actually met in a place like this. If that's the case, then we can't make friends. It's also very good. One more friend makes one more way."

Yu Xiaoxiao himself has that kind of carefree personality, and he is particularly straightforward. Seeing that Zhou Dong is a good person, she wants to make friends with him and get in touch with him.

Zhou Dong said so many things to a woman, it was nothing more than to win her favor, and this time he has learned a lesson, not as anxious as the last time, lest he be rejected by the beauty and suffer another failure, so he is patient Sitting on the side and waiting.

Sure enough, after a while, Yu Xiaoxiao made a request to Zhou Dong: "Since Zhou Dong has the fate to meet again here, and the talk is so speculative, I think you are also a very good person. Let me leave a contact information, anyway, we are all going to Zhou Jin, maybe we can become partners in the future."

"Of course, no problem, I am very willing to give you my contact information, we can exchange it." Zhou Dong also showed a particularly relaxed smile on his face, and he was secretly relieved, finally reaching the goal. One step further.

"Now that I have won the favor of a beautiful woman anyway, it shouldn't be particularly difficult to win her next." Zhou Dong pondered so secretly in his heart.

Soon Zhou Dong gave all his contact information to Yu Xiaoxiao, and also the other party's mobile phone and WeChat.

The two chatted in the dining room for a while, and when they saw that it was not early outside, they got up and left.

"That's it. The two of us had a good chat today. We will get together again when we have time. Now I have to go home quickly. There will be some things to be busy in a while." Yu Xiaoxiao's face With a sincere smile, he got up and left his seat.

Zhou Dong sent Yu Xiaoxiao to the door of the restaurant, and then parted there.

Yu Xiaoxiao was very happy in her heart and walked towards her car happily, but she didn't expect that there were a few old people lurking around her last time.

Those middle-aged men who wanted to insult Yu Xiaoxiao at the gate of the Jade Factory secretly found Yu Xiaoxiao's car this time, and then lurked behind a nearby electric pole, waiting for her to appear.

Several people had an angry and wretched expression on their faces, and they were still talking quietly behind them.

"Huh! I was almost successful last time, but I didn't expect to suddenly kill Cheng Yaojin and let this woman escape. What a shame!"

"Although that man is powerful, we have seen it clearly just now. He has left. This time this woman is not protected. We will definitely be able to succeed."

"Hey, I don’t believe that this woman can carry bodyguards anytime, anywhere. That man will never come back anyway. We will assault this woman this time. He will be very angry when he comes, but the rice has already been grown. It's useless to be angry when you cook mature rice!"

Yu Xiaoxiao hadn't noticed that these men were hiding nearby and peeping at her, and she had no idea that those men were still unwilling to kill her, so naturally there was no defense.

Just as she was about to reach out and open the door of the car, several figures flashed out in front of her. Yu Xiaoxiao suddenly came to her senses, staring wide-eyed, she was shocked, and the expression on her face seemed to be suddenly petrified.

"It's you again!" Yu Xiaoxiao's tone was shocked, but also with some anger.

The scene at the gate of the jade factory last time, she still remembers very clearly in her mind, these few people are by no means good people, and her current situation is particularly dangerous.

At this moment, many thoughts flashed in Yu Xiaoxiao's mind. This time, she didn't froze in place like last time, and started shouting.


But obviously these middle-aged men came here prepared this time. When he saw his mouth just opened, he already took out something and stuffed it into her mouth, so that he could only swallow his stomach. Here, Yu Xiaoxiao was infinitely anxious.

When Zhou Dong was about to get in the car, he touched his pocket and was surprised to find that he had forgotten his mobile phone in the restaurant, so he hurriedly took it back.

When you just ran to the entrance of the restaurant, you vaguely heard someone yelling, but the voice was rather vague. Zhou Dong felt something was wrong in his heart, so he turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and then he was shocked His eyes widened.

It turned out that it was Yu Xiaoxiao who yelled, and the middle-aged men once again prepared to take her away.

"It's them again!" Zhou Dong's brows were deeply furrowed, and a fire of anger was already welling up in his heart, and now he couldn't care about the phone, he raised his leg and rushed over there.

Several middle-aged men did not notice, Zhou Dong returned again, but they moved very quickly, and this time they were well prepared.

Just a few meters away from Yu Xiaoxiao's car, there was a white van parked. The men hurriedly carried Yu Xiaoxiao onto the car, and then swiftly got into the van.

"Hurry up and drive!" The man behind, controlling Yu Xiaoxiao who was struggling, hurriedly said to the middle-aged man sitting in the driver's seat.

As soon as the middle-aged man stepped on the accelerator, the van rushed out of the restaurant parking lot like an off-string arrow, and then drove along the main road in one direction.

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