Layman System

Chapter 1346: despair

Several middle-aged men took the cantaloupe to change cars several times along the way, and thought they had avoided Zhou Dong's tracking, they became more proud.

One person looked back and found that Zhou Dong's car had long been unable to keep up, and an excited and lucky smile appeared on his face, and he laughed at the other two people.

"Haha, this kid was finally dumped by us. He must not be able to catch up now. We have changed several cars. Even if he writes down the license plate number, it is useless, and he passed a fork in the middle. He has to spend time thinking about it."

"But even if he chooses the right way, it may not be easy to catch up with us. It will take a while. Taking advantage of this little effort, we have already done this little girl!"

The other two people also laughed for a while, the laughter was full of trivial meaning, and the heart of the cantaloupe was hairy.

She could only cry desperately in her heart: "Where are you Zhou Dong now? Hurry up and catch up with these **** and rescue me from them. If you don't show up again, I'm afraid I will be innocent in this life. It's ruined!"

A person sitting next to him stretched his hand to touch the corner of his mouth on the cantaloupe, revealing a particularly wretched smile, and then the car stopped in a remote place.

"Get out of the car, we will solve it here." The person in front of him opened the door and jumped down. The cantaloupe's weak body was also torn off, his actions were very rude.

I looked up and found that there was an endless wilderness all around, the ground was full of weeds, and there were no markers at all.

When Hami Melon saw this scene, he felt desperate again. There was nothing in this place. Zhou Dong might find it very difficult to find here, let alone save people.

"Do I have to stay in the hands of these wretched men today?" Cantalou didn't dare to think about the next thing, but was filled with despair in his heart and didn't know what to do.

But what several people didn't expect was that Zhou Dong had already found the local tyrant friend, and the local tyrant's assistants were also quite a lot. They were divided into two groups, and they had already drove a car on the road.

A few middle-aged men didn't even know that this matter had already walked toward the cantaloupe step by step, and their eyes were full of hunting, as if a few evil wolves were about to catch a kind little white rabbit.

Seeing this expression on the faces of several people, Hami Melon was so scared that his whole body began to chill, and his eyes were full of fearful light. He stepped back step by step, shook his head vigorously, and hummed in his nose.

"Little beauty, don't hide anymore. When you get to this kind of place, no one will come to rescue you. Even your handsome little brother will definitely not be able to make it at this time, but maybe after we finish. After that, he will rush to the scene, and maybe he can take you home."

The eyes of these people were full of sarcasm and insignificance, and the cantaloupe was even more disgusting.

Several middle-aged men had already reached the front of the cantaloupe, and they reached out and roughly pulled the rope from her hand, and the big, wretched hands reached out to the clothes on her chest.

Hearing only the sound of clothes shattering, the middle-aged man already had a few rags in his hands, and the cantaloupe clothes were torn to pieces.

In this situation, the road was still quiet, no one came over, the cantaloupe was already in despair at this time, and two lines of tears came out of his eyes again.

"Really? Did I really escape the clutches of these people today? God, you must help me. I don't want to lose my innocence like this. Besides, I have never done it in my life. Have you ever done anything harmful to me? It’s really unfair. How should I live the next life?"

Cantaloupe’s eyes were full of despair, but the middle-aged men smiled more happily, as if there was a sense of excitement of conquering.

There was another sound of rustling clothes breaking, Hami melon did not dare to look at his body, only felt that a breeze was blowing on his body and it was cold, and it was obvious that the clothes had been stripped by those people.

Just when the few middle-aged men thought they were about to succeed, a few black cars flew out on the road, which shocked those people.

The local tyrant had brought a group of his subordinates to the scene, and at this time had already rushed towards their car.

The few people were shocked, their backs were a little cold, and the interest had disappeared without a trace.

"Who are they? How did they track us down?" A panicked expression appeared in a person's eyes, and he hurriedly asked.

"I don't know, and this person is not the one we saw just now. It seems to be the fat man I met in the foreboding factory last time. Anyway, it is with you as a woman. We can't let them catch him. Run away and wait until the next time you have a chance!"

"No way, this little girl was caught after a lot of effort. Are you ready to give up him now? And it's almost fat in your mouth. Are you really willing?" Another person There was a very resisting expression on his face.

For the woman of cantaloupe, they really spent a lot of thought and wasted a lot of time. Now it is hard to see this woman standing in front of her, and her clothes are stripped, but she can’t eat her mouth. People are very uncomfortable.

When the cantaloupe saw the local tyrant and a group of people rushing towards this side, a strong surprise appeared in his heart, showing a pleasant smile.

She thought that she was about to be saved, but when she heard what these middle-aged men said, her heart fell into a kind of despair again, and her heart sank.

Even more frightening was that the middle-aged man had already walked toward her with a gloomy expression, as if he didn't intend to let her go this time.

This made the cantaloupe's heart even more, two hands were already tightly clenched into fists, and the whole person's nerves were tight together.

The middle-aged man was getting closer and closer, and the cantaloupe seemed to be able to feel the smell on his body and the heavy breathing from his nose, and he almost passed out.

Almost when the person was about to do it, a figure came in front of the person in a flash, and then punched him in the face.

There was only a dull sound, and the person's body fell directly to the ground, frightening the other two people suddenly stunned.

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