Layman System

Chapter 1347: Bring to justice

When all the people reacted, they could see that the man in front of him was Zhou Dong, and all of them turned pale with fright.

Yu Xiaoxiao was already prepared to endure this stormy attack, but suddenly felt that the front seemed to be quiet. Then, looking forward with wide-eyed eyes, he found Zhou Dong's familiar face.

"You are here!" Yu Xiaoxiao greeted Zhou Dong with the rag in her mouth, and two tears of joy shed in her eyes.

At this moment, she felt that Zhou Dong was like her God, saving her from the gangster at this most critical juncture.

The other two middle-aged people also reacted at this time, and hurriedly prepared to turn around and flee, but the local tyrant with several of his assistants stopped directly behind them.

"Where else do you want to go? This is what I saw you committing a crime again, this kind of thing must not be let go!" The local tyrant's face showed a very angry look again.

After seeing that these people were the wretched men who were going to assault Yu Xiaoxiao last time, a more angry expression appeared on their faces, and they simply sneered at the behavior of these people.

Zhou Dong had already walked to Yu Xiaoxiao's side at this time, gently picked up the clothes from the ground and put them on her body.

"Are you all right?" Zhou Dong had already taken out the rags from Yu Xiaoxiao's mouth at this time, and asked gently.

At this time, Yu Xiaoxiao's emotions were completely out of control. After seeing Zhou Dong, she suddenly squatted to the ground and began to cry.

She really didn't want to accept what happened just now, but it has become a reality after all and can no longer be reversed.

Yu Xiaoxiao's tearing heart and lungs caused Zhou Dong and the local tyrants to hear it for a while, with a very sad expression on their faces.

Zhou Dong turned his head and looked at a few middle-aged men with panic faces, two groups of flames appeared in his eyes.

"You guys really can't change eating shit. The lesson I taught you was too light last time. I don't think you have any intention to repent."

"If this is the case, let the police take care of you, and then I will report to the police truthfully what you have done. What awaits you at that time is the disaster of prison."

Zhou Dong said bitterly, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called the police station directly.

When several middle-aged men saw that he was about to do this, their hearts became more panic. Each of them thumped and knelt on the ground, begging Zhou Dong to let them go, but Zhou Dong just glanced at these people coldly, not at all. Moved.

"I beg you, you must not call the police. We will never do this kind of thing again in the future. We must reflect on it carefully and let us go this time." The faces of several people are also full of Desperate expression.

"Humph! You people can't believe what you say at all. If you really know repentance, you should not do such a thing. Last time, my heart was too soft and I let you all go. This time I will never If you make the same mistake again, you will be punished next!"

Zhou Dong had already called the police station at this time and told them all about the situation. The police were dispatched directly from the police station.

About an hour later, a burst of harsh police sirens came over, and several police cars had arrived at the scene where Zhou Dong and the others were.

As soon as the middle-aged men saw this situation, their hearts were filled with despair, and they all bowed their heads in despair, knowing that there was no other way to go.

A few policemen rushed over, handcuffed the middle-aged men on the ground directly, thanked Zhou Dong, and then left the criminals under pressure.

Yu Xiaoxiao's whole body was dressed in broken clothes, squatting on the ground and crying, turning a blind eye to everything in front of her. Now she was in no mood to care about other things, because her heart had been severely traumatized.

Zhou Dong walked gently to her at this time and comforted her by the woman for a long time before calming down her emotions and then taking her into his car.

"Don't worry, I'll take you to the hospital for an examination. You have a lot of injuries, see if it doesn't matter." Zhou Dong was driving the car, while taking care of Yu Xiaoxiao's emotions, constantly comforting her. .

Although Yu Xiaoxiao was not violated by those middle-aged men, her body has been injured in many places due to the intense struggle and dragging on the ground.

Zhou Dong quickly sent Yu Xiaoxiao to the hospital. The doctor in the emergency department gave her some first aid, and then took her to another ward for a physical examination.

After a few minutes, the door inside was opened, and Zhou Dong hurriedly greeted him: "How about? She has nothing to do, right?"

There was a smile on the face of the young nurse who was examined: “It’s okay, the patient just suffered some physical injuries, and the others are not serious. You should be able to go home after a few days of rest in the hospital.”

Zhou Dong felt very relaxed after hearing the news, and then walked into the ward and saw Yu Xiaoxiao still sitting on the bed crying.

The wound has now been treated, and Yu Xiaoxiao feels that her whole person suddenly feels relieved. Although the pain on her body has not subsided, her heart is full of feelings for Zhou Dong.

After seeing Zhou Dong walk in from outside, Yu Xiaoxiao suddenly showed a slightly shy expression on her face, and then hurriedly thanked him.

"Thank you Zhou Dong for what happened today. If you didn't show up in time, I still don't know what will happen. You are my life-saving benefactor. I will give you a verbal thank you. Wait till I When you leave the hospital, please have a big meal or whatever you want."

Seeing that the woman's emotions were no longer as excited as before, Zhou Dong was relieved and hurriedly responded: "Don't worry about that. At present, it is important to take care of your body. Well, thank me for being able to do it anytime, don’t worry."

Zhou Dong's humor broke the awkwardness between the two people, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became relaxed.

"Now my task should have been completed, the system will reward me immediately, and then I can do other things."

Zhou Dong was thinking so secretly in his heart, waiting for the system to speak, but after several minutes passed, the system was still silent and there was no response at all, as if suddenly falling asleep, this made Zhou Dong feel very surprised in his heart.

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