Layman System

Chapter 1350: Zhou Jin's phone

Obviously this man himself intends to do business with Zhou Jin, so how come he can't do it with him?

As if seeing the doubt in Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes, Zhou Dong just smiled slightly and didn't want to say too much to her, lest she suddenly couldn't accept it.

But Yu Xiaoxiao still couldn't help being curious, and asked Zhou Dong, "Zhou Dong, aren't you also doing business with Zhou Jin? Why are you so strongly opposed to me doing business with him, and why?"

Zhou Dong's mouth showed a wry smile, because Yu Xiaoxiao's question reminded him of Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang.

Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang are in the hospital. The situation is still uncertain, but the last time I spoke with Song Xiaohu, I received that both of them are already in serious condition, and there is no progress. Zhou Dong Le felt anxious and irritable again.

After sighing, Zhou Dong looked up at Yu Xiaoxiao, "To tell you the truth, in fact, some unhappiness has happened between me and Zhou Jin. The owner of a small shop injected an unknown liquid into my two brothers. "

"That kind of thing was bought from Zhou Jin, and the two of them are relatives. Now my two brothers are still in the hospital. The side effects of the medicine are very powerful, but I haven't got the antidote yet. This is me. Find the reason for Zhou Jin."

After Yu Xiaoxiao heard what Zhou Dong said, her eyes widened in surprise again, and her heart began to chill.

She really didn't expect that Zhou Jin was actually this kind of person, and did that kind of heinous thing to Zhou Dong's two good brothers.

"What should I do? Now I have talked to Zhongxin, and she promised me to contact me then, if he calls, what should I say?"

Yu Xiaoxiao no longer had the excitement and impulse at all in her heart, but a little more vigilance, and a little bit of fear for Zhou Jin.

Zhou Dong frowned. When he was about to speak, he heard a ringing of a mobile phone ringing. Yu Xiaoxiao pulled out the phone and took a look. Suddenly, the expression on his face changed slightly.

"It's Zhou Jin." Yu Xiaoxiao's hand froze in the air, and she didn't know whether to connect the phone or not, looking at Zhou Dong with inquiring eyes.

Zhou Dong nodded slightly, and saw Yu Xiaoxiao answering Zhou Jin's call.

Yu Xiaoxiao turned the phone to the hands-free button, then calmed down her panic, and spoke calmly.

"Mr. Zhou, is there anything you call here? Is it about the agency?"

Zhou Jin naturally didn't know that Yu Xiaoxiao's voice with Zhou Dong was still very flat, and he told Yu Xiaoxiao some bad news.

"Ms. Yu Xiaoxiao, I must tell you something that is not very good. Now another person has found it. I want to be an agent. The agent of the old injection. The two of you are now in a competitive relationship. If you do, I want to see which of your two bids is higher, and only then can you win the agency."

Yu Xiaoxiao didn't know how to answer, and looked up at Zhou Dong again. Zhou Dong just gently put his finger to his lips, beckoning her to continue listening.

"Then what do you plan to do next? Boss Zhou." Yu Xiaoxiao asked calmly again.

Zhou Jin over there immediately returned: "Miss Yu Xiaoxiao we still need to continue discussing this matter. Why don't we meet in a place and negotiate face-to-face when the time comes. How about a face-to-face deal?"

Zhou Dong nodded at Yu Xiaoxiao at this time, and Yu Xiaoxiao understood what he meant.

"Well, if Boss Zhou is like this, you will decide the place. I will definitely be there on time."

Zhou Jin seemed very satisfied, and soon gave Yu Xiaoxiao a position.

"Miss Yu Xiaoxiao, we will meet at a Michelin restaurant in the city center. Then I will bring another person who wants to be an agent. The time will be two hours later. I hope you will arrive on time. "

Zhou Jin's tone was very cold, but Yu Xiaoxiao had hurriedly agreed.

"No problem, Boss Zhou, I will definitely be there on time."

Hanging up the phone, Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes looked at Zhou Dong again, there was already a trace of panic and unconfidence in his eyes, and there was no excitement at the beginning.

"Zhou Dong, what should I do now? Zhou Jin asked me to go out to meet them. I was not afraid at first, but after hearing you talk about it, I felt that this person was really terrifying, and I didn’t dare to be alone. went."

Seeing the panicked look on Yu Xiaoxiao's face, Zhou Dong calmly comforted her a few words, and then gave her a reassurance.

"It's okay, I will stay nearby when the time comes, and I will listen to you if something goes wrong, I will rescue you immediately."

Hearing what Zhou Dong said, Yu Xiaoxiao's heart slowly let go, not as nervous as before.

At this moment, Zhou Dong suddenly asked again: "Has Zhou Jin told you the meeting place just now? Now we have to hurry over and try to get there before they arrive. I have to find a suitable place to hide. "

Yu Xiaoxiao nodded hurriedly: "Then tell me a position just now, then let's hurry up now."

The two hurried out of the hospital and drove to the Michelin restaurant designated by Zhou Jin.

When he arrived in the restaurant, Zhou Dong looked around and found that Zhou Jie and the other agent in his mouth hadn't come over, and they quickly adjusted each seat.

"You will be here when you are negotiating with Zhou Jin, and I will sit behind you, but then I will be concealed. Zhou Jin will definitely not find me, and I can still hear your conversations. Just follow my instructions, and I will call you at a critical moment."

Yu Xiaoxiao nodded seriously, remembering every word of Zhou Dong in her heart, and she became nervous again.

The closer the time to meet Zhou Jin, the more nervous Yu Xiaoxiao's heart is, and the whole person looks extremely unnatural.

When Zhou Dong saw her situation, he comforted her a few words: "Don’t worry about Zhou Jie, just talk to you about a simple cooperation, it shouldn’t do anything to you, and he chose this place as a public place. It won’t be harmful to you. Then you just need to bid normally, but don’t raise the price too high."

After Zhou Dong's instructions, Yu Xiaoxiao felt that she was not as panicked as she was just now, and a hard smile appeared on her face.

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