Layman System

Chapter 1351: Routine

"Well then, you must remind me later, I really don't know what to do now."

Yu Xiaoxiao is now like a frightened little animal, hardly knowing how to negotiate with the other party.

Zhou Dong just smiled slightly, patted her shoulder, comforted her a few words like a good friend, and then sat down behind her back.

"You can rest assured to negotiate. Then you can sit for a while, drink something, and relax. Zhou Jin should be coming soon. I think it's almost time."

Just when Zhou Dong sat down behind him, a stranger came in. He looked around the restaurant and saw Yu Xiaoxiao who was sitting at a table and walked straight towards her. , With a slight smile on his face.

The strange man who followed Zhou Jin was very ordinary, wearing a suit with an arrogant expression on his face, and came along with him.

Yu Xiaoxiao hurriedly smiled. Seeing the two people in front of the writer began to feel nervous again, and felt that his heart beats much faster than usual.

Zhou Jin didn't seem to notice Yu Xiaoxiao's nervousness, nor did he notice the person sitting behind her, and spoke happily.

"Ms. Yu Xiaoxiao, I already told you very clearly on the phone just now. The purpose of our meeting this time is to negotiate and finally win an agent. This is Mr. Liu and you to participate in the bidding. He also wants to represent our product, but I will finally choose one from among you, and then it will depend on the performance of the two.

The person surnamed Liu just smiled slightly at Zhou Jin, and then stared at Yu Xiaoxiao's face.

Yu Xiaoxiao had already begun to speak at this time: "Boss Zhou, you still have to pay the reserve price. We will continue to increase the reserve price. Do you think it is okay?"

"No problem, the agency price I gave is 1 million. At this price, you can continue to increase it, but it cannot be lower than this price, otherwise I will lose money." Zhou Jin said very simply.

"Well, I'm bidding 1.2 million now!" Your management department gave a price and turned to look at the man named Liu.

The strange man looked at Yu Xiaoxiao and directly raised the price a lot: "1.5 million!"

Yu Xiaoxiao frowned and called out another number: "1.6 million!"

But the strange man suddenly jumped upwards at this time, already raising the price of 2 million.

At this time, Yu Xiaoxiao had already begun to drum up, frowning slightly, and pondering inwardly: "This man's bid is really too high, and every time the price is raised, the rate is so big."

"In just a few seconds, the price has been increased to twice the reserve price. I am afraid it will not work if this continues. Although I have some money in my hand, I can't stand such a profligacy."

Seeing Yu Xiaoxiao hesitated, the strange man also glanced at Zhou Jin intentionally or unintentionally, as if he was exchanging information with him.

Zhou Dong was sitting behind Yu Xiaoxiao at this time, listening clearly to the conversation at their table. When she heard the man's bidding, her brows had already been planted, and she was thinking about something secretly.

Zhou Dong has also experienced such things as bidding and deeply understands the rules.

Although both parties want to do business with Zhou Jin, under normal circumstances, the two parties should not raise the price too much, try to keep the price down a little bit, and not let themselves suffer too much.

"But this man's behavior seems to be particularly abnormal. He doesn't think the price is high enough, adding so much every time, it seems to be a bit problematic."

Just when Zhou Dong whispered secretly in his heart, Zhou Jin spoke again.

"Ms. Yu Xiaoxiao, the bidding between you and Mr. Liu seems to be quite fierce, but I think Mr. Liu’s bid is much higher than yours. You have to cheer next. I know you really want to represent this product, but If the final price can't keep up, I can only make you reluctant to give up."

Hearing Zhou Jin's words, Yu Xiaoxiao's heart became anxious again. After all, the other party put a lot of pressure on her, and she herself was really passionate about this product.

"Well, I know, I'll pay 2.5 million!" Under such intense pressure, the honeydew suddenly raised the price very high.

Seeing Yu Xiaoxiao's nervous performance, Zhou Jin gave a smug smile on his mouth, but Yu Xiaoxiao did not notice. Instead, he stayed on the face of the strange man, as if he had already regarded him as a giant. enemy.

But what Yu Xiaoxiao didn't expect was that her biggest enemy was Zhou Jin who was sitting in front of her.

Zhou Jin seemed to be able to guess Yu Xiaoxiao's mind, there was no wave in his heart, but with a smile on his face watching the two people continue to bid.

At this time, Zhou Dong frowned deeper, and he felt more worried for Yu Xiaoxiao. After all, the price she had just increased was too high, and it would be detrimental to her.

The strange man did not stop there, but suddenly added a higher price: "3 million!"

As soon as this number was exported, even Yu Xiaoxiao's heart jumped, frowning tightly, and she fell into a moment of hesitation.

Seeing that the current price was twice as high as the monk before, Zhou Dong felt that if he continued to do this, Yu Xiaoxiao would probably be miserable, so he hurriedly sent her a message.

Yu Xiaoxiao didn't know what to do at this time. After all, the price was a bit high, and he was not sure whether he could win the opponent. After all, if the price is too low, the opponent will probably grab from here. With the agency right, her plan would be ruined.

Just when she was feeling anxious, she suddenly heard a noise from her mobile phone, and Zhou Dong's message had arrived.

Yu Xiaoxiao seemed to suddenly see a ray of light in the dark, so he quickly picked it up and looked at it.

"Sorry, I read a message." As she said, she opened the message from Zhou Dong.

"Do not continue to increase the price. The price is now a bit high."

After reading this brief message, Yu Xiaoxiao's heart began to become nervous again, with some faint worry.

"If you don't continue to increase the price, this person will probably take the agency right from me, but since Zhou Dong has already spoken, then I will listen to him. After all, he knows more about this than I do. many."

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