Layman System

Chapter 1358: She went abroad?

Just when he dialed the phone, a crisp voice suddenly came out of his mind.

"Ding! New system task, find Li Li!"

After Zhou Dong accepted the task, he heard that the phone had been connected, and hurriedly told about his own dilemma.

"I have some urgent matters here. My wife left with two friends, but she is missing now. I am worried that some of them are in danger, so can I ask someone from the Tiangong organization to check it out. My current manpower It is limited, and there is no clue, it has been lost."

The Tiangong organization also happened to get a business news, so I was about to call Zhou Dong to get him back to the United States. I happened to receive a call from Zhou Dong and explained the situation to him.

"Mr. Zhou, now the company has learned that there is a large jade factory opened in the United States for the first time. The company urgently needs you to come back and go to the jade factory to purchase some high-quality jade. A big harvest, because they have so many things in their home."

The organization was originally aimed at making profits. Of course, Zhou Dong understood their plans, but now his wife and two friends are nowhere to be seen, so he has no intention of doing those things.

"No, now I can’t find a lot of people here, and I don’t even have the mind to do other things. I know that the business there is very important to you, but I really can’t go back unless they Only if I find a few, or if I have some clues, I can leave with confidence, or how would you let me make money?"

Zhou Dong was very anxious, and he didn't pay attention to the tone of his speech.

But the person in charge over there is not angry, because Zhou Dong's ability to distinguish jade is so superb, he can almost get it right at a glance, and he almost depends on him for making money, so he dare not say anything bad. It is trying to persuade.

"Mr. Zhou, I know that something has happened to you, but we have said that you helped the company make money, and the company will do some help when necessary. Now it is hard to wait for such a great opportunity, how can you Just give up so easily? Come back quickly."

Although the person in charge there has been urging Zhou Dong, Zhou Dong's Heart Sutra has made up his mind. As long as he doesn't find his wife and his two good brothers, he will not waste his time elsewhere anyway.

"I know, I have always remembered the agreement with the organization, but now it is an emergency, and you also said that you will help me when necessary. Now it is when I need you, you should send your men as soon as possible. Help find it."

"I can assure you that as long as I find the clues of my wife and wait for them to be safe, I will rush to work in the company as soon as possible and continue to make big money for the company. Otherwise, I am afraid I am not in the mood to go well. Identify jade."

After Zhou Dong's remarks, and considering Zhou Dong's ability, the people on the Tiangong organization finally compromised.

"Well, it is indeed good for you to say that. Now that you are in a difficult position, we should naturally help, but when this matter is over, you must work harder and return what you owe the company."

Zhou Dong readily agreed to the request there, and then learned that the people of the Tiangong organization had already sent many subordinates to find Li Li and the others.

The organization of the Tiangong organization is very large, and the whole thing progresses very quickly as soon as it takes action.

Soon, someone came over to report the news to the person in charge over there.

"The boss of the report has just found out that Li Li has gone abroad. Not long ago, our people saw him at the airport."

The person in charge hurriedly relayed the news to Zhou Dongle, and Zhou Dong was shocked in his heart, and deep doubts arose.

"After going abroad, how could Li Li go abroad with ease? And where is she going to go with two big men?"

Zhou Dong feels more and more confused about his wife's current behavior. He only feels that many of her actions are particularly crazy.

Zhou Dong hurriedly inquired: "I don't know which country Li Li took Xiaodong to?"

"We are still investigating it now, and there should be results in the near future. I will deliver the news to you as quickly as possible. You don't have to worry too much."

The person in charge over there hung up and waited for a message to come from the start. Soon, Zhou Dong received the information transferred over there on his cell phone.

"Your wife has arrived in the United States now. This is the latest news we have found so far. What you should do next is up to you."

Zhou Dong hurriedly thanked the people from the Tiangong organization, and then flew to the airport immediately.

After buying the earliest flight, Zhou Dong flew to the United States in a hurry.

The plane landed at the airport, and Zhou Dong suddenly received another news from the Tiangong organization.

"We recently found out that your wife has arrived in the state where you used to stay. She hasn't figured out exactly what to do, but we will continue to work hard."

After Zhou Dong received the news, he felt more puzzled, but at the same time he felt very excited. After all, Li Li's whereabouts were already there, and it shouldn't be particularly difficult to track it next, and it would never be like a headless fly .

At the same time, he also secretly sighed in his heart that the efficiency of the Tiangong organization was really high, and that it was very powerful to be able to find out about Li Li in such a short period of time.

Without any hesitation, Zhou Dong flew directly to the state where he lived.

When he arrived at the place where he had lived, Zhou Dong suddenly found a familiar person again. He was shocked again, and hurried forward and grabbed her.

"Yu Xiaoxiao, why are you here?" Zhou Dong's face was full of shock. He didn't expect to meet her in this place.

Yu Xiaoxiao was also very surprised by the accidental encounter with Zhou Dong in a foreign country. Her eyes widened as if she had seen something very strange.

"Wow, this is too coincidental, you can actually meet you in this place, why did you go abroad?" Yu Xiaoxiao also obviously couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, and there was already a very happy smile on his face.

Zhou Dong didn't answer Yu Xiaoxiao's question immediately, but expressed his doubts, "Why are you here?"

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