Layman System

Chapter 1359: Remember what

Yu Xiaoxiao has now become an agent of life-long injections, and soon expanded his business to the global scope, doing very well, so when I saw Zhou Dong again, I was naturally very proud.

"Of course I am here to promote my anti-aging injections. Now I have successfully become an agent of Zhoujie, and the market has become bigger and bigger. Now I have done it abroad."

Hearing that Yu Xiaoxiao had already achieved this level, Zhou Dong was also secretly surprised in his heart, feeling that this woman was very unusual.

"Yes, it seems that you are still very talented. If you continue to develop in this area, maybe you can really develop your own career in the future. Then your parents will never dare to take you seriously, as long as If you can make money for your family, they may be able to see your face in the future."

Hearing Zhou Dong's encouragement, Yu Xiaoxiao's smile became even brighter, as if he had seen new hope in the dark.

When the two met again, Yu Xiaoxiao was very excited, and she talked to Zhou Dong for a long time, and told him almost all of his own situation.

"Now I am acting as an agent of that kind of thing, and most of the income from the weekly end will come from my side. That thing has a special market. I think I can continue to promote it in the future, and there will be a lot of benefits. It."

Zhou Dong graciously praised Yu Xiaoxiao, and then warned her: "You have done a very good job in this matter, but you still need to work harder to cut off Zhou Jin’s other services within a few months. The source of income, except your side, don't let him make any money."

Although I don't understand what Zhou Dong did, Yu Xiaoxiao already admires this man very much, so he nodded very seriously, and took his words to heart.

"I remember what you said, and I will do what you said next." Yu Xiaoxiao stared at Zhou Dong happily, hoping to talk with him for a while, but Zhou Dong was because of Li Regarding Li, I don't want to stay here anymore.

"Okay, since you already understand, I don't have much to say, now I have to hurry up." Zhou Dong looked in a hurry, he was about to turn around and leave.

But Yu Xiaoxiao also felt very puzzled when he saw his panic.

"Zhou Dong, what are you going to do in such a hurry? We finally met in a foreign country. Don’t you go out to drink tea and chat or talk? Anyway, I’m not so anxious. In the next few hours, There is no arrangement."

Seeing Yu Xiaoxiao taking the initiative to invite herself, Zhou Dong still refused in embarrassment.

"I'm really sorry, I have some urgent things to do now, so I can't chat with you. Let's get together again when we have a chance."

When Zhou Dong was about to turn around and leave, Yu Xiaoxiao stopped him from behind.

"Then you should always talk about what you are doing. I know you are very busy, but there should always be time for an explanation."

Zhou Dong didn't want to make Yu Xiaoxiao sad, so he mentioned Li Li incidentally.

"That's it. My wife is missing now, and she also took Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang with her. I just received news that she has already arrived at this place, so I have to rush to find her so as not to save the three of them. Whatever accident happens, then I will feel sorry for it."

When Yu Xiaoxiao heard Zhou Dong say this, her brows were already frowned, and she looked at a place on the ground as if she was thinking about something.

But Zhou Dong didn’t notice her behavior. Instead, he hurriedly exhorted: “Next, you can do your business well. Then I will contact you again. I will leave now. This matter cannot be delayed any longer!"

Before the words fell, Zhou Dong's figure had rushed several meters away.

But just when Zhou Dong left here, Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly lit up, as if thinking of something, and was about to call Zhou Dong, only to find that he had run far away and could not hear him at all.

Yu Xiaoxiao knew that this matter involved a lot, so he hurriedly dialed Zhou Dong's phone, but there was an unexpected voice over there.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed is turned off, please try again later."

Zhou Dong’s mobile phone has run out of power. He just returned to where he lives and was planning to recharge it, but he didn’t expect to meet Yu Xiaoxiao on the way, so he forgot about it and turned and ran again. come out.

"Oh, why the phone is out of power? This is a coincidence, if I just remembered it earlier, I can't contact him now, really!" Yu Xiaoxiao's face showed a particularly anxious look. , Secretly blamed myself for thinking too slowly.

Zhou Dong is now organizing with Tiangong to conduct a carpet search on Li Li and the three of them. Almost all of them are about to turn over the land, but there is no shadow or even a trace.

It was as if several people had suddenly evaporated from the world, and there was no trace, which made Zhou Dong feel more anxious.

Yu Xiaoxiao made a live call to Zhou Dong, but because the mobile phone there was no electricity, it was not connected. In desperation, she had to wait until the next morning to contact Zhou Dong.

When Yu Xiaoxiao woke up from her sleep the next morning, the sun had already risen from the horizon, and the warm sunlight shining into the window made her feel good.

Stretched greatly, Yu Xiaoxiao remembered what happened yesterday, so he hurriedly picked up the phone to call Zhou Dong.

At this moment, Yu Xiaoxiao saw Zhou Jin's name appearing on the phone's caller ID, frowning slightly, and he was connected soon.

"Yu Xiaoxiao is now our ageless family, we want to open up a new market in China, and I have already inquired about that place still has great potential, you come back as soon as possible, and come directly after you are busy. Well, when the market is almost open, I will give you a long holiday."

Yu Xiaoxiao was also very concerned about this matter, so he agreed to Zhou Jin's request and planned to return by plane on the same day.

"Well, I happen to be pretty busy here. If there are no accidents, I should be able to board the plane this afternoon. When the plane lands, I will notify you."

Zhou Jin over there also seemed quite satisfied, hung up the phone, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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