Layman System

Chapter 1361: Became famous

"Did your kid provoke a terrible person? Now that someone is calling and asking me to kick you off, I can't help you anymore. You can quickly clean up your bedding and leave!"

The person in charge here wanted to say a few more words, but he heard a beeping sound from there, and the leader above was no longer ready to listen to his explanation.

Hanging up the phone, the person in charge showed another painful expression on his face. The whole person seemed to have been struck by lightning, and he couldn't react to it at once.

But soon, a few people rushed in from the outside and dragged him out of the house directly, with an unkind attitude.

Just when the person in charge was dragged in, a middle-aged man in a suit with greasy hair walked in, with a very smug smile on his face, and he glanced at the old one from the corner of his eye. principal.

As soon as the person saw this scene, he immediately understood that the person above had already prepared a spare tire. Now I am afraid that there is no chance to return to the original position. There is another grief in his heart, and he is almost crying. Out.

Just when the new person in charge had just sat down in the office, Zhou Dong had already stepped into the jade factory, looking around the jade rough here.

But this time the new person in charge treated Zhou Dong very enthusiastically, almost giving him the treatment of a VIP.

As soon as he heard that Zhou Dong had already arrived at the jade factory, the new person in charge hurriedly greeted him with a warm smile, followed by several assistants.

"Mr. Zhou, when did you come? Don't say hello to me in advance, so that someone can come and pick you up." There was a warm smile on the man's face, which made Zhou Dong's heart also stared with surprise. , Looking at the person in front of him.

He secretly pondered in his heart: "The efficiency of the Tiangong organization is really high. It has just changed a new person in charge, and his attitude has changed drastically from the previous one. It seems that this person is very winking."

"It's nothing, I just came to look at the jade here. I want to buy a few pieces to go back. You don't have to deliberately come back to greet me. If you have any work, just be busy. I will call you when I see it." Zhou Dong said lightly , Did not take this person in charge seriously.

But the person in charge rolled his eyes, and already turned his head and ordered to several of his men: "What are you guys still standing here and doing? Hurry up and get a stool for Mr. Zhou and let Mr. Zhou sit here and take a look. "

Zhou Dong was also particularly surprised by the reaction of the new person in charge. Just when he found it strange, he saw a man walking over with a comfortable chair, with a complimentary smile on his face. He is very respectful.

"Cut! What the **** do these people want to do? Why do you treat me like a distinguished guest? Isn't it just looking at a stone, it is so grand?"

Zhou Dong thought silently in his heart, the stool has been placed behind him.

Seeing that Zhou Dong was treated as a VIP, the people who were selecting jade in the jade factory also walked over, with enthusiastic and flattering smiles on their faces, looking at him as if watching a star.

The fact that Zhou Dong selected good jade in his consciousness a while ago has spread in the jade circle here. Everyone knows that there is a person who is particularly good at picking jade. He can know the texture of the jade inside with a glance. Never missed it.

In addition, this time the new person in charge has an extremely enthusiastic attitude towards him, which has attracted the attention of a group of people around him. Zhou Dong has almost been regarded as the **** of jade selection.

The new person in charge naturally also knows Zhou Dong's position in this industry, so the treatment to him is even worse.

"As long as I keep this person in my jade factory, Li Na still has no worries about not attracting business. As long as he is there, the businessmen will definitely follow him. Then he will be like a star and can take his own Fans have brought me here to increase the efficiency of my side, why not do it?"

The new person in charge is also making his own calculations in his heart, silently doing this service for Zhou Dong, almost treating him as his own god.

Although Zhou Dong was surprised by the behavior of these people, he thought about it for a moment and suddenly understood what was going on, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, these people are really well informed and have figured out where I came from. It seems that they all want me to help pick a few good stones."

As Zhou Dong thought in his heart, he walked past these jade gardens one by one, using his perspective function, looking at every stone, the expression on his face was very serious.

Those other merchants also followed behind with a look of admiration, their eyes fixed on Zhou Dong, and they made noises from time to time.

"Hey, I heard that this man is a great jade picker. As long as he looks at something, there must be a very good quality stone in it, and it can be bought at a very low price. It's amazing."

"If this great **** can help me choose a piece of jade, it will definitely make a lot of money, but he probably won't have time to talk to me."

"It's okay. Let's see which stones he picked first, and when he has finished picking them, let's see if we can find an opportunity to let him help and show us.

Of course, Zhou Dong had heard the discussion of the people behind him, but he didn't spend too much attention on them, but glanced at the stones intently.

Using his perspective skills, Zhou Dong had already seen almost all the stones in the Jade Factory, and in the end he just shook his head in disappointment.

"It seems that this largest jade factory just sounds great on the surface. There is nothing in it. The jade in these rough jade stones is not very good, and there is nothing worth buying."

Although there were a few decent consciousnesses in these things, Zhou Dong didn't catch his eye, and in the end he just shook his head, and then he was about to turn and leave.

Although you have the perspective skills, you can't use too much every day. If you use more than the limit, it will damage your body.

Zhou Dong didn't want to waste more time here, so he turned around and left indifferently.

But his departure made the businessmen who were choosing jade inside panicked. Seeing his performance like this, a strong doubt arose in their hearts, and then they started talking lively below.

"What's the matter? This great **** seems to suddenly become very unhappy, is it because there is no good thing in it?"

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