Layman System

Chapter 1362: Personally

"It looks like this is the case, otherwise, why didn't the great **** even pick a stone? It must be that they have nothing good in it, huh, the current merchants are so black-hearted."

"Fortunately, I was fortunate enough to meet the great **** today. Otherwise, we would have been deceived this time. There is not a good thing in so many stones. If you buy it at a high price, wouldn't it be yourself?"

A group of people stared at Zhou Dong. They were disappointed when they saw him leaving the jade factory. They all felt disgusted with the jade factory, and at the same time they cast contempt for the new person in charge.

Seeing Zhou Dong's performance, the new person in charge naturally felt very confused in his heart. Pi Dian Pi Dian followed and ran behind Zhou Dong.

"Mr. Zhou, what's the matter with you? Don't you want to see it?"

Zhou Dong didn't even turn his head, but said indifferently: "I don't look at it, I am going back now."

Those businessmen who were choosing jade, saw that Zhou Dong had left, guessing that there was nothing good here, and they walked past the boss indifferently, and from time to time they gave him a roll of eyes, which made the boss even more puzzled. .

"Hey, such a big jade factory doesn't even have a good thing. It seems that their place is just empty and famous, and they can't find any good things at all. It doesn't make sense for us to keep it here, hurry up Leave, save time wasting here."

Several people whispered angrily on this side, and then left the factory together.

Less than an hour after Zhou Dong left, there were no more people left in his factory, which made the new person in charge very anxious.

Facing this kind of depression, the person in charge has already sweated on his head.

"What can I do? The above has just appointed me as the new person in charge. Now that it has just opened, this kind of situation has emerged for the people. If the above knows what it will do to me without specifying it, maybe I They will be fired immediately."

A particularly anxious expression appeared on the face of the person in charge, and immediately asked a few of his subordinates to help take care of the factory here, and he planned to visit Zhou Dong himself.

After Zhou Dong came back from the jade factory, he took a break in his home, preparing to think about the next action, but within a few minutes of sitting down, he heard a knock on the door outside.

Frowning slightly, the man got up from left to right and walked over from the stool. He saw in the cat's eyes that the new person in charge of the jade factory outside, and opened the door.

As soon as the new person in charge saw Zhou Dong, a particularly flattering smile appeared on his face, and he spoke politely.

"Mr. Zhou, you just walked around from our jade factory, why did you leave so quickly? There are not many people in my place now. They seem to admire you very much now, as long as you are not there. , They are unwilling to stay."

Zhou Dong understood what the new person in charge was doing with him, but he felt very helpless in his heart.

"There's no way. I can't stay in that factory forever. I can't control their behavior. I think maybe you have to think of a way to keep them."

The person in charge showed a helpless expression again, and his tone was full of pleading.

"Oh, Mr. Zhou, I don’t know if you are a **** in this art circle. As long as you don’t match things, they will definitely not want it. You will stay in my place for a while, let Those customers should stay a little longer and take care of my business. After all, it is not easy for me."

Zhou Dong also looked up at the person in charge at this time, and felt that what he said was indeed very pitiful, but there was nothing good in the river and it was just a waste of time, so he just turned his head indifferently.

However, he still expressed his dissatisfaction in a very subtle way: "Boss, in fact, you are also in business. You should understand this truth. As long as there are good things in your factory, those customers will not stop. If there is no good jade, even if I go, I am afraid it will not have any good results."

The boss' eyes rolled around, and he immediately understood what Zhou Dong was saying, and suddenly there was an expression of chaos on his face.

"It turns out that Mr. Zhou said this, it doesn't matter. The first batch of jade you saw just now, the second batch and the third batch, we will definitely have more good materials shipped in. Please go to the hot spot at some time. We will get new materials in two days and we will inform you. Can you please go there again?"

The person in charge's eyeballs have been fixed on Zhou Dong's face, and he is particularly looking forward to his ability to agree to his request, but Zhou Dong's brows are slightly frowned, as if he is still reluctant.

"Boss, I think you also know that I am very busy with my own business. I can’t run to your place every day. I have been there once today, but you don’t have any good things there. Who can guarantee that there will be in the next stone? There is no good thing. You can't waste my time like this."

Seeing that Zhou Dong was still reluctant to take care of the business there, the person in charge also showed a helpless expression. After all, he had almost broken his lips, but Zhou Dong just refused to agree and could only think of Tiangong. organization.

"Well, in that case, I have to call the person in charge of the Tiangong organization. After all, this person obeys their orders, maybe they will speak better when they come out."

After the person in charge drove out of Zhou Dong's home, he directly called the Tiangong organization and reported the situation here.

After the Tiangong organization heard the news, it naturally felt very surprised, and soon put the call on Zhou Dong's mobile phone.

Zhou Dong had just sent the person in charge away, and I received a call from Tiangong again, and he felt very upset, but after all he asked for the Tiangong organization, so he was connected quickly.

"Just now the person in charge of the jade factory has called us and said that you don't want to go to the factory. This is not possible. We have done this kind of business originally. You need to make a few more trips, and they will have better next Send it over when you arrive, so you can check it out again."

The tone of the Tiangong organization was beyond doubt, and Zhou Dong couldn't refute it. After all, he still wanted them to help find someone, so he had to agree.

"Well, then, I'll go there to take a look now." Facing pressure from the Tiangong organization, Zhou Dong was not easy to refuse.

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