Layman System

Chapter 1363: Lost the phone

Although reluctant in his heart, Zhou Dong reluctantly drove the car on the road.

The road was boring, and Zhou Dong's thoughts were wandering loosely. Suddenly a picture flashed in his mind, which made Zhou Dong lift up his spirits at once.

The last time I met with Yu Xiaoxiao, the woman seemed to be hesitant to talk, and she seemed to know something.

Zhou Dong suddenly remembered the last time, if it wasn't because he remembered to leave, I'm afraid Yu Xiaoxiao still had something to tell herself.

Thinking of this, Zhou Dong held the steering wheel in one hand, took out his cell phone from his pocket with the other, and dialed Yu Xiaoxiao's number.

But there was always a familiar voice that said that the other party's mobile phone could not be connected.

Zhou Dong frowned, and said to himself: "Okay, this woman is really busy with business right now. Since she has acted as an agent for the old injection, she can't even get through the phone. It seems that business is going well. Not bad."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Dong put the matter aside and ignored Yu Xiaoxiao.

Yu Xiaoxiao had already arrived in China at this time, but she was sitting in the room anxiously searching for her bags and boxes, but in the end she found nothing, sitting on a stool alone, very upset in her heart.

"Oh my god, my phone was still in my bag just now. Could it be stolen while walking on the road? What can I do with this?"

The expression on Yu Xiaoxiao's face is very anxious. The phone contains the contact information of all her relatives, friends and important customers, but now she has lost it. This makes her anxious like an ant on a hot pot. Can't help it.

"Oh, this mistake I made is really too big. Now there is no contact information for one person, and the last time I said about Zhou Dong, I seem to have met those people, and now I can’t help it. It’s really anxious to contact him."

Yu Xiaoxiao walked around the house anxiously, and her whole person seemed to be about to explode, but in the end she calmed down and felt that she should go to the business hall to reapply for a card.

"Forget it, my most important task now is to quickly get the contact information on the card, otherwise it will definitely delay big things." Yu Xiaoxiao finally calmed her mood, and then hurriedly drove the car to the business. hall.

After applying for a calling card as quickly as possible, Yu Xiaoxiao went straight to a cell phone store next to him and bought a cell phone, and then was anxious to make a call to Zhou Dong.

After inserting the phone card into the card slot, Yu Xiaoxiao quickly turned on the phone.

But after searching in the address book for a long time, he didn't find Zhou Dong's contact information. At this moment, Yu Xiaoxiao suddenly patted her head.

"My god, it seems that I saved Zhou Dong's contact information in my mobile phone last time. I didn't store it on my phone card. This is the end of the game. Now that I lose his number, I can't make a call."

In desperation, Yu Xiaoxiao almost wanted to slap herself a few times.

"Hey, how could I make such a low-level mistake? How could that kind of contact information be stored in the phone? I'm afraid I can't find anyone now."

There was no other way, Yu Xiaoxiao could only put this matter aside in the end.

Suddenly, there was a resisting grunt from her stomach, Yu Xiaoxiao not only swallowed, and then patrolled the places where he could eat.

There were a few restaurants just across the street. Yu Xiaoxiao walked directly into one of them, raised a few dishes and a plate of rice, and ate there.

But because there are many things in mind, Yu Xiaoxiao's meal is not fragrant. During the whole process, she always recalled the scenes Zhou Dong described to her at that time.

"The three people I saw last time with Zhou Jin should be the ones Zhou Dong said, one woman and two men. They are almost the same as what he said. Although I have not met his wife, according to his The description should be inseparable."

As Yu Xiaoxiao thought, she barely knew what she had eaten while holding the rice in her mouth.

"Oh, now this situation really makes my head worse. I don’t have Zhou Dong’s contact information, and I can’t tell him what I know. He seemed to be very anxious that day. Forget it, I’m now I'd better finish my business as soon as possible, and then look for him again."

Yu Xiaoxiao made such a decision, and then started to deal with his business without stopping.

Zhou Dong didn't know the situation on Yu Xiaoxiao's side, let alone that this woman had met Li Li and Xiaodong and they were still searching for news about them with the people organized by Tiangong.

However, although Zhou Dong was worried about Li Li and the others, he still had a very important task on him, which was to help the people of the Tiangong organization to find good jade, so he would visit the new jade factory from time to time and take care of it by the way. Their business.

The search here has been going on, but Li Li and Xiaodong almost seem to have disappeared suddenly. They can't find their shadows at all, and even no clues are found. Zhou Dong's heart is even more anxious. .

At this time, Yu Xiaoxiao was dealing with her own business affairs, while preparing to find an opportunity to visit those temporary factories that Zhou Dong often visited.

That morning, Yu Xiaoxiao had breakfast early, and drove directly to a jade factory that Zhou Dong used to visit.

After walking inside for a long time, Yu Xiaoxiao did not realize that Lanzhou was feeling disappointed. When he was about to leave from there, he suddenly saw another familiar person, and his eyes immediately lit up.

It turns out that the local tyrant often came to the jade factory to look for jade during this period of time. It happened that he ran into Yu Xiaoxiao here, and naturally felt quite surprised.

"What's the matter? Miss Yu Xiaoxiao, are you interested in jade again now? Are you ready to buy some?" The local tyrant hurried up to say hello to Yu Xiaoxiao.

But Yu Xiaoxiao's mind was not on the top, but anxiously asked the local tyrant: "Have you been with Zhou Dong recently? Where is he now? I have an urgent need to find him."

There was a surprised expression in the eyes of the local tyrant. He didn't understand the relationship between Zhou Dong and Yu Xiaoxiao. He only felt that Yu Xiaoxiao seemed to have made some new progress with Zhou Dong, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

But these thoughts can only be pondered secretly in my heart. The local tyrant did not reveal it too clearly, but calmly told Yu Xiaoxiao: "He went to the new jade factory some time ago, and he hasn't come back yet."

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