Layman System

Chapter 1364: A car accident

"He hasn't come back yet? Well, I know, thank you for the news." As soon as Yu Xiaoxiao got the news, she immediately asked the local tyrant about the location of the new jade factory, and then hurriedly prepared let's go.

After buying the earliest flight ticket, Yu Xiaoxiao hurriedly boarded the plane, and soon landed at the US airport.

Holding the address given by the local tyrant in his hand, Yu Xiaoxiao stopped a taxi on the road and hurried to the new jade factory.

"Master driver, can I trouble you to drive faster? I have an urgent matter to see my friend, thank you." Yu Xiaoxiao sat in the back parking space and urged the driver in front.

Unexpectedly, when the driver was about to accelerate, a big truck suddenly rushed over in front of them without warning, and rushed in their direction.

The driver and Yu Xiaoxiao both saw this scene at the same time, their eyes widened in fright, the nerves in their whole body were also tense, and the whole head was blank.

However, the driver's reaction was a little quicker. He had turned the steering wheel in his hand and deflected the car away from the direction the truck rushed, but the final result was still not optimistic.

Yu Xiaoxiao only felt an excitement coming and the car received a strong shock, and then his whole person almost flew in the car, knocked heavily on the inner wall of the car, and his head was groggy. I lost consciousness.

There seemed to be some accident with that truck. After rushing forward on the road for a while, it hit the railing on the side of the road and sent a huge explosion.

Several cars in the back also suffered, some of which were hit.

This incident immediately shocked the local news and newspapers. Many reporters rushed to the scene immediately and made urgent reports on the accident.

Zhou Dong had just rushed back from the jade factory, was sitting at home and resting, and turned on the TV in the living room.

At this time, a piece of news was being broadcast on the screen. When Zhou Dong was about to change the channel, he suddenly found that the person lying on the ground in the camera looked particularly like Yu Xiaoxiao, and he immediately became energetic and stared at the characters above.

There was a foreign female reporter on TV, reporting the accident to everyone with a sad heart, but Zhou Dong's attention was not on the reporter at all, but kept watching the seriously injured woman behind.

After waiting for a long time, the scene finally got closer, and it was shining on Yu Xiaoxiao's face. Zhou Dong was even more shocked by the New Deal. His eyes were staring like copper bells, almost falling to the ground.

"Isn't it Yu Xiaoxiao, she actually had a car accident!" Zhou Dong jumped up from the sofa all of a sudden, as if he couldn't believe what was reported in the news, but the facts were already in front of him.

When I finally calmed down, I hurriedly contacted the reporter of the news and hurried to the hospital where Yu Xiaoxiao was.

Yu Xiaoxiao was quickly sent to the emergency room of the hospital for emergency treatment. When Zhou Dong arrived, she saw that she was still in a coma with various tubes all over her body.

A doctor walked in and just saw Zhou Dong coming to visit, he hurriedly asked: "Are you the patient's family member? The patient needs an operation now. I hope you can sign on it. If the family member agrees, we It cannot be treated for her."

Zhou Dong didn't think too much, he signed his contact information directly on it, and then watched several nurses push Yu Xiaoxiao's bed into the operating room, feeling very complicated.

While waiting outside, Zhou Dong suddenly received a call from the Tiangong organization.

"Mr. Zhou, your wife and those two friends already have news, but this news may be a bit unexpected, so you need to be mentally prepared first."

Hearing what the Tiangong organization said, Zhou Dong's expression immediately darkened, and he had vaguely felt that something must have happened in this matter.

The people from the Tiangong organization seemed to hesitate for a while, and then went on directly: "We found that your wife and those two brothers had been to a hotel, but now that hotel has been burned down, and some of them I was burned inside."

Upon hearing this news, Zhou Dong's whole person was like a discouraged ball. The phone in his hand was almost a bit unstable, and he couldn't believe the fact that he heard it.

"Impossible, you must be mistaken, how could they die?" Zhou Dong was unwilling to accept such an ending, and the whole person seemed to be about to collapse.

Hearing Zhou Dong's heart-piercing voice over there, the people of the Tiangong organization also sighed helplessly.

"Mr. Zhou, we understand your current mood very well. You have lost several relatives. This kind of shock is not something ordinary people can bear, but after all, people are dead. You need to accept this fact, and we don't want to see such a thing. If it happens, adjust yourself first."

For this kind of thing, other people have no choice but to rely on Zhou Dong to tide over the difficulties.

But Zhou Dong didn't want to believe such a thing at all, and rushed to the hotel soon.

As soon as he arrived in front of this hotel, Zhou Dong saw a large area of ​​scorched ruins in his sight. The walls were ruined and looked particularly depressed, with almost nothing left.

Zhou Dong's eyes were dull, looking at this miserable sight, there was almost nothing left in his mind now, just staring at the scene in front of him blankly.

"Impossible, I don't believe that they just died like this, absolutely impossible!" Zhou Dong's eyes were already bloodshot. After searching for so long, he actually got news that several people have left the world, and now He could hardly find the body, which made him totally unacceptable.

Zhou Dong rushed into his car again and headed towards the hospital again.

But when he arrived at the hospital, the doctor told Zhou Dong: "The bodies of the people inside have been charred, and the ashes are not available. Almost none of them can be rescued. You should change your grief."

Zhou Dong stood there for a long time, unable to get anything, and naturally unable to complete the task of the system, but now his whole person has fallen into a deep sorrow.

Sitting on a chair in the corridor outside, Zhou Dong suddenly felt that the whole world seemed to have no meaning to him.

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