Layman System

Chapter 1365: People wake up

Just when he was so overwhelmed, Zhou Dong's cell phone rang again, a strange phone number.

Although Zhou Dong was still in a bad mood, he still connected the phone, and a doctor's voice came from inside.

"Is it Miss Yu Xiaoxiao's family member? Now that she is awake, you can come and see her in the ward as soon as possible."

When Zhou Dong heard the news, he felt a burst of excitement in his heart. He hurriedly got up from his chair and rushed directly to Yu Xiaoxiao.

After a period of nervous rescue, Yu Xiaoxiao's consciousness has recovered, and it seems that the state is still good.

When Zhou Dong rushed to the ward, he saw that Yu Xiaoxiao was talking with a medical staff, and there was no sign of sadness.

Feeling a little surprised in his heart, Zhou Dong looked at the woman with a curious look, and then gently walked to the side of her hospital bed.

Yu Xiaoxiao also saw the difficulty at this time, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, as if she was grateful for his care for herself.

"Thank you for leaving your contact information in the medical record just now, so I can find you so quickly now."

Zhou Dong just smiled slightly: "Don't worry about this matter. I didn't know your father's contact information just now, but you are in a hurry for the operation, so you can only keep your own. Don't be surprised. Just fine."

I thought that this woman would cry to herself and talk about the tragic things that happened to him in the car accident, but I didn’t expect that the expression on Yu Xiaoxiao’s face was very calm, and she started to talk to Zhou Dong directly. Things.

Zhou Dong was also very surprised by Yu Xiaoxiao's performance, and there was another light of doubt in his eyes.

"Zhou Dong, the last time I heard that your wife and two friends were missing, I went back and thought for a long time, and found that they had appeared at Zhou Jin’s house before, but then I lost my mobile phone and I couldn’t get in touch with you. Now I finally have a chance to meet you. I want to tell you this news as soon as possible so that you don’t worry."

Upon hearing this news, Zhou Dong's heart burst into shock, staring straight at the woman in front of him, as if he didn't know which party to believe the news.

"Is it true? A few of them actually showed up with Zhou Jin? When did that happen?" Zhou Dong's tone was very anxious, and the expression on his face looked particularly alarmed, with one hand already tight. Grasping Yu Xiaoxiao's hand tightly, pinching her painfully.

When Yu Xiaoxiao saw Zhou Dong's nervousness, she felt a little surprised, but there was a sharp pain in her wrist, and she couldn't help but let out a weird grin.

Zhou Dong only then realized that he had just grabbed Yu Xiaoxiao too tightly, making her a little uncomfortable, so he hurriedly apologized.

"I'm really sorry. I hurt you a little bit just now. It's because I was too shocked in my heart, so there are some behaviors that didn't take into account my own. You still don't take it into my heart. I apologize to you."

Yu Xiaoxiao didn't mean to blame Zhou Dong. He still understood why he had such a reaction, and hurriedly told him to be polite.

"You don't have to worry about me. I have nothing to do. I also know that you have lost your wife and friends. I am very anxious. But when I saw them a few days ago, I went to Zhou Jin's house. As for where they are now, I am a bit unsure."

However, Zhou Dong raised the question in his mind at this time: "But I just received a message that Li Li and the others have died in a hotel, and a serious fire broke out in that hotel."

"I've been to the scene to see it. Almost everything inside is charred, and the walls are also black. I think if a few of them squatted inside, they might be dead now."

Hearing what Zhou Dong said, Yu Xiaoxiao's brows also sat up, not quite sure about this matter.

"Then I don't know. Last time, based on your description, I remembered that those three people had appeared with Zhou Jin. I didn't know what happened afterwards."

At this time, Yu Xiaoxiao also fell into a wave of doubts, feeling that this matter was a bit complicated.

Zhou Dong suddenly raised his head at this time: "It's okay. Thank you for the clue you provided me. There is still a glimmer of new hope. I will go to Zhou Jin to have a look. Maybe they are still there. He stayed there, that would be the best."

With a glimmer of hope in his heart, Zhou Dong ran directly to Zhou Jin's original villa.

But when he rushed to the door of the villa, he found that the guard who was standing at the door had disappeared, and the door outside was tightly locked, and the courtyard inside was quiet, there was no sound, not even a single figure was visible.

Zhou Dong felt puzzled in his heart, and hurriedly walked around the outside of the villa, watching the situation inside intently, but from a distance he saw that the door of the room inside was also closed, as if there was no one.

"It's weird. Isn't Zhou Jin not living here anymore?" Zhou Dong frowned, planning to jump inside to take a look.

Walking around to a small garden behind the villa, Zhou Dong turned directly in from above, ran to Zhou Jin's house and found that there was no one inside, and finally confirmed that he had moved away from the place.

With a helpless sigh, Zhou Dong came out of the villa inside and rushed to the hospital again.

Yu Xiaoxiao had just finished the infusion at this time, and the nurse pulled out the needle in her hand, and saw that Zhou Dong had walked from inside, and the emotions on her face were a bit wrong.

"You are back, I just have a message to tell you. Just now Zhou Jin sent me a new address, saying that he has moved there now. You should have not found anyone in his house, right?"

Yu Xiaoxiao hurriedly picked up her cell phone from the pillow, opened it to Zhou Dong, and showed a new address on it.

Zhou Dong had already frowned at this time, thinking inwardly: "This **** must be hiding from me on purpose. If I go out to his new book again and he finds any clues, he will definitely be more defensive. , Now I need to find someone who won't make Zhou Jin confused."

Looking up at Yu Xiaoxiao, Zhou Dong told him how he went to Zhou Jin's place today.

"When I rushed to his residence today, I found that the building was empty. Obviously he was very defensive. I didn't get any useful news this time."

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