Layman System

Chapter 1370: Play beauty

Early the next morning, Yu Xiaoxiao inquired about the competitor, and when he learned that he often went to a bar in the center of the street to drink, a particularly sinister smile appeared on his face.

"Haha, as long as I catch the places you often go to, I will definitely be able to clean up you with a beauty plan!"

While talking, Yu Xiaoxiao picked out a particularly **** suspender dress from the closet, and put it on her body, revealing her slim figure.

With a round pearl necklace around her neck, black stilettos on her feet, and a popular bag slung in her hands, Yu Xiaoxiao turned around in front of the mirror several times, very satisfied with her dress, and also with her. The youthful and beautiful body is full of confidence and arrogance.

With a spring breeze coming to the bar that the other party often goes to, Yu Xiaoxiao found a seat by the window, and then called her friend.

About ten minutes later, a thin and tall young man appeared in the bar. He was wearing a well-fitting suit with a gentle smile on his face, which made people feel particularly warm.

Yu Xiaoxiao hurriedly waved at that person, and then watched the warm man walk in front of him, and then probably explained to him what he was going to do next.

"Hey, I know that you are a very professional hypnotist. The next thing is mainly to be solved by you. You will hypnotize someone for a while."

A very puzzled expression appeared on the hypnotist's face again: "Why do you want to do this, and what kind of hypnotism do I need to do with him?"

Yu Xiaoxiao also noticed the doubts in this friend's heart, and hurriedly told him about the matter.

"It's like this. A friend of mine is bidding with this person, but the other party seems to be particularly ignorant. He has to keep raising the price, so my friend can't continue to participate in the bid now, so I think Let you hypnotize him and let him bid a very low price in the next bidding, and you can’t increase it.”

The hypnotist nodded suddenly and a little smile appeared on his face.

"No problem, this kind of thing is just a piece of cake for me, then you just tell me your goal, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory result."

As for his professional skills, the hypnotist is naturally very confident, and readily agreed to Yu Xiaoxiao's request.

"Wait a while, that person hasn't appeared yet, but I need to meet him first, so that he is defenseless against me, and you can go out again."

Just as the two people were talking, the competitor surnamed Liu walked into this bar as usual, found a place to sit down, and ordered a large glass of beer for the bar, ready to enjoy the beautiful evening.

Yu Xiaoxiao hurriedly took out a small mirror from her bag to touch up makeup on her face, then adjusted her mood and pretended to sit down next to that person either intentionally or unintentionally.

The person surnamed Liu just took a sip of beer and suddenly smelled a very fragrant smell. Turning his head and looking around, he saw a very beautiful girl sitting next to him, with a smile on her face, to Yu Xiaoxiao. very interested.

Although Yu Xiaoxiao sat motionless, the corner of her eyes was filled with the competitor's reaction. Seeing that he seemed to have been looking to her side, she was secretly proud, and then deliberately or unintentionally leaned towards him. by.

The competitor surnamed Liu saw that the girl was slender and seemed to be very lonely, so he gave birth to the intention to strike up a beautiful woman and leaned towards her.

"Beauty, it's so late, why are you drinking here alone? Did you break up with your boyfriend?" A wretched smile appeared on the man's face.

When Yu Xiaoxiao saw his performance, she felt a little disgusted in her heart, but in order to continue the trick, she could only barely put a smile on her face, sighed slightly, and the expression on her face seemed particularly sad.

"Oh! Who would have thought that the two of us were still in this bar yesterday, but the **** man dumped me today. It's really unlucky. The old lady has such a beautiful face and such a **** figure. Don't you want it? That blind man can't see the benefits of my old lady!"

At this time, Yu Xiaoxiao had an angry expression on her face, as if she had just dumped it for a man.

Seeing her performance, the other party felt even more proud: "It seems that this woman was really dumped by her boyfriend. Don't I have a chance next?"

The man thought wretchedly, and then quietly approached Yu Xiaoxiao, a hand already quietly touching Yu Xiaoxiao's slender waist.

Yu Xiaoxiao's eyeballs turned and spun, naturally he had noticed the man's actions, but he did not show how strong resistance, but frowned slightly.

"This handsome guy, why are you staying here alone so late? Don't you go back to accompany your family?" Yu Xiaoxiao also deliberately moved towards there.

The competitor is already a lot of age, and now he is suddenly called a handsome guy, he is naturally uncomfortable, and a very happy smile has appeared on his face.

"Haha, I don't have any family members. Since the beauty is in a bad mood tonight, can I be with you here? Let's talk and chat. If we want to develop further, we can also exchange contact information or something."

Yu Xiaoxiao naturally knew this person's next routine, sneered in her heart, and then interrupted him.

"Handsome guy, I just want to find someone to chat tonight. If you have time, let's have a good chat. As for the contact information? I think I will be familiar with it and talk again. Anyway, I often come here. At the bar, if you come often, you will see me every day."

While talking, Yu Xiaoxiao cast a wink at the other party, fascinated him all round.

Seeing that her beauty plan had almost begun to work, Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes rolled, and she was ready to proceed.

Pretending to look back unintentionally, Yu Xiaoxiao took the man's arm and pointed to the hypnotist and said, "Look at that person drinking alone there too. Why don't we make a table with him in the past? Isn't it more lively? Will you accompany me?"

The other party did not know that the person knew Yu Xiaoxiao, nor did he know that the other party was a hypnotist, so he happily agreed to her request and followed her to the hypnotist.

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