Layman System

Chapter 1371: Successful hypnosis

Since Yu Xiaoxiao had accepted Yu Xiaoxiao's request in advance, she pretended not to know the two people, and sat there drinking beer with a calm face.

"Handsome guy, I think you are very lonely tonight. We just want to find someone to chat, can we sit opposite you?" Yu Xiaoxiao has a sweet smile on her face, and the hypnotist naturally did not refuse , But gave them a big smile.

"No problem, please sit down, as long as it is a friend who can chat, I welcome it."

Yu Xiaoxiao took the competitor and sat down in front of the hypnotist, then opened the chatterbox, talked endlessly, and had a very happy chat.

Competitors have been coveting Yu Xiaoxiao's beauty, so they all agree with her, nodding his head vigorously, and at the same time constantly looking at her chest, watching her charming career line.

Yu Xiaoxiao naturally noticed that the other party's wretched eyes didn't care too much, but winked at the opposite hypnotist, indicating that he could start.

Tianjin City took the suggestion from Yu Xiaoxiao, and then began to chat with his competitors, constantly using his professional skills to talk to him. In the end, the competitors also wanted to treat the hypnotist as a familiar friend. What happened to me this time.

Especially when someone talked about competing agency prices, Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes were already lit up, and the hypnotist knew it was time to use his own methods.

Now the competitor's consciousness is a little confused, and he has been following the hypnotist's routine, but he himself has not noticed it at all.

When I saw the hypnotist, I swiped lightly in front of the competitor, and then said to him in a particularly deep and infectious voice: "In the next bidding, you will have a very low price. The price, and has kept this price unchanged, I don’t want to use more price to win the agency rights, because it is not worth it."

Yu Xiaoxiao did not often see this kind of scene. At this time, he was a little fascinated, staring blankly at the performance of his competitors, and found that his eyes were a little sluggish, as if he was being led by the nose by a hypnotist. .

After a period of hypnosis, the competitor has completely fallen into the other's hypnosis, but they are completely unaware of it.

The hypnotist finally confirmed that this person had entered his hypnosis, he took a breath, then looked up at Yu Xiaoxiao, indicating that her hypnosis was over.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Yu Xiaoxiao's mouth, and then continued to pretend to be nonchalantly chatting with his competitor surnamed Liu, coaxing him around, and then feeding him a lot of alcohol to make him drunk.

It wasn't until it was late that Yu Xiaoxiao stood up from the bar, looked at the competitor who had been drunk lying on the table, and then left there to coach with his friends, with a triumphant smile.

Back home, Yu Xiaoxiao quickly sent Zhou Dong a message.

"I have completed my own task, and then you can rest assured to bid, he will not hold on to the price this time, trust me."

When Zhou Dong woke up the next morning, when he saw the news from Yu Xiaoxiao, he still had a trace of doubt in his heart, but thinking of Yu Xiaoxiao's vows, Zhou Dong did not continue to ask more, but asked Ouyang Feng rest assured to participate in the next competition.

It just so happened that Zhou Jin also sent a message to Ouyang Feng and each of them on this day, asking them to meet in the old place and continue their unfinished bidding activities last time.

Ouyang Feng had communicated with Zhou Dong a long time ago, so he didn't have too many worries in his heart, but headed towards the hotel with confidence.

When they arrived at the place, the two people were already sitting there waiting for him. Ouyang Feng deliberately took a look at the competitor surnamed Liu, and found that he was no different from the last time, and his heart could not help but secretly rise. doubt.

However, he still trusted Zhou Dong's words very much, so he relaxed a little more, and directly uploaded it to the one opposite, and heard Zhou Jin speak.

"Since everyone is already familiar with it, I won't say anything more. Today's bidding is the main one. I still have the reserve price of 2 million, and the two will start bidding.

Zhou Jin turned his gaze to the two competitors in front of him, and then sat in the middle position leisurely, waiting for the two to speak.

At this time, Ouyang Feng subconsciously took a look at the competitor sitting opposite, waiting for him to increase the price this time, but after a few seconds, that person didn't seem to want to compete.

Weiwei felt puzzled, and Ouyang Feng finally spoke: "2.1 million!"

As soon as he heard this price, Zhou Jin's brows were already frowning tightly, he was very surprised, and he looked at Ouyang Feng with an unbelievable look.

"This kid's last bid was much higher than this time. After several days of consideration, he has no such enthusiastic interest in agents? This situation is not good."

Zhou Jin had deep doubts in his heart, and then pinned his hopes on the competitor surnamed Liu.

The person surnamed Liu did not seem to be as tenacious as the last time, and in the end he only followed: "2.2 million!"

As soon as this number came out of the man's mouth, Zhou Jin was so surprised that his eyes popped out.

"What's the matter with these two people? The competition was so fierce last time, why are they suddenly reluctant to add more this time? Are the two people colluding?" Zhou Jin was very puzzled.

Observing carefully, the two people sitting across from each other found that they didn't seem to have communicated at all, but the person surnamed Liu was a little weird.

However, Ouyang Feng already understood what was going on in his heart, and he rushed to his heart secretly, but on the surface he pretended that nothing happened, and still sat there calmly.

"It seems that Yu Xiaoxiao's eyelashes are smiling. This person's attitude this time is not as enthusiastic as last time. The next price will definitely not be raised too high. Maybe I can win the agency over there in one fell swoop. ."

Zhou Jin's brows were already frowning deeply, and then he turned to look at Ouyang Feng.

Ouyang Feng saw that the other party did not have a particularly strong desire to bid, so he lowered the price and said, "2.3 million!"

Zhou Jin could no longer calmly continue sitting in the chair at this time, and the doubt in his heart became stronger and stronger.

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